Dong Zixuan thought:"If it were Ximen Tian, ​​he would never let Hua'er go.……"Dongzi said:"The agencies in Princess Daximen's mansion are overlapping. It's hard to guard against hidden arrows and easy to hide from open guns. I think, brothers, let's sneak in first and then check the details. What should we do if we let them take over outside?"

Ji Niuxing thought about it. After a long time, he said:"Yes, we need to get to the bottom of it! Ximen Tian is so treacherous and cunning... I can't calm down. When Qiu'er passes away, I feel like I have lost my soul... I feel so uncomfortable... Why? Why is God like this? Unfair? Why did you let Qiu'er... an eighteen-year-old girl pass away so early? Oh my God! Oh my God! I can't figure it out at all!" Dongzi glanced around, but there was no movement, and he stepped up and said. :"It's a pity, it's a pity... Qiuchun shouldn't have left us so early and said goodbye to us forever, but what can we do? We are not gods, we can't bring her back to life. There are many young men and lively girls who died around us... they all I shouldn't have passed away so early. Why? It's confusing and suspenseful. I want to pursue it... pursue it to the end.!"

"Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death!" Ximen Hua gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice,"Xiao Qiang's bloody disaster! Assassination in the wild... what kind of world is this? It's strange to say that Tiandi City is strange to wasn't originally called Tiandi City. Mudanhong said:"I heard what city is called?"...Oh, is it called Luban City? No matter what the city is, the main road faces the sky, and everyone walks half way! But there is no road for us to take."

Ji Niu Xing was concerned about Ximen Hua, but he was a straightforward person who didn't mince words, so he said with a sullen face:"Miss Ximen, please help me, but I don't appreciate your favor! Ximen Di is Your father, he owns half of the city of heaven and earth! You are a fairy in the sky, and we are ordinary people underground! It’s so disproportionate. I want to take revenge alone! If your father, Er Ximen, acts as an accomplice to Da Ximen, I will show no mercy and kill him all the same!" After saying that, he clenched the scabbard of his sword and castrated it like the wind.

Peonyhong saw that Ximen Hua was angry. , and persuaded her sympathetically. Dongzi didn't care about Jiniu Xing's domineering attitude, and felt that he was a kind and loyal person with a small heart, who would not hide his intrigues, so he hurriedly chased him. He turned around and leaped behind him, saying:" Brother, it’s still like before. It’s easier for me to call you Brother Niu than Brother Xing. Brother Niu, not only did he die for a year, but before that, in just a few years, I saw seventy or eighty good people die with my own eyes, for no reason and it was puzzling. I have been pursuing, trying to find the reason. The city lord Ximentian must have secretly colluded with the traitorous officials of the Yuan Dynasty... This time, with you as a fellow traveler, I have the courage to follow the trail."

Ji Niuxing said:"Stop talking nonsense! I noticed that you have changed! As soon as you get involved with that rich lady from Ximen's noble house, you become a mutant, with the sour smell of a hypocrite! Huh! Stop talking nice words!"

Dongzi couldn't say anything secretly, no. They squeaked and just followed him forward. Ji Niuxing's whole body was like a tempered steel sword, stabbing forward sharply, but a big river in front of them blocked them. The heavy rain just now caused the river to overflow. There was a huge wave, surging.

Peony Hong came with Ximen Hua and said:"Brother Xing, what should I do? Can't make it through."Ji Niuxing said:"Look at the daylight. If we can't get through, if we are blocked here, we will become a living target of the Tsing Yi Killer Gang! No! I have to think of something!" Dongzi pushed aside the reeds and searched for a while, then came out and said:"There is no boat. The stone bridge is flooded. I can swim across it! I will carry you over one by one!" Mudanhong said fearfully:" I'm afraid... I'm brave on land, but I'm most afraid of big water. Ji Niuxing said:"If you are afraid, don't go!" Mudanhong held his hand and said coquettishly,"No, I have to go with brother Xing!"

Jiniuxing said,"If you go with me, you will die!" Mudanhongqing said. Mianmian said:"If I die, I will die. I will be content to die with you. Dongzi said:"Why do you keep shouting, die, die, die? You only have one life, so you should cherish it." Come, let me explore the water first."He bundled his clothes and scabbard into a bag, held it with one hand above his head, jumped into the rolling muddy torrent, overcame the huge waves, and swam to the other side in a short time. He put down his clothes and swam back again.

Simon Hua sweated with both hands, fearing that Dongzi would drown, and said:"Brother Dongzi, I'm really afraid of you."……"Dongzi said:"Don't be afraid, I am sure to send you all to the other side, come! Brother Niu, I will send you."

The water in the morning was so cold that it was bone-chilling, but Dongzi still sent Ji Niu Xing to the other side. When he gave Peony Hong a gift, he felt a little awkward, fearing that it would stick to her delicate skin, but for the sake of transition, he didn't care. Peony Hong was afraid of clinging to him and afraid that the lucky star would be too presumptuous, so she slipped her hand twice and almost sank to the bottom of the river to her death. It was easier to escort Hua'er across the flood river. She obediently climbed on his back and shoulders, hugged his neck tightly with her hands, and safely crossed the swollen river.

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