Feng Leizi and Xiao E carried their weapons and were walking in a hurry. When Miss Xiao E saw a clean handkerchief dropped on the roadside, she picked it up and said in shock:"Hey, I've seen this handkerchief before...it's Sister Xingzi's handkerchief..." Ah, sister Xingzi must have passed by here." Feng Leizi said:"Hey, there are women's shoe marks on the ground.……"Xiao Goose carefully looked at the shoe prints on the wet ground and said,"These footprints... are also Sister Xingzi's footprints! Come on, let's go after Sister Xingzi." Feng Leizi followed Xiao Goose and rushed forward to look for them, walking on Then, when they arrived at the three-way intersection, there were no footprints, and the two of them were worried. Xiao Goose said:"Brother, let's go back quickly and tell the gang leader. As soon as Brother Sanquanzi gives the order, we will all look for him. We will definitely find him. Come back quickly!"

Yu'er is waiting for his filial mother. Suddenly, Xiaowan and Feng Leizi came to report that they had seen Xingzi's handkerchief, and they took them to find it. When I found the Horseshoe Bend of Taihu Lake, I suddenly saw a woman with disheveled hair and ragged clothes staggering around. The three of them went up and saw that it was Xingzi. Yu'er shed tears and shouted:"Xingzi...Xingzi...you……You suffer."Xingzi's memory has not been completely lost. She is half awake and half dazed. She stares at Yu'er blankly without moving her gaze. Yu'er comes up to hug her, but she is so frightened that she runs away. The three of them catch up again, and they all have good words to say. Xingzi bought delicious meat cakes and gave him water, and then he lost his hostility. He coaxed him all the way until it got dark, and then he arrived at Taihu Dayu Camp. The three girls, Sister Hong, Hong Juezi and Xiao E, entertained Xingzi , washed, changed and groomed, talked to the parents, talked about the past relationship between the sisters, and then settled down Xingzi. The next day, Yu'er asked Wang Laojiu, a famous doctor on Taihu Lake, to treat Xingzi. According to the prescription, he went to Found the rare medicine"Xingxiancao". Yu'er's mother also went to take care of it. After two months of nursing, Xingzi's illness was cured.

Now that she was cured, Shui, Yu'er and Xingzi all took the medicine together. We discussed together, got along day and night, and asked questions. Xingzi's memory gradually recovered. Yu'er's mother-in-law and Xingzi took a big boat to cruise Taihu Lake. They also visited various ferries, docks, and villages. Taihu people from all directions sent fish, shrimps, and wine. Shuilian and her family The three of us are reunited, and their days are like sesame blossoms. They are all filled with joy and deep love, just like they are in heaven.……


On the contrary, the white-eyed wolf who wanted to live in heaven forever never expected to walk into hell. Nowadays, Bai Nianlang has lost all the dignity of a magistrate. He is so poor that he walks with his head down and his tail between his legs, hoping to pick up a few coins on the roadside, but he does not see even one.

Bai Nianlang's glory and wealth were all gone in a blink of an eye, evaporating so quickly that even he never dreamed of it. Eating, drinking, having fun, traveling around the mountains and rivers, having fun...all came to nothing. In my dreams, I often have a feast of wine, meat, and wine. I wake up laughing, but I don’t even have tears to cry. In front of me, there is no tile above me and no earth below, just like rats and dogs. He had no food or drink, his clothes were torn, his face was covered with dirt, and he was covered in lice. After a few months of begging, his beard and hair were all white. He was holding a dog-beating stick in his left hand and a dirty Tuba bowl in his right hand. When walking, it shakes three times, like a lantern flower, and falls down as soon as it shakes.

The white-eyed wolf was bitten by dogs several times before he found a stick as thick as a rolling pin, but he didn't even have the strength to beat the dogs, so he was still bullied by the dogs and escaped for his life amid the siege of the dogs.

How many falls did Bai Nianlang fall? He counted on his fingers and found that he stumbled thirty-four times in total. The three falls were the heaviest, and he was bleeding profusely. He was bandaged with grass and leaves on the roadside, and he was barely able to survive.

In summer, Baiyanlang encountered huge floods and was flooded three times. However, I don’t know whether it was because he was destined to be lucky or because God punished him so that he could neither live nor die. Sin still hadn't had enough, and he didn't want it to be easy for him to die too quickly.

On New Year's Eve, Bai Nianlang forgot about this day. But on this snowy New Year's Day, Bai Nianlang slipped and fell in the snow and couldn't get up.

Strangely, everyone inside and outside Gusu City knew that there was a white man who was the governor of the state and turned into a white-eyed wolf. Even a six-year-old child knows that the former prefect has turned into a beggar, begging for food everywhere, like a madman, and few people give him food and drink. The children also made up some jingles... and cheered and sang:"The phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken when it falls, and the prefect turns into a wolf and everyone kicks him. Suddenly he meets a little nigger, whips him and slaps you in the mouth! White-eyed wolf, let's see if you suffer a loss or not!" After hearing the scolding and ridicule, and the sarcasm and sarcasm, Bai Nianlang's heart was bleeding...

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