Ximen Bubai chased and shouted:"Hua'er! Come back... and meet your mother! Your mother really wants to take a look at you." Hua'er said:"Come back another day! See my mother again." Dongzi He was carrying a big baggage, and his other arm was holding a sword to protect the flowers.

Suddenly, black shadows flashed in the sky, and several swordsmen in blue flew down like black hawks. The two sides fought for a while, clanging, banging, and mingling. Dongzi took the flower with him, pulled it up a few feet with a"Peng" sound, jumped down into the ravine, and retreated quickly in the dark night.

As if Ximen Bubai's bones were broken into pieces, he leaped across the ravine with two porches. He wanted to use the"Yin Yang Secret Trace Skill" to attack Dongzi, but he also knew that Hua'er would take action to protect him, and she knew the ins and outs of his secret skill. What would he do if Hua'er was hurt? He had no choice but to stand on the ditch and shouted:"Hua'er, the dog slave has killed your mother! Your mother is vomiting blood! If you don't save your mother, your mother's life will be hard to save."

These words were extremely sinister. Dongzi hated the sea so much that he said:"Hua'er, go back and take a look... It's my fault... I accidentally made a mistake and hurt your mother." Hua'er's dark eyes only turned, and she looked up and saw Hei The shadows shuttled back and forth, dealing with them again. Hua'er squeezed out a tear and said:"Dad, please go back and save mother...you still have the heart to compete with us. Save mother, my daughter can't help, I will take time to go back to see mother. Let's go! Dongzi, let's go quickly."!" After that, he took Dongzi and walked into the night.

Rows of shadow killers were chasing after them, but Erximen stopped them with his hand and said:"Stop, retreat!" Under the dim moonlight, all the bright swords were sheathed, and they returned to Qicheng all the way.

Hua'er held Dongzi's hand and wandered along the night road, only to see fog and dust, and black shadows and figures came again, one after another. Ximen Hua's eyes were dizzy, she took a breath of air and rubbed her eyes, which became even more dizzy. Unexpectedly, I saw Daximen approaching with a keen eye, like a madman, bursting into laughter. A bleak cold wind hit me, which was very scary.

Hua'er drew her sword to stab at the blurry Great West Gate, like an elephant entangled with a demon, ethereal and misty. After fighting for a long time, I was out of breath from exhaustion and looked like I was about to be captured by the devil. Dongzi was confused and just shouted:"What's wrong with you? Are you sick? What did you see?!" Hua'er shouted:"Fight quickly! Kill quickly! Da Ximen came to rob me... Why didn't you do it?" ? Won't you help me kill the devil?"

Dongzi said:"Are you killing the air? Cutting down the night? Thorning the trees? Have they offended you?" How could Hua'er be willing to listen? Even Dongzi regarded it as Daximen, and with a sword Dongzi was unable to defend himself when he stabbed him. He failed to dodge and was stabbed in the left shoulder. He shouted:"Are you crazy? How can you kill me?" He stepped forward and squeezed Hua'er Zhijian's hand, and the sword fell to the ground. This pinch was so powerful that Hua'er was pinched until she screamed:"Ah——"Suddenly he woke up and asked:"What's the matter with you? Did Da Ximen stab you? Where did the old thief go?"

Dongzi lay on a tree and wrapped the wound with a cloth bandage. Hua'er put the bandage on He spread it out, poured some golden sore medicine powder on the wound inside, and bandaged it again. Dongzi said:"There was nothing just now! Who were you killing? Could it be that I did something wrong?" The flower shrank, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he spasmed, and said in panic and confusion:"Nothing? No way. Well, I clearly saw Da Ximen coming to rob me... Why don't you help me kill the enemy?"

Dongzi burst into tears and smiled. He was detached and generous, straightened his back and said:"Speak without any concealment. , are you serious about it? Could it be an illusion?" Ximen Hua said:"You are so cool, you just pretend to be fine! But I feel like I am fighting a battle at the entrance to hell, it is just like the real thing, it is Daximen who wants to rob me....A killing."

Dongzi breathed a sigh of relief, took off his spacious coat, and said:"I'm afraid you had a nightmare! I'm the only one beside you, how can I see the shadow of Da Ximen?! Is it a virtual reality? Shadow hallucination...I understand...Hua'er, you are too suppressed and under great pressure! The pain is too long and the difficulty is too heavy. It has intimidated you to the point of panic." Another strange sound came, Hua'er was stunned and said,"Listen, what is this sound?" Dongzi said,"Walking at night, you often hear strange noises like this, so it's not surprising."

As they walked, Hua'er said,"If it weren't for you , I have only one way to die." Dongzi said,"If it weren't for you, I would have starved to death." Hua'er said,"Why aren't you afraid at all?" Dongzi said,"You shouldn't be afraid!" Hua'er said. Er said:"Then...why?" Dongzi said:"It's me they want to kill! Several times of fighting, it shows everything! They won't kill you."

Hua'er stepped on the air, Dongzi Zi hugged her tightly. Dongzi pushed her away again and said,"Hurry! It's about to dawn, let's hurry up." Hua'er stood up and held her sword, and followed him on the narrow path.

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