The sun was shining high, but suddenly it became dim. Everyone looked up and felt really curious.

Peony Red Wei Miao Wei Qiao said:"The sun is like a white shiny pancake that has been bitten into a big bite. It's strange. Look at it." Everyone felt curious and talked about it:

"Wow, I ate half of the sun"

"Wow, the sun turns into a crescent - like the moon"

"It's getting dark, the day is like a moonlit night, what's going on? Come on, maybe some monster is coming. Dongzi said as he drew out his long sword.

Sima Da raised his thick eyebrows proudly and said,"Don't be afraid. The sun has disappeared and will come out soon. Dark clouds cannot block the sun." Li

Qingxia looked nervous and said,"It's some strange coincidence. How come the sun is gone?" There is not a single cloud in front of the sun. What crazy talk is this old fool talking about?"

Mudanhong hurriedly hid behind Mr. Sima and said,"I'm seems like a monster has descended to earth and is trying to do something? So scared of people. Dongzi said:"It's strange. The sun disappeared in broad daylight and disappeared into darkness. The sky cooled down. What happened?""

Everyone was in panic, and some were trembling. In the leaden sky, even the crescent moon had disappeared. They were confused about the mystery and felt confused.

Ximenhua, however, was very restrained and not confused. She said:"Don't be afraid! It's just a moment. The time for a cup of tea has passed. It is"Tengu eats the sun", which is called"Heaven in Dan". It is common in historical memories, but it is not actually seen in life. Today, it is really seen."

"Wow - Tengu eats the sun……"Everyone was amazed.

The peony was as red as a frightened bird and said:"It's terrible and terrible. If the Tengu monster comes down to earth, we will all be doomed... Our mission of finding the culprit will also be in vain!"

Ximen Hua looked at everything with disdain and said:"The Tengu eats the sun, which is also called a solar eclipse.………It can't come down. It only happens here once every few hundred years, so it's rare to see it.

Dongzi said,"Can it come down?" Can’t the tengu come down?

Hua'er said:"This is a natural phenomenon, don't be afraid."

Li Qingxia said:"It was dark and fleeting." Tengu eats the sun, which is a feast for the eyes and opens up the soul. It is rare to see it only once in hundreds of years."

After a while, the sun returned to its normal state, and everyone felt much more relaxed.

Sima Da smiled and said:"Haha, time is like an arrow. Once it passes, it will never come back. Living people must know how to cherish each other. Madam, it’s rare for both of us to see this spectacle.

Dongzi sighed:"Oh, the wonders and wonders can only be seen after hundreds of years. It is also a blessing for people in this world." Hua'er smiled and said:"Actually, the Tengu eats the sun and the moon. It's just a popular saying among the people. What we saw today is called a 'solar eclipse'." When something like this happens to the moon at night, it is called a 'lunar eclipse'."

Suddenly, the hero Zheng Long was holding a female corpse. It was bloody as if it had just emerged from the ground. Everyone's faces were shocked and their legs seemed to be shaking a little.

This female corpse was the murdered Yang Chunse.

Peony Hong rushed forward and said :"Sister Yang, Sister Yang, did you die so miserably?

Ximen Hua asked:"Who committed the murder?"

Dongzi said:"Zheng Daxia, Niu Ge, Bashan Zhongyi... where are they?""

Zheng Long looks like an idiot, stupid, with disheveled hair, and like a madman. He is really mad, shouting to the sky and the earth to no avail, his voice is hoarse, his mouth is moving, but there is no sound.

Li Qingxia said with a sullen face:" It's not rare, I've seen too many of them! The sorrow is about to end!"

Sima Gong looked gloomy, stepped forward to take a closer look, and said:"The sword mark is clear, what kind of sword technique is this? Evil! It’s a pity that the beautiful girl Yang suffered from this disaster."

There is a bloody mouth as wide as a palm on the left shoulder of the deceased. After applying the medicine powder, it has scabbed but is wet. There are a row of small nail holes. Sima Gong stared and said:"The shoulder is injured by a hidden weapon. It is very glaring. It seems to be somewhere. seen……"

Dongmen Jiebing asked:"Where have you seen it?"

Sima Gong sighed solemnly and pitifully:"It's difficult, murderers are meticulous and try to do it cleanly and hide it from everyone's eyes. This kind of hidden weapon is not used by me, Otherwise, I would have caught it earlier!"

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