However, when I think about the money I lost, I feel sad.

A total of more than 8 billion, how much does it cost!

This capital, no matter which city it is invested in, can buy a piece of land and build several buildings!

Even if the Zhao family is very wealthy, more than 8 billion is not a small amount!

As a result, he was killed like this!

When I thought that after this crisis, Lin Beifan not only did not lose money, but actually made a huge profit, my heart ached even more.

1.2 million lots, nearly 7 billion in funds, almost doubled!

One lost more than 8 billion, and the other made more than 7 billion!

It’s like using your own money to replenish the other party!

And in the next few days, the other party may make billions!

The more the Dragon King thought about it, the more angry he became!

I could only comfort myself with a tough mouth:"Lin Beifan, it's not that I can't do it, it's that God is not on my side, so you escaped! But next time, I will never give you this chance again!"

After thinking about it, he called Said:"Come here!"

"Dragon King, what are your orders?"The man in black asked respectfully.

"Ask me about Angkor, how much does Lin Beifan earn?"

Although he doesn't want to hear about Lin Beifan making money, Lin Beifan is his enemy after all, and he still needs to keep abreast of the latest developments.

"Yes, Dragon King!"The man in black responded.

Soon after, he received a message from Angkor

"Lin Beifan has been persuaded by me to close all his short positions and do the opposite, buying soybean futures!"

"Lin Beifan actually closed all his short positions and then changed his hands to go long? Ha ha! Did this guy swell after making a little money? Think you can do whatever you want?"Dragon King Zhao Tian jumped up excitedly.

In his heart, Lin Beifan made a bad move.

When the market is generally bearish, he should take advantage of the victory and continue to short soybeans, chase the rise and kill the fall, and expand his profits.

But you actually He closed his short position and went long backhand. He simply didn't know how to write the word"death".

He thought again that his order was taken just now.

I'm afraid only Lin Beifan has this ability.

"He actually went long at this time? snort!"Dragon King Zhao Tian is active again.

Now, with the exposure of the soybean contract between the two countries, soybean prices will inevitably continue to fall.

After falling for several days, the price will stop after being cut in half. Now there is still a lot of profit margin.

He can Take the opportunity to return a wave of blood and attack Lin Beifan.

"Someone is coming!"

"Dragon King, what are your orders?"

"Short me soybean futures!"Dragon King Zhao Tiandao said

"Yes, Dragon King!"

So, the Dragon King's funds entered the market again. The price was 400,000 lots, which brought down the price of soybeans.

Lin's Investment Company Trading Room.

Lin Beifan looked at Angkor who had just returned and said with a smile:"Brother Wu , where did you go just now? Angkor

's expression was as usual:"Ahem, I was so nervous just now that I couldn't help but go to the toilet!" He came to the computer, looked at Lin Beifan and asked:"Mr. Lin, should we continue to do long soybeans now?"

Lin Beifan said with a smile:"Of course!" After listening to your analysis just now, I think it makes perfect sense! Now is the time to buy at a low price, so buy as much as you have!

Angkor's eyes shone brightly:"Mr. Lin, let me help you!""

"Brother Wu, you are so positive, you are worthy of being my favorite! Lin Beifan pressed Angkor's shoulders and asked him to sit in front of the computer:"Come on, start your performance!""

"Mr. Lin, just wait and see, I will never let you down!" Angkor rubbed his hands excitedly and said ambitiously.

Next, it was indeed Angkor's performance time.

He transformed into a tentacle monster, and his hands operated quickly and flexibly on the keyboard and mouse.

No matter how many shorts were thrown by the market, they were all He caught it steadily and never fell below the lower limit!

One man is in charge, and ten thousand men can't open it!

He showed extraordinary operating skills!

Lin Beifan had to be amazed:"Brother Lin, you really have a talent in this area! I have only learned it for less than three days, but I am already so flexible and proficient in operation. Many experienced traders cannot compare to you! One word, absolutely!"

"Everything was taught well by Mr. Lin!"

Brother Angkor was very excited. He kept working with his hands for fear of missing an order.

At the same time, he said viciously in his heart.

"Come on, call them all!"

"No matter how many come, I will catch them all by myself!"

"The more orders he takes now, the more Lin Beifan will lose!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In this way, in less than a moment, Lin Beifan's short position had reached 800,000 lots.

"Mr. Lin, it’s already 800,000, do you still want to continue?"

"Of course continue!"

After a while

"Mr. Lin, it’s already 1 million, do you still want to continue?"

"Keep going, don't stop!"

After a while,

"Mr. Lin, it’s already 1.2 million!"

"Keep going!"


Lin Beifan almost single-handedly challenged the entire market.

In the end, almost 10 billion was spent to withstand all the short-seller attacks and attract all the orders.

Angkor was very happy:"10 billion, let's see if I can't lose you to death!"

Lin Beifan was also very happy:"10 billion, I'm going to make a lot of money!" The two looked at each other knowingly and couldn't help laughing.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work just now!"

"Mr. Lin, this is what I should do!"

Both of them laughed very happily, innocently and innocently.

On the other side, Dragon King Zhao Tian also laughed very happily.

Just now, he spent more than 3 billion in funds and shorted 600,000 lots of soybeans.

No need to ask. No matter how much you earn, I just want to add some pressure to Lin Beifan.

He held a glass of champagne in his hand and slowly tasted it:"Now that the policies have been released, soybean prices are bound to fall, how dare you go long against the trend? This time, I will definitely win, haha!"

Everyone who engages in finance must follow the policy.

No one has ever made money by going against the policy!

So he believes that he will definitely win this time!

"Congratulations to the Dragon King, congratulations to the Dragon King!"The people in black congratulated in unison.

Dragon King Zhao Tian was very happy, and the corners of his mouth curved at 45 degrees:"Take out the 1982 champagne that I have collected. I want to celebrate this rare moment of victory with everyone!"

"Thank you Dragon King!"The men in black said in unison.

However, at this moment, a pop-up window was inserted on the big screen, which was broadcasting a news.

It came from the Ministry of Agriculture.

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