Suddenly there was a louder noise below, shouting:

"Can the little bully come? Robbers are afraid of the light!"

"Does he dare to come and die? The fierce King Venus dares to provoke!"

"What other words did Master Gu Songzi, the sage of martial arts, leave behind?"

Yu'er loudly said:"Brothers and sisters, all heroes and heroes, everyone knows that Master Gu, as the holy master of the martial arts world, has also sent the post of Huangshan Golden Summit to the little overlord Wang Jinxing. There is no doubt that the little overlord will come. Dear heroes, brothers, and heroes, you know better than me that the ancient master has not been in the Central Plains for the past two years. He paid a bloody price to quell the entanglements and massacres of the four major factions in Shu. Sima

Yingmei, the new head of Emei, shouted loudly, suppressing the noise and shouting:"Hey, hey just now... be quiet, stop making noise! ​​Stop making noise! ​​My voice is broken... Hey, just now Didn't some wise man from outside the world say that if a real person doesn't show his face, then if he shows his face, he is not a real person... Hey, brothers in the world, it's such a big fuss, did you hear what I'm saying?"Someone suddenly tapped his acupuncture points from behind, as if using a calming technique, which made the loud-speaking leader as dumb as a wooden figure and speechless. The acupuncture expert whirled around among a pile of flowers. On top of the group, he laughed and said:"Hahaha... a hero will never fall, he will be proud forever! Today's grand event is an eye-opener. I was originally here to kill the two demons Duracell and his son. The old guy is dead. Where did the little bald boy go?"

An eminent monk said with a crisp voice:"Namo Amitabha! The heroes from all walks of life shocked me and made the poor monk admire him. This monk opened the gate of Shaolin Temple because he wanted to go down to the mountain for sightseeing, learn martial arts, and compete with each other. I am less poor, but I can recruit talented people and I don't mind the competition. It also opened my eyes."The old monk said and pointed again, but this point is not attached to the human body. The master who has fixed the acupoint has solved the acupuncture point.

Suddenly, Feng Leizi and Xiaoe came running from the mountainside with weapons. Feng Leizi stood on the high cliff. Roared:"Lord of the Lake - Master of Yu'er, hurry up, the little bastard Wang Jinxing is here! Hurry! The East Hall has been destroyed! Catch the little thief king - Hurry!——"

Hundreds of fierce officials heard the loud sound on the high cliff, and they were all shocked. Needless to say, they all rushed towards the cliff. There are more than ten Qinggong practitioners who know how to fly on the grass, and they have crossed the mountain bend and rushed towards the east hall.

Yu'er hurriedly came to Feng Leizi and asked:"Little King of Thieves?...Have you really seen it?" Xiao Goose didn't wait for Feng Leizi to stutter, and said first:"Lake Master, it's true! I saw it with my own eyes.. Wang Jinxing and Grandma Luhua fought, and the East Hall collapsed. The house fell down, and the East Hall became a big platform, and they were having fun."

Yu'er took the sword and said with a firm face:"Let's go! Hurry! Don't let him run away! Come on, come on!" With that said, Yu'er flew around the cliff like an arrow, leaving Feng Leizi and Xiao Goose fifty steps away.

Hundreds of heroes besieged Wang Jinxing, and Grandma Luhua and the little overlord were fighting fiercely, with no gaps to exploit and no gaps to exploit. Granny Luhua stretched out her hand to stop her and said:"Back off! Let me vent my anger alone! Kill this little bully!" After hearing this, all the men retreated, and Yu'er was helpless. All the heroes stood around the hall with its roof cut off, all staring in shock as they watched the fierce battle.

Just listen to Wang Jinxing yelling fiercely:"Haha! How can the Eighteen Dragon Swords that have been handed down from my family for three hundred years lose to the Tianling Sword that is less than a hundred years old? Your stinky old woman's 'One Sword, Thousand Lights' style can't be defeated." No match for the young master!" After saying that, Zhijian's response was extraordinary, and his sword energy roared with murderous intent. He also changed his moves like lightning, flashing and changing frequently, almost approaching Grandma Luhua. The old hero's wife is as skilled as ever. She can see her sword flashing quickly, spinning violently, jumping and stabbing. Her secret skills are superb and her techniques are changeable. She shouted:"One Sword Thousand Lights Style!" and saw the sword light changing. Ten million, stabbing Wang Jinxing's naked eyes.

Wang Jinxing"Ah ah——"She yelled,"Whoosh!" and fired three"dragon needles." Grandma Luhua's long sword was versatile and could penetrate from head to knee. However, the little overlord was a thief. He shot specifically at the calves and feet below the knees. Two shots missed, and a dragon poisonous needle had penetrated his left ankle bone. Grandma Luhua"Ah——"He yelled and fell back.

Feng Liuzi and Xingzi were guarding Grandma Luhua with swords. Suddenly they saw Wang Jinxing making a small move and immediately wanted to shoot them with the dragon's poisonous needle. You know, he has doubled the number of twelve dragon poison needles to thirty-six. After taking three shots, there are still thirty-three. In a flash of extreme crisis, Yu'er's sword had cut open the little overlord's quick hand that was stretched into his sleeve.

The leader of Huashan, Yue Lucheng, and the leader of Wudang, Long Wanhai, were approaching Wang Jinxing with their swords, but he jumped up to the top of another hall and said wildly:"Shame, shame! There are rules in the martial arts, one on one, two on two. , how can you get together in a group to fight one person! Even if I, Wang Jinxing, are defeated and die, I will not accept it!"

Xingzi said angrily:"You are not a human, you are an animal, worse than a beast! I will cut you into pieces with a thousand knives, it is also the will of man and God!"

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