
Atobe threw the tennis ball high with a cold face.

At the same time, his entire body instantly tensed up.

Bend your knees slightly, like a long bow with full strings.

The next moment, Atobe's body, which was ready to go, suddenly started to move.

As the arm waved, a powerful force pressed from the wrist to the racket. boom!

There was a roar, and the tennis ball flashed a yellow light on the racket.

The tennis ball shot out like a bullet and hit Osamu Dazai's court.

"Here we go, Atobe’s Tannhäuser serves! -"

Everyone in Hyōtei looked overjoyed.

No matter how many times they watch it, Atobe's gorgeous serve will always make people marvel.

"That is? Tezuka's zero serve?"

Kawamura looked at Atobe's serve and couldn't help but wonder.

"No, that was Tannhäuser's serve."

Insane Sadaharu pushed the frame and said in a deep voice.

"It uses strong wrist power to hit the thrown ball from high to downward."

"Hit a high-speed spinning ball similar to Yan Huishan"

"The hit ball barely bounces after it hits the opponent's court, but slides forward quickly against the ground."

Everyone in the Holy Night was stunned when they heard this.

But if it barely bounces, there is still a gap between the zero-style serve that does not bounce at all. Even the zero-style serve is ineffective against Dazai Osamu, let alone Tannhäuser's serve.!

On the court, the space buzzed.

An invisible air wave surged, and the tennis ball sliding close to the ground floated in front of Dazai Osamu.

"Atobe, carries the pain, carries the thoughts that defeated me, grow up!"

With a low shout, Dazai Osamu's momentum suddenly exploded.

With himself as the center, the surrounding wind exploded.

At this moment, Dazai Osamu, bathed in the sun, was as majestic and majestic as a god walking on earth.

"World-class skills - Lei Luo!"


Everyone only felt thunderous explosions ringing in their ears, and thunder dragons roared in front of their eyes.

The sky, which should have been clear and clear, seemed to be shrouded in endless thunderclouds.

Endless thunder was faintly visible, exuding destruction. All terrifying power.

Under the dense violent thunder, everyone seemed to see a god waving his hand down.

As his arm fell, the endless thunder crashed towards the ground.


The tennis ball seemed to split into billions in an instant, It instantly enveloped Atobe's half of the stadium.


While waiting for Ito's reaction, the tennis ball had already hit the edge of the baseline, leaving a scorched mark.

It then reflected on the iron net and penetrated out.


"Damn it, why can’t I follow the same move?"

Atobe has already tried his best to save the ball.

But Dazai Osamu in the ice world has no blind spots at all.

It is empty, and there is not even an ice pillar representing a blind spot.

"How could there be someone with no blind spots at all?"

Atobe felt very sad, and the main candidates of Shengye and Hyōte were shocked. The completely transformed Lei Luo had reached a truly world-class power.

It was more terrifying than anything he had seen before.

At this time, everyone They were shocked to find that

Osamu Dazai had reached a point beyond their reach.

It was a kind of despair that made people feel bitter inside just looking at it.

Even at the national level, in front of Osamu Dazai, he was like a child. He is generally powerless in the face of adults.




Another two crisp goals, and another simple and crude world-class skill - thunder fall.

Atobe's ice world was directly hit to collapse, and he couldn't even catch any ball.

"Osamu Dazai serves!"

Sakaki Taro, as the temporary referee, immediately announced

"coming soon!"

When it came to Dazai Osamu's serve, everyone, whether it was Seiya or Hyokui's main players, was very excited.

Although this is a bit sorry for the department... Naga Atobe.

But Dazai Osamu's powerful and gorgeous skills have long been It is deeply imprinted in their hearts. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if any of the main candidates of Hyokui would not admit it on the surface.

But in their hearts, they have long regarded Osamu Dazai as their most admired idol.!

When your strength is just a little stronger than others, you may arouse the jealousy of others.

But if your strength is completely superior to others, then you will definitely gain fanatical admirers.

Today's Dazai Osamu is the one who is present. The idol worshiped by everyone[]

"In the name of God, Heaven decrees!"

Dazai Osamu's eyes at this moment seemed to be able to see thousands of stars.

The deep voice fell, and everyone present fell into a trance, as if they were piously listening to God's edict.

When everyone was about to kneel down to worship the true God, an unprecedented The roar of the explosion rang in their ears.

The imaginary god directly shattered.

Then came the biting wind blowing in their faces. No one, including Atobe, could see clearly. At his feet, there is a tennis ball deeply embedded in the ground, and it is even spinning vigorously.


Sakaki Taro was stunned for a long time, took a deep breath, and read out the score.


After destroying everything along the way, Dazai Osamu directly scored two more goals using the same moves.

The score came to 40-0 without any surprise!


"Can't see, can't touch, can't feel, how could this happen!"

Atobe clenched his fists and tried various methods, but all were in vain.

From beginning to end, he just stood there blankly, watching Osamu Dazai display his gorgeous skills.


Score easily!!

"It's not good if this goes on. Atobe won't be able to break the opponent's serve at all."

Shishido Ryo frowned.

"It's obviously the same move, and even the movements are constantly slowing down, as if they are deliberately trying to let Atobe see clearly."

"But even so, I still can't catch it at all."

Hyotei's main candidates are also helpless in their hearts.

Dazai Osamu's betrayal has been obvious, but Atobe still scores every goal. If this continues, won't their will be broken directly?

Tick... tick...

No matter what the outside world is like, Atobe lowered his body, letting the sweat drip down.

When no one could notice it, a meaningful smile finally appeared on the corner of Dazai Osamu's mouth.

"Are you finally awakening?"

"If you can't awaken from this, it would be very disappointing to me, Atobe." boom!

"I....But Atobe Keigo!"

"He is the king of the Ice Emperor!"

Staring with anger, Atobe felt that his brain was unprecedentedly clear at this moment. Suddenly, a biting cold wind appeared out of nowhere around Atobe and quickly enveloped the entire stadium.

Everyone felt the bone-chilling coldness, and then... Come on, it's Atobe's domineering and unparalleled counterattack.


Atobe's racket just swung down suddenly.

There was a crackling sound, like the sound of breaking ice.


The tennis ball seemed to be enveloped in a violent blizzard..The whole world was dyed silvery white in an instant. It was unstoppable!

Everyone who felt this coldness seemed to be trapped in an absolute ice empire.

It was Atobe Keigo's kingdom that belonged exclusively to him. Bu Kingdom! Ding!.

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