"Dazai-kun, please teach me!"

As his expression changed, Sanada bowed ninety degrees to Osamu Dazai.

His attitude was sincere and he silently waited for a response.

Seeing this, Osamu Dazai did not refuse.

He looked at Sanada lightly and said

"It's not difficult to say it is, but your playing style is not decisive enough."

"More than domineering, but not lethal enough"

"You have been practicing kendo since childhood. You should combine the sharpness of kendo and the domineering character."

"Judging from the current situation in various aspects"

"The most suitable path for you may be to combine with the other highest realm besides selflessness - Asura Shinto."

"So as to find your own true path."

As he said that, Osamu Dazai changed the subject.

"Of course, this is just my personal rough idea."

"You can learn from it, but you don’t need to copy it."

"Everyone’s path actually needs to be understood with their own heart."

"Don't be anxious, stick to your heart, and you will be able to keep the clouds clearing and the moon shine."

Actually, there are some things that Dazai Osamu didn't say very clearly.

For example, the end of Asura Shinto is actually awakening from a tragic defeat and transforming into the supreme king of hell.

This is similar to Sanada's emperor's way of being the only one who is supreme..

It’s just that some words are too clear, but they will cause obstacles.

If Sanada is reminded to this extent, Sanada still cannot be clear and go his own way.

Then Osamu Dazai will not look at such a person again.

Sanada listens Dazai Osamu's words seemed vaguely understood.

It seemed like he had grasped something vaguely, but it still took time to digest.

However, the harvest was not small, which made Sanada extremely grateful.

"Thank you, Taijun!"

Genichiro Sanada expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

Originally, he was confused and panicked about taking a new path.

But now, Osamu Dazai has pointed out a relatively clear way forward for him.

Then, all he needs to do is move forward boldly.!

"If Dazai-kun doesn't mind, let Sanada and I take you around Tatekai University."

To express his gratitude, Yukimura took the initiative to invite.

Of course Dazai Osamu did not refuse and nodded with a smile.

"That's troublesome. I've long wanted to meet the rumored king, Rikkaida."

With that said, Mori Juzaburo led the main candidates to continue training.

Yukimura and Sanada, as hosts, were going to take Dazai Osamu to visit Tatekai University.

But at this moment, a young man wearing club uniforms hurried over

"Yukimura-kun, Sanada-kun, something happened at the club, I hope you can go and help.."

"Um? Hearing this

, Yukimura couldn't help but frown:"Sato, tell me slowly, what happened?""

"Some people come to play in the gym, but most of the people in the club go to training camps."

"None of the people who stayed could beat the boy who came to kick the gym."

The young man named Sato took a deep breath and said repeatedly

"Moreover, they challenged Yukimura-kun and Sanada-kun by name, which caused a lot of trouble."

After saying this, Yukimura couldn't help but look at Dazai Osamu, his expression full of apology.

"Sorry, Dazai-kun, it happened suddenly"

"How about you go shopping by yourself first?"

"When we finish settling the club matters, we will definitely come back to receive you well. Hearing this

, Dazai Osamu became interested:"Actually, I have nothing to do.""

"If you don't mind, I'd also like to go to the club."

"Dazai-kun? Could it be that he is the head of the Holy Night Tennis Club, the Dazai of God?"

Yukimura hadn't spoken yet, Sato was stunned.

"I...you...Hello, I am your fan!"

"If possible, can you take a photo with me?"

"Ah, I was in a hurry to go out and didn’t bring my mobile phone!!"

For a moment, Sato was a little flustered, leaving Sanada and Yukimura speechless.

Brother, you are here to bring in reinforcements.

Does this look like a fan of God's Dazai mean that he has forgotten the life and death of the club?

"It's okay, let's settle your club matters first"

"There was plenty of time to take photos afterwards."

Dazai Osamu smiled, and he was very gentle.

This made the admiration in Sato's eyes even more fanatical.

Without any further delay, Sato took Dazai Osamu, Sanada, and Yukimura and hurried to the Kamakura Club.

The club was far away. Tatekai is not too far away, and you can get there quickly on foot.

Along the way, Dazai Osamu also knew the reason why someone kicked out the gym.

It was because of the"Emperor" Genichiro Sanada and the"Son of God" Seiichi Yukimura.

They The joining of the two has made the Kamakura Club more and more popular.

It has become the only choice for many parents who want to sign up their children to learn tennis.

Of course, the club, which is also a competitor of Kanagawa, cannot stand it.

No, find an opportunity when the senior class is not around , just waiting for an opportunity to kick the club, trying to suppress the Kamakura Club.

At this moment, the Kamakura Club

"so disappointing"

"Kamakura Club is one of the top three clubs in the country, are you guys the only ones?"

"There's no one to fight with, so we might as well close the business."

"Hey, where are your cards, Seiichi Yukimura and Genichiro Sanada?"[]

"Scared? Are you hiding?"

"What a son of God, an emperor, it’s really ridiculous"

"People who have no strength always like to use some lofty titles to make themselves look like they are powerful."

"Let me tell you, everyone here in Kamakura is rubbish!"

Three teenagers with hair colors of various colors kept mocking.

But in such a huge club, no one dared to speak.

Because everyone who spoke was defeated by their tennis skills.

How can you refute this?

"Just wait, when Yukimura and Sanada arrive, we will see if you still dare to be so arrogant."

Kuriyama Chiaki was very angry.

"Huh, why not ask them to come?"

The three young men are extremely arrogant and have no fear at all.

""Coach Kuriyama"

At this moment, Yukimura's voice came in from outside.

This made Chiaki Kuriyama look happy, and she quickly looked out the door.

It didn't matter if she didn't look at it. The sight immediately shocked Chiaki Kuriyama.

What the hell?

Dazai Osamu?

The head of the Holy Night Tennis Club, God’s Dazai?

This is a big shot!

The absolute ceiling in the middle school world of Neon Junior High School, couldn’t he just come to play in the gym?

In that case, it would be really bad.!

Even if you call back the senior club members who went out to train together, they will only be beaten.

"Which of you is the"Son of God" Yukimura? Who is the"Emperor" Genichiro Sanada?"

"Stand up for me!"

"I, alone, am going to beat you all up!"

The leader of the kicking boy spoke unruly.


Yukimura suddenly frowned, and a terrifying aura was suppressed.

At the same time, Sanada, under the guidance of Dazai Osamu, suppressed the domineering aura mixed with the sharpness of the sword.

The two completely different auras were equally powerful.

This made Kikukan The boy's pupils shook violently, and he said repeatedly

"snort! What's the rush?"

"Come one by one, I will beat you all today"


"That's right, starting with you, I'm going to blow up the entire Kamakura Club!"

In panic, the leading boy who kicked the gym looked at Osamu Dazai.

He was frightened by Sanada and Yukimura, but Osamu Dazai's aura looked ordinary.

He was obviously a soft persimmon!


Sanada, Yukimura, and Kamakura Club coach Kuriyama Chiaki all have black question mark faces.

"Do you know who is standing in front of you?"

"Do you dare to challenge him?"

When everyone was shocked, Sato couldn't help but speak.

"Stop talking nonsense, just be afraid!"

"So today, it’s not like we can’t let your Kamakura Club go!"

The leading boy who kicked the gym immediately became excited.

Obviously, he picked a soft persimmon.

Otherwise, why did the faces of Yukimura, Sanada and Kuriyama Chiaki change?

It was obvious that they were scared.

Yes, they were scared. Arrived!.

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