Chapter 11 (Volume)"The Adventures of Li Shizhen", summary of content (background):

Mencius said: When heaven assigns great responsibilities to people, they must first strain their minds, work their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and deplete their bodies before they can walk. He messed up what he did, so he moved his heart and forbearance and benefited what he couldn't do.


At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the imperial court was corrupt, the economy collapsed, and the people of the world could no longer survive, and uprisings began all over the country.

Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a poor peasant family, and both his parents and brother died of the plague. He narrowly escaped death and worked as a novice monk in the temple. Due to natural disasters and famine, he was dismissed by the temple owner. He defected to the Anti-Yuan Red Turban Army. After Guo Zixing's death, Zhu Yuanzhang took command of his army and began to"build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and slowly become king." Later, Zhu Yuanzhang eliminated the competing armed forces Chen Youliang and others... Zhu Yuanzhang began the Northern Expedition, which was overwhelming and defeated the Yuan army.………………

In early 1368 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed himself emperor with Yingtian (Nanjing) as his capital. The country was named Daming, the reign was named Hongwu, and the Ming Dynasty was established.

Zhu Yuanzhang (October 21, 1328 - June 24, 1398), whose courtesy name was Guorui, was formerly known as Zhu Chongba and Zhu Xingzong. A native of Zhongli in Haozhou (now Fengyang, Anhui), he was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di is Zhu Yuanzhang's fourth son. Zhu Di went through the"Battle of Jingnan" and became the founder of the Ming Dynasty. After Zhu Di became emperor, he moved the capital to Shuntianfu (Beijing). Zhu Di worked hard to govern, focus on economy, and advocate culture and education. During this period, the Ming Dynasty was known as the Yongle Golden Age.

In the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He made seven voyages to the Western Seas, which was a miracle in the history of world navigation... Qi Jiguang's resistance to the Japanese was the most powerful blow to the invaders... Zhang Juzheng made revolution, turned the tide, and achieved great results…………


As early as the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Zu Chongzhi (429-500), an outstanding mathematician and astronomer, was the first person in the world to calculate"pi" to the seventh decimal place.…………And wrote the"Daming Calendar"》…………

Song Yingxing (1587-about 1666) was a famous scientist in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. His most outstanding work,"Tiangong Kaiwu", is called a milestone in the history of science in my country.…………

Four famous works were produced in ancient times: Water Margin (written by Shi Naian) in the Yuan Dynasty; Romance of the Three Kingdoms (written by Luo Guanzhong) in the Ming Dynasty; Journey to the West (written by Wu Chengen) in the Ming Dynasty; Dream of the Red Chamber (written by Cao Xueqin) in the Qing Dynasty……


Kui's work was written by the medicine sage Li Shizhen (about 1518-1593), whose courtesy name was Dongbi, whose name was Binhushanren, and also known as Li Binhu in the world. He was a native of Waniba, Qizhou (now Qichun, Hubei Province). He was a famous medical scholar in the Ming Dynasty. Home, naturalist. When he was young, he studied medicine with his father Li Yuechi. The father and son had superb medical skills and saved many lives, and were deeply respected by people near and far. Medicinal books before the Ming Dynasty contained errors in the medicinal properties of many herbal medicines, and even wrote them backwards. Chinese herbal medicine is related to people's life and death. Li Shizhen is determined to rebuild the herbal medicine and devotes his life's efforts. In order to write the"Compendium of Materia Medica" and verify the properties of herbal medicines, Li Shizhen traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers, sweating blood and going through dangerous journeys in the world.…………

(1) Saving Axiang Determined to Cultivate Materia Medica

Chapter 1 Poetry Flying on Water

The poem says:

A gentleman practices medicine to save the people, and does not care about money, wine or pornography.

If fame and fortune are put aside, why bother distinguishing between inside and outside.

Dare to cultivate herbal medicine to benefit the world, and work hard with blood and sweat.

If Bian Que and Hua Tuo were still alive, they would definitely praise Li Shizhen, the Medicine Sage.

The young man Shui Guizi is called"Flying on the Water" by the fishermen. He has been enjoying himself since he married A Xiang, his lovely wife. He was holding a small boat and singing:

Li Bai was drunk on the cliff, reaching out to fish for the moon in the water.

Who knew the trees were quiet late at night? Falling into the eastward ocean.

Sitting quietly in the Fisherman's Cave, the Qihe River rises to a pale yellow color in the sunset.

The eight hundred miles of road to meet ordinary people is not as good as one ancestral hall in Taibai.

After singing a song, cast a net. After drinking a bowl of herbal tea, I sang"The Fisherman" enthusiastically, and the sound of the waves spread:"

The fisherman is flying in the middle of the river, swaying and walking among the waves."

Stepping on a boat, the shadow remains in the water.

There is an osprey resting next to you, showing a strong sense of companionship.

Cast the net from the north and connect it to the shore in the south.

The pole dropped to convey news, and the poles swung like arrows.

I couldn't see it in a blink of an eye, only fish seemed to be flowing.

Suddenly the current breaks, so I pick up the net and plan again.

Until the wind calmed down, three fish were caught in the net.

The boat is small and the harvest is half full.

When the moon rises, we will stop today.

The young man is flying in the water, so he needs to clean up. He carried the small boat on his shoulders, and the fishing net was draped on the boat. He was carrying half a basket of fish on his left shoulder. Four ospreys were resting on both ends of the boat, and a medium-long pole was stuck on the edge of the boat. I was walking vigorously when I saw a doctor named Li. He suddenly remembered someone and hummed a song:

If you want to fight a tiger, you must first fight a wolf and become a disciple.

Even mice are afraid, so why brag.

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