On the contrary, there is no one who can become a potions master at this age who is not proud.

Seeing Braun sitting there and making a big show of it, of course, they felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

"What do you know?

An old wizard who was a little old was a little unaccustomed to it.

"How did you rank in the youth competition?"

"Less, how can the youth group and the youth group be generalized?"

One of the young men blushed.

He was brushed off in the first round.

How embarrassed to say that?

"That's it!" his companion nodded.

He was even worse and didn't even pass the knockout round.

The old wizard snorted coldly, as if he felt some disdain for the two of them.

The two young men also became honest and said no more.

Discussion for those people.

Braun didn't care.

No matter what country you are in, such a voice is indispensable.

Not to be envied is mediocrity.

As a genius, it is natural for you to be talked about.

When he actually wins the competition, he believes that all these voices will disappear.


In a stand not far away, the United States boy looked at Braun and snorted coldly.

In his opinion, Braun was just a lucky boy.

Yesterday I failed just because I was careless.

Otherwise, how could you lose that?

I'll show you what a real potions master is!

The United States boy thought to himself.

"Jerome, don't be careless!"

An old man beside him with a hoarse voice spoke up.

This old man's figure is not very tall, but the momentum is always 907, which makes people can't help but look sideways.

"I see, grandfather. "

Jerome said respectfully.

"If you can win the championship this time, then I will also help you with your membership.

Otherwise, even if you are my grandson, it will not be so easy to enter there. "

"I, I'll try!"

Jerome took a deep breath and looked a little excited.

Being able to enter that organization was something he had always dreamed of.

Or rather, something that all wizarding families in the United States dream of.

Because only those who really join there can be considered the real upper echelons of the wizarding world!

He was also able to use this east wind to defeat his elder brothers and become the true heirs of the family.

Especially when I think of my mother's eager eyes when I came to participate in the competition......

"I can only win!"

Jerome's eyes grew firmer.

This is his only chance, and the price of defeat ...... It is to die in the brutal and bloody struggle for the heir.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Braun slowly opened his eyes.

This time he didn't show off his skills again.

Instead, he walked down the VIP seat with firm steps and stood in front of his own experimental table.

It seems to be for the sake of the game to be more enjoyable.

The densely packed experimental benches in the originally wide square have disappeared.

Only two opposite test benches remained.

Braun arrived, and so did Jerome.

The two men stood facing each other, sparks colliding in their eyes.

"I won't let you!"

"I never need others to let me, look at the strength to speak!"

The audience on the field also seemed to sense the tense atmosphere between the two in the square.

One by one, they all fell silent.

"Today! It's the final of the Potions Tournament Junior Division!

With Matthew's words, the atmosphere in the venue rose again.

The eager cheers seemed to break through the sky.

The people roared eagerly, and the deafening sound was almost numb.

Matthew looked at all this with a smile and raised his hand slightly to suppress it.

The deafening noise gradually subsided and dissipated.

The Potions Masters Guild, as the organizer, will not give any help to the contestants.

Everything depends on the contestants themselves.

Whether it's potion recipes, herbs, or experimental equipment, all of these things need to be prepared by the contestants themselves.

And the time of the game ......"

Matthew glanced at the room, and finally landed on Braun and Jerome in the square.

"It will be the remaining time of the contestants in the first few races.

That is, the more time left in the first few games, the longer the game will be, and vice versa.

Depending on the level and quantity of potions that the contestants refine within the specified time, we will determine the winner of this competition!"

As soon as Matthew's words were finished, there was another uproar in the room.

People are excited and entertained both for the rules of this contest and for such rules.

"It's no wonder that after the first few potions, the hourglass stops.

It was for the last game!"

A contestant who had participated in the competition suddenly realized.

"This time it's about whose net worth is thicker!

I always felt that this kind of competition was not fair. "

One viewer said with some indignation.

However, it attracted the sneer of another person:

"What does it mean to be fair?

Is it difficult to achieve the same time, the same topic?

That's not fair to those geniuses. Why should people accommodate you?"


In the square, it was different from the shock of the surrounding audience.

Both Braun and Jerome seemed calm.

It seems that there is no surprise in this outcome.

It's just that Jerome's face is a little more ugly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although I was prepared in my heart, I knew the final competition topic. (ABCD) But I didn't expect that there was a time limit.

In order to keep a low profile in the early stage, Jerome has always completed the game at a mid-stream level.

It wasn't until he learned of the victory in the youth division that Jerome officially stopped the demo.

But even so. []

The time difference between himself and Braun was also almost half an hourglass.

And this half hourglass time is not so easy to chase.


Jerome sneered.

With the secret medicine in his hand, he didn't think he would lose!

Unless Braun also has a recipe for the secret elixir on his hands.

But he didn't think anyone could have it.

"So...... Let's start the game!"

And with Matthew's voice.

Two hourglasses appeared on Braun's stone platform.

One is normal.

The other is half the size.

Looking at Jerome's bench, a normal hourglass stood alone.

"Hmph, don't get complacent!"

Jerome noticed Braun's gaze and said viciously.

Braun shrugged his shoulders.

He didn't care about Jerome's threat.

He took out the experimental equipment in the package.

Neatly placed on the table.

Then he didn't look at Jerome's expression.

He prepared to refine the potion on his own.

Although there is a lot of time.

However, the time for refining the secret medicine is still very long.

So in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

He wasn't going to waste the slightest bit of time.

"The saliva of Hadro grass and polyids......"

Jerome muttered quietly while his hands kept working on the materials.

He was refining a secret elixir called the Mist of Dispersion.

And the effect of this secret elixir is that people can have the ability to condense and disperse at will like smoke.

"I've won this time!"

Jerome thought firmly as he looked at the potion in front of him.

"Sure enough, is it also a secret medicine?"

In the stands, Matthew looked at Jerome who was refining the secret medicine in the square and thought to himself.

His gaze looked beyond Jerome to the emaciated old man in the audience not far behind him.

The old man's gaze, which had been staring at Braun, also lifted slightly.

Look at Matthew.

However, the two sides did not look at each other.

Instead, he smiled slightly.

Both sides bowed their heads slightly.

It's like two old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time are greeting each other cordially.

It's just that if you look closely, there is coldness in the eyes of both of them.

Without the slightest emotion, it seems that he intends to let the other party die without a place to bury at every opportunity.

"Is it also a secret medicine?"

Braun took advantage of the gap to glance over to Jerome's side.

Because there is not much difference in the refining method between the secret potion and the potion.

So Braun didn't know whether Jerome was refining potions or secret potions.

"Let's care about myself first!"

In the square, the two men did not say a word.

Each was busy refining their own potions.

The surrounding audience also seemed to be afraid of disturbing the two of them and subconsciously lowered their voices.

"What kind of potion is this refining?"

"I don't know, I don't see it. "

The two audience members muttered.

"But it shouldn't be high-level!

After all, no one expected that the final question would be random. "

"That's different, let's keep watching.

Maybe there's a surprise?"


Minutes and seconds passed.

And Braun's fire oil potion is also at the last moment.

Pick up the horn in your hand.

Without hesitation, Braun threw it in.

For a moment, Braun felt as if he was in flames again.

A strange flame creature roared and rushed towards him.

He had seen this scene more than once after practicing yesterday night.

There was no surprise at the moment.

The mental power in my mind surges, and I plan to end this illusion.。。

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