Although Ren Zhizhou and Yu'er were brothers and very loyal, he handled the case impartially and even his parents would not recognize him, let alone a corrupt official who was wanted for arrest. Magistrate Ren held thirty-seven volumes of Bai Nianlang's case files in his hands, and the serious crimes he committed were worthy of the death penalty. Ren Daen is an upright and selfless official who eliminates harm for the people. How can he let the white-eyed wolf go? He immediately captured him back to the Suzhou Yamen and ordered him to be sent to death row. He said angrily:"White-eyed wolf! I asked you to become a human being, but you turned into a corrupt and perverted ghost! This time, I will send you to hell!"

Bai Nianlang was on death row! In the middle, he is crazy, stupid, confused, and half-conscious. He smeared feces and urine on his face and laughed wildly:"Little bully...Wang Jinxing...when will you let me go? I won't go out...I'm afraid...I'm afraid that you Jinba and his son will...hang me up again On the flagpole... I can't die soon... When I see Yu'er's mother... When I see Yu'er... I'll make an end of it."

Yu'er received a letter from Magistrate Ren, and he and Xingzi quickly came to the Suzhou Yamen. Yu'er and Xingzi thought they could take their father away, so Zhuziqing let him go. Ren Daen said sternly:"Yu'er, Miss Xingzi, I'm sorry for offending you. Yu'er and I are sworn brothers, and we share life and death together. However, Bai Nianlang embezzled 394,216 taels of silver and 1,319 taels of gold, gave and accepted bribes, plundered people's wealth, and made complaints. And he was wrong. It is a matter of great importance to solve the murder case and kill three people by mistake... Bai Nianlang deserves to be severely punished by heaven and earth for abandoning his wife. He deserves to die! His crime is true and heinous, so he must be beheaded in public."

Yu'er was sulking and had no idea. Open your mouth. Xingzi said:"Master Zhifu, human life is at stake? Where does the murder case begin?" Zhifu Ren said:"The death of Huang Jinyi, the former Suzhou magistrate, was caused by Bai Nianlang colluding with Duracell and his son. There is a case file here, you can read it You know." Xingzi read the twenty-ninth volume of"Bai Nianlang's case file" handed over by Zhu Ziqing, and Fang was speechless.

Zhu Ziqing said:"It is stated in the case file: Bai Nianlang paid bribes amounting to 237,000 taels of silver in order to be promoted to the county magistrate of Wuxi and the magistrate of Suzhou. And all of this money was obtained unjustly by plundering the blood and sweat of the people. Wealth."

Magistrate Ren said sternly:"Brother Yu'er, don't blame me for being ruthless! My brother is selfless and selfless, and he disowns all his relatives! Bai Nianlang is your elder and the elder of the Guan official, but he cannot be called our father! He has been reborn. , I failed to change my mind and face, my bones have turned black, the king's law is ruthless, and the sky net is ruthless!"

Zhu Ziqing said:"Come here! Have you prepared the good wine and meat?" The servant cupped his hands and said:"It's ready. Magistrate Ren said:"Put a table! Come, my dear brother Yu'er, Miss Xingzi... I've offended you... I'll make amends with wine." There was a table full of fine food, fine wine and good food, but Yu'er and Xingzi ate it. No less. Yu'er winked at Xingzi, then asked for a lunch box and a basket, put seven plates and eight bowls in them, put a jug of good wine in, and went to visit the prison.

After turning six corners, we entered a dark prison. The stench was overwhelming, exuding a strange smell of wet urine, which was disgusting. Suddenly there was the sound of shackles and iron chains clanking and grinding, and then bursts of crazy and crazy dying sighs:"Have sex after bracelets and, two, three...Eleven...Twenty-three...Sixty-four...Ninety-seven...One hundred and nine...Two hundred and fourteen...Oops...I have thrown a lot at you girls... But now... you are locked up in this iron fence... you have become a caged bird... you are a genius with white eyes... you are like a thousand insects biting you now... money can make ghosts go around and the days are gone. Return... white money... so many boxes... like snow flakes. My God... everything is just a passing smoke... it's over... everything is over... dipped in the blood of my heart, I write this big cry I have come up with a poem from my heart, ha... I can't write a single poem... I have become a mediocre person who surrenders to mediocrity, a huddled wretch... I will be soaked in salt and become thick water... What a headless fly I was once. The scenery is glorious and prosperous... The big red man, I am the golden billion red man... He is waiting for me in the underworld... Ah... no... he is holding a machete in his hand... waiting I stuck my neck in... Oh my God, it's not good... Sure enough, I couldn't cry without seeing the coffin... It's not good... There is a kid coming to catch me... Oops……"

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