Three days later.

Holy Night Academy, Tennis Center Building.

Osamu Dazai is in the first place, facing the camera.

Next to them are Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori.

And outside the camera, there is a complete luxury interview team.

It’s about Holy Night, it’s about Dazai Osamu, no one dares to neglect it


"Holy Night is a tennis club that was just born this year, and all the main candidates are junior high school students."

"What gives you the confidence to lead a group of first-year students to win the Kanto Competition?"

"He even threatened that the championship of the national competition must also belong to Holy Night?"

This is something Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori have been curious about for a long time.

"Osamu Dazai."

Dazai Osamu nodded lightly and said his name.

For a moment, Inoue Mamoru was extremely shocked.

What an arrogant and domineering statement.

Just because it is you Dazai Osamu.

So even if it is just a newly built tennis club, it is just a group of first-year junior high school students.

Will he definitely be able to win the Kanto Tournament and even the National Championship?

Even Echizen Nanjiro dared to say such arrogant words.

But according to Inoue Mamoru, if it is Osamu Dazai, it is very reasonable.

Looking at Ni There are many amazing geniuses in Rainbow Tennis to this day.

There have been many times when one person suppressed an era.

But including Echizen Nanjiro, they are far inferior to Dazai Osamu.

Whether it is personal talent, leadership, or personal charm , are not as good as.

A strong person can only be a qualified general.

560 But a true leader can lead a group of people to be strong.

Osamu Dazai is such a unique leader!

"So Osamu Dazai is still confident about the next national competition?"

Following the procedure, Inoue Mamoru continued to ask questions.

"There won't be any surprises"

"The champion of the national competition will be decided on our holy night"

"And, not just the national championship"

"What we have to do on Holy Night is to break the decadent rules of neon tennis."

"Capital ranking based on seniority? No!"

"In tennis, strength is the only criterion"

"Since some people don't have the courage, it's up to me to break the rules"

"The neon tennis world should not decline due to decadent rules!"


Those powerful words shocked Inoue Mamoru.

Sure enough, this is Osamu Dazai!

What does the national championship mean?

What he wants to do is to single-handedly change the decadent neon tennis world.

Even the cameramen and staff outside the camera couldn't help but be shocked.

Someone asked with a horrified look, whether this kind of interview clip could be broadcast?

In the past, Dazai Osamu just led the Holy Night forward, subtly changing the Ni The neon tennis world.

But now, once this interview is broadcast, it will be hard steel.

The entire neon tennis world will definitely set off an unprecedented wave of terror.


Without any hesitation, Inoue Mamoru nodded heavily.

There is no other reason, just because of three words.

Dazai Osamu!!

Just as Dazai Osamu himself said.

For everything, these three words Dazai Osamu are enough.

"So, Dazai-kun, what do you think of the U-17 training camp?"

"Will you choose to continue your studies at U-17 level when you are a freshman in high school?"

Mamoru Inoue continued to ask.

Although Dazai Osamu wants to change the rules of neon tennis, it will definitely be difficult to do so in a short time.

After all, how can years of decay be changed overnight?

"I've got an invitation to the U-17 training camp"

"However, everything has to wait until I win the national championship."

Dazai Osamu said calmly, but every word set off a storm in the hearts of everyone present. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the first grade of junior high school, he was only 13 years old, and he got the U-17 An invitation to training camp?

U-In the 17th training camp, years of rotten rules were broken because of Osamu Dazai?

What's even more frightening is that Dazai Osamu actually refused to go now?

You know, U-17 is a gathering of all the talented teenagers in Neon.

The weakest among them are all national-level[]

Is this the holy land of tennis that so many talented young people are trying to get into?

But Osamu Dazai actually refused?

At this moment, no one doubted Dazai Osamu's words.

Even the neon tennis mecca like U-17 has made changes because of Osamu Dazai.

So is it still far away from the day when Dazai Osamu completely changes the entire neon tennis world and gives it a new lease of life?

"Almost done, right?"

The interview lasted for about an hour, and Dazai Osamu finally spoke calmly.

"Well, that's enough. Thank you Dazai-kun for your cooperation."

Mamoru Inoue thanked him profusely.

"Well, if the documentary is edited well, please send a copy to Holy Night."

Dazai Osamu nodded lightly, and Inoue Mamoru agreed:"Of course it should be."

Soon, Dazai Osamu arranged for people to send Inoue Mamoru and others out of the Holy Night.

The main candidates of the Holy Night were not affected in any way by this incident. They continued to train and aimed towards the national championship.

But they didn't care. , but things quickly broke out outside.

As soon as Dazai Osamu's interview was broadcast, it directly detonated the entire neon tennis world.

Some people criticized Dazai Osamu for being young and speaking too arrogantly.

Discussing seniority is an excellent tradition that Neon has inherited for hundreds of years. , how can we just say change?

Some people agreed loudly.

Many outstanding players have emerged in Neon Tennis over the years, but they still have not been able to change the pattern of world tennis.

This is enough to illustrate the problem. It is time for Neon Tennis to change. At that time.

The quarrel between the two parties intensified and they refused to give in to each other.

But the subsequent edited videos made the party who opposed the changes in the neon tennis world fall into silence. They faced off against Byodoin

Phoenix, the leader of Makinofuji's three giants.

At the age of twelve , played his own world-class skills - Juque.

Forced Byodoin to abstain. Played against the former Hyōtei tribe... Nagagoshitoshi Gekko.

With the strongest frontal attitude, he destroyed Mach's serve, which was said to be superior to professional players.

After that National Middle School Competition.

Starting from the regional qualifiers, there are all competitions and the Kanto Competition.

Standing on the throne of the Hyo Emperor, Rikkai University has won the twelve consecutive championships and has become the strongest Kanto Competition champion.

He led a group of junior high school students. A freshman in the same grade, he accomplished the feat of keeping an opponent clean throughout the whole process.

Various achievements of Osamu Dazai since his return to Neon were edited by Inoue Mamoru to make him excited.

For a time, it set off a wave in the entire Neon tennis world.

Osamu Dazai became one of the most popular players in this era. The idol followed by countless teenagers.

Everyone is determined to join the Holy Night, hoping to follow in the footsteps of Dazai Osamu.

The group of people who opposed the neon revolution were directly suppressed by this wave and dared not speak.

From this moment on, It’s not just the Kanto region.

The entire Neon knows the name of Dazai Osamu.

The entire Neon has also accelerated the wave of changes in the Neon tennis world.

Tennis no longer judges seniority based on age.

Tennis strength represents the absolute right to speak.

Whether you are in the first grade of junior high school or in the third grade of junior high school.

If you are strong enough, you can become a main candidate and have the qualifications to participate in regular competitions.

Even as the wave becomes more and more intense.

Not only Neon domestic, but also abroad Major clubs have also noticed the existence of Osamu Dazai.

The God of Dazai, a thirteen-year-old professional level, is unique in the whole world!.

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