Dongmen Jie Bing was free and easy and majestic, with righteousness and courage all over her body. Suddenly she heard the sound of a spear coming towards her, and she swept across with a sword, cutting all three long blades to one side. He struck with three palms in a row, hitting a sky full of stars and dragging them all backwards into the cave.

Walking further inside, I suddenly saw white bones, which made my hair stand on end. Dongzi rejoiced:"Thank you for choosing the middle way. The paths on both sides are exactly the secret passages of the ancient mechanism. Fortunately, I escaped."

The cave was not dark, and it was not more than a hundred steps away. There were three pillars of fish oil lamps. Dongzi walked about half a mile and saw an iron gate locked. He took out a flint and fire knife and struck it with each other. The fire was made, and he actually saw a large stone monument. When I took a closer look, I saw huge characters"Lubanqi City" engraved on it. I thought what Sima Da said was indeed true.

Dongmen Jiebing suddenly missed Ximen Hua. She leaned under the Luban monument and thought to herself:"Hua'er, I feel uneasy when I leave you. I haven't felt such pain in the past. This time, it seems that it is missing." Many, well, my heart is missing, like my heart is lost in a faraway land. That heart is you. How are you now? Are you okay? There will be no danger! You must be looking for me and complaining that I left you without permission. Come...well, I have no choice. If I bring you here, I will hurt you. Maybe, I will even lose my life, but for the sake of my soul, Dongzi is willing to die!"

Dongzi thought again:"Sima Gong, Li Heroine, Peony Red, you guys……"Before he could think about it any longer, he suddenly heard the sound of a huge explosion and his ears were numb. Just after a few"rumblings-", the huge iron door was opened, and yellow smoke filled the air. Before he could see clearly, he could no longer open his eyes. The smell of the medicine was so strong that it choked my lungs. It was too late to cover my mouth, and I fell to the ground in a daze, like a zombie.

There were several strange roars, and seven or eight people with sharp mouths, monkey cheeks, and green faces came out. All of them wore high hats with horns, fish scale armor, and cowhide boots. The mouth is grunting, and the appearance is extremely vicious. The leader was brave and made a gesture. In an instant, he carried the unconscious Dongmen Jiebing into the iron-barred cell inside the iron door. He quickly put an end to the situation and closed the huge iron door.


Since Dongzi disappeared, Ximenhua was heartbroken, unable to eat during the day or sleep at night. She called Dongzi everywhere, but she couldn't find him. Peonyhong was looking for her, but there was no trace. She couldn't help but sigh sadly, feeling extremely disappointed.

Sima Da made some calculations and decided that Dongmen Jiebing would go to Luban City to explore the bottom, and he was eager to find it. But Li Qingxia was nagging and took the opportunity to object. She had a strong mouth and blocked the road. Sima Gong had no choice but to let her go. He knew that the old woman was very unruly and if they had a falling out, there would be no peace for a month.

Ximen Hua and Peony Hong carried their scabbards and walked in a hurry. Fortunately, they had company. Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder, a strong wind blew up the trees, and as we were running, a heavy rain poured down. The two of them took shelter from the rain and came under the eaves of a building outside. Suddenly they heard someone in the building talking about Dongmen Jiebing. Hua'er was in shock and thought to herself:"Oh, that familiar voice... must be Ximentian's magic words, and the others must be his advisers. The harsh words came to his ears:

"This princess has always caught cheaters and double-crossers! This time, she didn’t catch any of them."

"The last seed of the Dongmen family is missing"

"The slave just saw that guy appearing on Dongliu Bank, and in a flash he disappeared."

"The Dongmen family has done something wrong, and is afraid that the last seed will fall into the palace of the King of Hell."

"You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you are dead. This has always been the case. You are such a useless subordinate! In the past few months, I have not even been able to do any good things for my grandfather. Is the Ximen Flower going to heaven?"

"Lord City Lord, the boys fought all the way over, but they didn’t see the City Lord’s love, but they saw a swordsman in green robes gliding away."

"Swordsman in green? One after another, no wonder they robbed the Ximen Flower Girl?"

"Report to your lord, my subordinates are also worried, and after careful investigation, nothing happened."

"Recently, the fire energy has been moxibusting people's hands and feet, but they can't be used. Everything is in a hurry, which makes people feel confused. It is a great regret in my life that I cannot find the Ximen flower."

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