"This is....Spin serve from the outside corner?"

Seeing the violent spin on the tennis ball, Tezuka muttered to himself.

Akutagawa started to target his dominant hand.

Because he is left-handed.

Tezuka usually needs to move his body to a backhand side spin ball. Only then can he catch it.

I have to say that Akutagawa is indeed very talented.

Even if he seems heartless.

But on the court, he has a unique and precise analysis of the entire situation.

However ,.....

Here in Tezuka, such little tricks have no effect at all.


His steps were still so steady, Tezuka stepped forward.

The racket in his hand instantly glowed with colorful light, and he suddenly pressed down hard on the flying tennis ball. boom!


A sharp white light flashed and knocked the racket in Akutagawa's hand to the ground.


Even if the tennis ball bounces onto the barbed wire in the backcourt, it will still continue to rotate due to its strong rotation.


Akutagawa was silent this time.

He held his right wrist with his left hand and twisted it slightly.

Then he silently bent down to pick up the racket.

He was negligent.

It turned out that Tezuka had already opened the state of selflessness. And awakened two of the three gates in the depths.

The ultimate limit of hard work!

The whipping ball that gave double backspin made it impossible for him to hold the racket.

"Akutagawa, come on!"

Everyone in Hyotei's player seat had a solemn expression.

But they also knew that.

In front of Tezuka, who has a complete tactical system, Akutagawa's probability of victory is very slim.

There is no way to solve the Zero-type ball skills. In addition, Let’s go to Tezuka’s realm and the state of selflessness.

Tezuka alone is an iron wall with no possibility of being broken through.

Da… da… da…

His thoughts were a little complicated, and Akutagawa kept thinking about various possibilities in his heart.

But all kinds of All plans were rejected instantly.

Tezuka, standing opposite, clearly did nothing.

But the feeling it brought to Akutagawa was like a vast mountain pressing down on his heart, blocking out the sky.

Oh no!

The tennis ball was tossed again Flying, Akutagawa wanted to test this time with a high-speed serve that hit the corner.


The tennis ball was as fast as a bullet, and it hit the edge of Tezuka's ball area in the blink of an eye.

His eyes scanned Tezuka's body that had not yet moved. , a trace of expectation flashed in Akutagawa's eyes.

However, in the next moment,

Tezuka stepped forward lightly, raised his hand and made a violent stroke in the air.


A solid backhand side pull.

The tennis ball was on the net. After pressing down for a few minutes, a stronger rebound force came out from above.


White light suddenly appeared, and Akutagawa's body followed the trajectory of the tennis ball and chased away.

"Will spin be added this time?"

Akutagawa's eyes darkened slightly.

It was a bit difficult for him to judge.

Did Tezuka apply spin to this sharp and fast baseline kick?


His steps were making contact with the ground during the stride. An arc formed.

Akutagawa exerted a slight force in his forearm, and pulled the tennis ball diagonally with his backhand.

The trajectory of the movement did not change!

Seeing that the tennis ball was successfully hit back, Akutagawa had no time to be happy.

Because the moment he turned back, Akutagawa was surprised to find that the hand Tsuka had predicted the trajectory of his tennis ball in advance and prepared a counterattack posture at the landing point.

His heart was filled with fear.

"That move!"

Seeing Tezuka raise his hand to press the racket, that impressive short ball action appeared again.

Akutagawa quickly stepped on the sole of his right foot and sprinted directly towards the tennis ball.

The secret to cracking this shot is to be fast, and never let it go The tennis ball landed!


Seeing the tennis ball being lightly sliced ​​by Tezuka.


There was a burst of wind and lightning, and Akutagawa's body roared to catch up with the tennis ball that was about to fall. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

"This time, it's not that easy!"


The arm was stretched out, and Akutagawa thrust the racket towards the landing point of the tennis ball.


There was a soft sound, and the tennis ball was thrown back in a small arc by Akutagawa.[] wrong!

There was no joy at all on his face. The moment Akutagawa touched the tennis ball, he noticed something was wrong with the spin on it! really!


A weak air current circulated quickly, and Tezuka, who was standing on the spot, directly absorbed the short ball placed in front of Akutagawa's net.

The arm with white light was just a simple wave. boom!

A white beam of light passed straight through Akutagawa's backcourt.



Looking at Tezuka on the other side, who was shrouded in milky white light, Akutagawa's breathing was extremely heavy.

The perfect combination of Tezuka's area and the zero short ball made him unable to deal with it.

The exact same action can be played in two ways. Different short balls.

The psychological pressure brought by Type Zero, which he didn't know when he would release, was too great.

Facing Tezuka, who was revealing his strength step by step, Akutagawa's forehead kept dripping with sweat.

Whether it was physical or mental, the face Opponent Tezuka's Akutagawa's consumption was astonishing.

Even if this continued, Akutagawa would not be able to complete a complete game, and he would be exhausted and forced to give up.



Tezuka took advantage of the victory and continued to use Zero The ball skills showed off.

In just one minute, the total score of this singles match came to 2-0!

Hearing the referee's announcement, the audience outside the court was silent.

The ice emperor's player box was silent.

It was a completely unique game. In Tezuka's solo show, Akutagawa became the background wall that set off Tezuka's strength.

His smooth zero-style skills, and his selfless state that broke out from time to time.

It was like chopping melons and vegetables, quickly widening the point difference.


4- 0!



No miracle happened.

Under the solemn gaze of the audience, the game was over before Tezuka even started to warm up.


In the audience, I didn't know who it was and couldn't help swallowing.

Then, the whole audience began to burst into cheers.

"Dominate Tezuka!"

"Holy Night is invincible!"

"We have witnessed a new legend, a new era!"

"Win the Kanto Competition and head towards the National Competition!"

Another disastrous defeat of the Ice Emperor has brought about the historic glory of the Holy Night.

Both Li Haida and Ice Emperor have become the stepping stones for the Holy Night to create a new era.

All the audience present are (Zhao Zhao's) with you. Rong Yan.

What else is more exciting than witnessing the birth of an era with your own eyes?

"Let's go, let's celebrate. I've been prepared in advance"

"Winning the Kanto Tournament for the first time should be a celebration."

Looking at Tezuka walking off the field, Osamu Dazai said with a smile.

"Yeah, the department chief is great!"

Kikumaru jumped up with joy, and the other Holy Night main candidates were also sincerely happy.

A few months ago, how could they have imagined that they would be able to participate in the National Middle School Competition?

But now, not only did they participate, but they also successfully won the Kanto Competition The championship is indeed worthy of celebration

"Dazai, wait!"

Just at this moment, Atobe suddenly walked up with a muffled voice.


Raising his eyebrows slightly, Dazai Osamu looked at Atobe, waiting for his next move to stop him.

Then, he heard Atobe say in a deep voice:"The Hyōtei lost, but I did not lose."

"Are you willing to compete with me?".

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