A river of spring water escorted the four of them, breaking out in the other direction and crossing several passes, killing many guards along the way. Suddenly there was a flash of white light, Wu Bei Shao descended from the sky, and sneered:"Hey, hey, you are here to die, what a mess of a few plates of fine food!" A river of spring water said:"Wu Bei Shao! You are making a fool of yourself. Fengshan Villa Ghost Cave, do you know what your crimes are!" Master Wu Bei raised his toes and said:"Crime? What crime?" Yijiang announced Master Wu's crimes on the spot and said sternly:"Master Wu Bei, your eight major crimes, Everyone in the world knows it. First, you used the ghost cave of Shuangfeng Villa to collude with Sui Emperor Yang Guang! You colluded with the treacherous minister Yu Wenji, and robbed 3,160 women from good families, and killed and maimed 200 people. Zero four people. Second, the number of heroes in the Jianghu that you killed in Shuangfeng Villa has reached 299. Third, the thirteen leaders of the Jianghu were all assassinated by the white ape you pretended to be. Fourth, Jiang Hu Zhi San Taoist, the two leaders of the Golden Dragon Society of China, Tie Shande and Jin Damen, were assassinated by your White Ape Claw Kung. Fifth, you bullied the people, extorted money, and defrauded countless people. You will also have Yi Jiang Chun Bai Jian and dozens of others. A famous Jianghu knight was imprisoned and tortured. Sixth, you colluded with the treacherous minister Yu Wenji to protect yourself and framed good people. And usurped the leading power of the Golden Dragon Society of China. Seventh, at the foot of Huashan Mountain, on the Horseshoe Road, assassinated the martial arts leader Tie Shande and robbed The Heroic Sword of the Great Sage. Its sinister intentions are known to everyone on the road: it is just to establish yourself as the leader of the evil sect and dominate the world. Eighth, you make and sell drugs, use various poisons, and have killed thousands of people. Not counting this, sixteen springs were created that were harmful to people and deprived hundreds of people of their youth!" Wu Bei Shao heard this and was so angry that he roared and said:"A river of spring water! The big names in the limelight were all conquered by me! But I never expected that my majestic Wu Bei Shao Wang would miss an unknown person named Yijiang Chunliu. This was a big mistake by Wu! Yijiang Chunliu! You let go of Bai Jian, who kills people without blinking an eye. Needless to say, this one crime is enough! You die!" After saying this, he went crazy with luck and made a sensation with all his strength. Leap forward to attack, hands and feet shaking violently. This is the"White Ape Claw Technique" that has killed countless heroes. When it flies, it is like a white ape swooping down.

When Yijiang Chunshui was in Yelang Mountain, he regarded five big beasts as his opponents and also practiced the"White Ape Claw Kung Fu". Besides, I have also competed with wolves, tigers and leopards, and practiced against each other. In addition, Elder Taiyi gave him advice and granted him"Taiyi Great Gong", which made him even more powerful. He fell across the sky, guarding Hua Kaihong and other passers-by with both hands, fighting and retreating, and taking the opportunity to sneak up on Wu Bei Shao from time to time. It was not until Wu Bei Shao's attack was dodged that he exhausted most of his energy, and then launched an offensive. Yijiang watched the flowers blossom and escorted Jin Zhiye, Lanlan, and Fatty to retreat far away, and his hatred could no longer be controlled. He flew a few feet in the air, his strength was steady, he flashed a few moves, and with a swish sound, like a tiger crossing the mountain, he landed behind Wu Bei Shao, and struck out with a fierce sword. This sword is called the"One Sword, Thousand Jun" style in the Huashan Five Peaks Sword Technique. There was no way Wu Bei Shao could dodge, but he was as agile as a white ape, his body slipped and his waist slipped, and with a pop, he didn't hit the black heart, but slipped and penetrated into his ribs, and a spurt of blood spurted out. Wu Bei Shao never expected that Yi Jiang Chun Shui Shui would be stunned in front of his eyes, but would be struck by a sword in his back. His shame turned into rage, and he wished he could crush the spring water of the river into pulp with his claws. However, this time when the gong was used, the anger blocked the narrow heart, the pulse force went astray, and the force became numb, the luck gathered in the bag, and the blood accumulated and was deficient, such as the strong blood stasis and evil, the gong went to the extreme, and the evil force was possessed. There was a moment of madness, madness and clumsiness, and he fought back. He didn't hit the spring water of the river, but he couldn't even hold the sword in his hand. Yijiang Chunshui took advantage of the situation and grabbed the pulse wrist, attacking steadily and powerfully, with a sharp blow, the finger force was forceful, and the force was like electricity. It knocked Shao Wu to the ground and hit him five feet away. That divine sword, that magical gleaming Great Sage Hero Sword, was held in his hand, and his eyes shone with gleaming light and a chill. At this time, the sky was already bright and bright. When I looked closely, I saw five characters on the sword: Great Sage Hero Sword. I couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise and infinite excitement.

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