(20) Bai Nianlang died unjustly.

Chapter 133: The Death of Hua Yinnu.

The little overlord Wang Jinxing instigated Huali Guai and Yinshuidong to go to Suzhou Yamen to find out the truth. This was also to rob Bai Nianlang again and use him as a shield. , blackmailed the leader of Taihu Lake, Yu'er, and took the opportunity to strike, but this has been in vain. After obtaining the Dragon Court Pearl and relying on Wang Jinxing's powerful martial arts skills, he failed to kidnap Bai Nianlang. In addition, he had a guilty conscience for killing his father. He was afraid that someone in the family would find out about it and spread the news to the world, and kill him and silence him. When he saw someone suspicious, he would lead him to a dark place and kill him with a sword. Hualiguai and Yinshuidong were no exception. They were regarded by the little overlord as suspicious people who knew the inside story and were lured to the Dongting Lake in the name of admiring the moon. In the dark of the night, they killed them with two swords and sank into the lake.

Besides, Bai Nianlang was so exhausted that he fell to the ground, struggled for breath, and tried his best to escape. His tears have dried up and he has no tears left to cry. Among the ghosts and buildings, there is terror hiding, a sea of ​​hatred, overwhelming pain, and lamentation. In the shadow of despair, the grass and trees are all covered with soldiers, and the wind is raging. I feel so sad that I want to die, but I can’t bear to die.I still want to live an ignoble existence. Bai Nianlang was secretly glad that he had escaped the great shame and tragedy of being beheaded at the Meridian Gate of the capital. He thought sadly:"As long as I don't get killed in public, I'm lucky... I no longer despise the world, I despise the Yamen... I despise Yu'er... I despise his mother Shui Lian... I deserve to die... but I still want to... I still want to see Yu'er...meet Yu'er's mother...even if it's just a glimpse in the dark...and then go to the wilds to find some wild fruits...I'll wait until Taihu Lake...after meeting there...I'll die with my eyes closed....Maybe there is also a corpse collector." Bai Nianlang wandered towards Taihu Lake.……


《Huangshan Inn", this night was very lively. Among the swordsmen, there are also many warriors who hold swords. Some of them do not have weapons on their appearance, but their heavy sleeves obviously contain hidden weapons. There are two men with hooks on their waists. These two bearded men with crossbows on their backs are setting up a wine stall on the ground to drink. Suddenly, three uninvited guests crashed into the door. One was holding a whip, the other was holding a flying ring knife, and the other was holding a short double halberd. He glanced at the swordsmen who were drinking inside, and all of them looked wary.

Among the bearded men, the taller man hugged the pot and drank heavily, saying:"Haha, this Huangshan Inn has never been so crowded tonight, and there is a strong smell of sword energy." The smaller man with a big beard said with a smile. :"Well, are we going to do a few moves tonight?"

The leader of the nine swordsmen asked:"What moves are you going to fight!? If anyone has thought about a move, let's play with it, we can start! We brothers came from Tianshan, we are too tired. , just admiring."

A strong man holding a chariot said:"Brothers, are you all going to Huangshan?"

The swordsmen responded:"You guessed it right... Not bad! Let's go to the Golden Summit of Huangshan."

They hurried in again. A dressed-up man holding a long sword scabbard in his left hand said with a smile:"Oh, they are all going to the Golden Summit of Huangshan to attend the 'Meeting of Heroes'... but I don't know any acquaintances."

The tall bearded man smiled and said:"Haha, you I don't know you, but I know you! Are you Liu Tiejun from Kongtong Gate?"

Liu Tiejun came up to take over and said:"Brother, um, I remembered, you are Huzhang... Haha, we haven't seen each other in ten years. It's a rare encounter."

Huzi Zhang handed over a big bowl of wine and said:"Come on, Brother Liu, drink! Drink to your heart's content! Waiter, come on, have some more wine! Come on, have a jar of"Jiujiang Red", come on!" Liu Tiejun answered. Drink immediately.

A large jar of wine was delivered, the waiter sang and left, while the shopkeeper was busy collecting copper coins. Another string of big men came in and out one after another, drinking, eating, and washing. There were also several sword sharpeners, who made crisp sounds as if they were accompanying the swordsmen who were talking about it.

"Whoosh——", Yin Shasha shot an arrow at Liu Tiejun. He gently blocked the wine glass held in his right hand, and the hidden arrow fell to the ground with a"dang" sound.

Huzi Zhang picked up the arrow, pronounced his words like a sword, and scolded:"Hey! Who is the killer who shot the arrow? You bastard! How dare you do it secretly and almost hit my brother Liu!"

Liu Tiejun laughed and said:"Hey, it's a trivial matter. , fun... fun."

Everyone was shocked. The leader of the nine swordsmen said:"Catch the arrow with a wine glass, without spilling a drop of wine, a unique move, a brilliant move, really eye-opening."

The bearded man said:"Hey! It was you who released the arrow, right? You are so bold!" said the swordsman. :"So what if it's me? Haha! I'm not the kind of villain who attacks behind people's backs!"

Liu Tiejun cupped his fists and said,"Well, just for fun, why take it seriously? Oh, are the nine swordsmen the 'Tianshan Sword Master Nine'?"’?"

The leader of the swordsmen smiled and said:"My brothers, we are the Nine Swordsmen of the Tianshan Mountains, not to mention the Sword Masters. The 'Nine Sword Masters of the Tianshan Mountains' are the ones who praise us too highly."

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