In front of us, there is a deep river with clear waves. The Butterfly Fairy jumped into the white waves, transformed into a foot-long carp, and floated down the water. The yellow-haired pigeon flew after it into the forest, but when the flower-colored pigeon disappeared, it was so anxious that it revealed its original shape. This monkey king is good at listening to sounds and knows things thousands of miles away. Hearing the sound of fish swimming under the sound of the waves, I chased him to the river, looked closely, and saw that it was a flowered carp. I thought:"In deep-water rivers, all carp are blue, how can there be a seven-color flowered carp!? It must be that butterfly!" Transformed into a spirit."

The magic monkey jumped into the air, fluttered in mid-air, and transformed into a large golden carp. It dived straight into the waves, swam to the bottom, and then chased the carp along the current. The seven-colored carp heard the sound of water behind it and looked back.

But see:

The big carp looks like a ghost, and its teeth are like the tips of knives.

It leaps and pounces, its two whiskers are like swords.

Chasing after one's life, greedy and insatiable.

Thousands of waves were set off, and the roaring wind chased the lightning.

The mouth is wide open, trying to devour it alone.

If the devil's heart is not enough, the rat will swallow the elephant, and the devil will become evil and commit evil acts.

The flower carp was originally a butterfly fairy, but knowing that the yellow carp was transformed into a demon macaque, he angrily said:"The thieving macaque king, so shameless, what a scoundrel. You have been pestered and tortured for a long time, and you have forced yourself on me. How can you be tainted?" , Losing your chastity. If you lose your virginity, how can you have the face to meet Enge Wukong? You can’t succumb to this lustful and vicious monkey even if you die!" Thinking of this, he made a sharp turn and swam to the shallow water on the shore. Wagging its tail and shaking its beard, it changed again and turned into a sika deer, running as fast as it could into the forest.

But see: two deer antler trees, golden light bursting out.

The plum blossom spots are bright and eye-catching; the colorful body is like a flying dragon.

He raised his head and raised his eyes to see the mountains and rivers in shock, and his four hooves broke through the black evil clouds.

The evil monster dares to invade, and he is determined to kill the devil's heart and soul.

The golden carp leaped over the dragon gate, and with a"swish" sound, it jumped into the air. It was already staring at the golden carp turning into a sika deer and running desperately into the forest. Then he hurriedly revealed the true form of the devil monkey, jumped to the shore, and thought:"Sure enough, the 'Female Eighteenth Transformation' is so powerful, how can it be better than me! Whatever you change, I will also change, so that I can become your opponent. Aggressive , so changeable, on the mountains and rivers, changes come and go, you and I are always dueling in pairs, isn't it beautiful?" Thinking of this, he changed again and turned into a sika deer, jumping his hooves and running wildly to chase after him.

The butterfly fairy changes here and there, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and never loses any of the seven colors. This time he transformed into a deer, and the plum blossom markings on his body were also seven colors. How could it escape the single-color yellow sika deer's spiritual eyes? It chased it forward, entangled it left and right, and blocked it from the front and back. This made the seven-color deer angry and angry. It flicked its hind hoof with a stab and hit the single-color deer in the mouth. Hearing a scream of"yaa", he thought to himself:"So cruel! So cruel! Wait until the Macaque King presses your horns with his horns and see how you can survive!!" This sika deer is yellow and brown in color. The antler horns are much longer and extremely hard. He leaps forward, twists around and uses the long antler horns to hold down the short antler horns of the seven-color sika deer. Naturally, the short horn cannot compete with the long horn, but it cannot be lifted up in a hurry and cannot be taken off.

The seven-colored sika deer said fiercely:"A lustful monster, a thieving macaque that was cut into pieces with a thousand cuts! He is really vicious, with wild animal desires, cruel and insidious, wreaking havoc and shamelessness, I don't know that there is such a thing as shame in this world! I would rather Even if I die in front of you, I will never give in!" The two antlers were twisted so that nothing could move.

The sika-brown deer transformed from the magic macaque heard the rebuke and laughed wildly:"Hahaha, flower girl, curse me, I won't be angry. I beat you first, so don't be angry. Sun Wukong can't come back, he's dead. Take this attitude! I am better than him in every aspect: appearance, kung fu, transformation, Dharma image,...I am better than Monkey Sun in everything. Change your mind quickly, after several changes, you and I will have a good fight."

The Seven-Colored Deer felt nauseated and vomited, spraying it on the Brown Deer's eyes, making him unable to open them. Take advantage of this opportunity, seize this moment, shrink down and transform into the original flower and butterfly, leaping and flying with swirling wings. How could the guy give up? He roared three times and felt that he had taken advantage. He was not satisfied, so he rinsed his eyes in the nearby mountain spring, thinking:"Suffer a small loss and wash it off. Wait until the Macaque King turns into a big butterfly, and then go again." Capturing flowers and butterflies alive is like fighting. Isn't it a win?" Then he thought again and said to himself:"Not enough, not enough. It's not possible to become the same kind of people several times. Well, yes, butterflies like flowers and become a flower. , the fragrance spreads thousands of miles away. When we turn into butterflies again, if we force it to commit an offense, we will surely catch it with our hands." The brown deer shook its body and revealed its original shape. This demonic macaque pulled out a handful of monkey hair, blew a strange breath, and shouted:"Change!" Suddenly, a golden flower appeared in front of him, with golden light shining everywhere and the fragrance hitting his nose. Then it transformed into a big golden butterfly, spread its wings, and flew into the fireworks to take shelter.

The flower butterfly was flying when a piece of golden flower suddenly appeared. The fragrance hit me, but I didn't know that the guy had also changed. After the demon monkey turned into a butterfly, he thought:"What a hiding place. When we fly to the branches of the fireworks to rest, she will not be able to find it." Then he flew down and hid among several bunches of flowers.

The golden butterfly acted proudly, laughed out loud, and accidentally revealed its true form. The butterfly knew that it had been tricked, and when it flew away in a hurry, the man had already collected the demon hair, set off a demonic wind, and knocked the butterfly to the ground. The butterfly was struggling and rolling on the ground, and suddenly it appeared. It was a tall and graceful fairy. The fairy was solemn, with a cold eyebrow. She pointed at the magic monkey and said sternly:"It's too much to bully someone! You force me like this! I'll fight you!" She pointed at the sleeves of her clothes and trembled again. Take out a long sword. It turns out that the Wearing Sword is a pair of swords. One was broken before, and there is still one left. Look at the long sword stabbing the macaque king's heart. The magic monkey dodges deftly and pulls out the embroidery needle from his ear. Son, under the guise, the bowl is as big as it is, and you can hit it with the stick. After many times of accumulated anger, without realizing it, with great force, the golden cudgel hit the butterfly fairy. The butterfly fairy couldn't hide very well, and couldn't defend herself very well. , after all, I don’t know what the fate of the butterfly fairy is, let’s look at the breakdown in the next chapter.

It is exactly: countless grievances and hatreds in the world, endless dangers and kindness.

Monsters and monsters have a heart higher than the sky, greedy and shameless and never ashamed.

Extravagant desires flow wildly The fairy is not afraid of having his head cut off if he has murderous intent.

It is rare to meet the great hero Wukong, and a couple walks in the Taixu Realm.

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