Duracell proudly said:"I am the greatest in the world, and I am the strongest in martial arts! Old monk, once we finish the contest, we can decide who is the holy master of the martial arts world!" The old monk Zhiyuan said:"I am different from murderous demon kings like you. Fighting, you think you have polluted my temple's clean hands! You Duracell actually transported more than 20 boxes of black iron eggs, plotting to blow up all the elites in the world! You are so vicious, even if I lose the old monk, who will accept you as a martial artist? Where is the Holy Lord!" The crowd below shouted:

"Yes! Even if you win, no one will choose you to be the Martial Saint.!"

"The Holy Lord of Wulin does not allow murderers to take responsibility!"

"I boast that I am bigger than the sky and the earth, and I am the best in the world. I am too arrogant and arrogant.!"

"How can an arrogant tyrant bring justice to the martial arts world?!"

"We will not recommend Duracell and his son!"

Duracell was furious and said:"It seems that we have to go on a killing spree! Let me show you some color!" At this time, the Taihu Gang disciples saw that the leader Li Yufei had expired, and they shouted furiously. A tidal wave of people surrounded Duracell, raising their weapons and shouting:"Revenge - revenge."!""Revenge for Gang Leader Li!""Kill Duracell!""Let's fight!"

The Duracell leapt up and held up the"Qiankun Jue Ming Palm" again. With a loud bang,"Pap Pap Pap", he jumped into the catastrophe. He showed off his ferocity and madness, knocking down more than a dozen Taihu Clan disciples with a few palms. Yu'er quickly cultivated her skills, summoned up her true energy, and used the"Qi Penetrating the Rainbow" style,"Clouds Rising Dragon's Head" style, and"Day by Day Accumulation" style from the"Nineteen Swords of Dragon Subduing". Duracell avoided the light of the sword and slipped past. Yu'er was so anxious that her blood boiled and she stabbed directly at Duracell's Tianling Gai. Her moves never left the fatal point, but she was dodged away and the sword power was gone. At this time, Yue Lu Cheng, Long Wanhai, Zhiyuan, Feng Liuzi, Feng Xuezi and all the righteous soldiers all stepped forward with their swords in hand. Golden King spun around and jumped up to the top of the high rock, smiling:"Hahaha! Fighting for the position of Martial Saint has always been a battle in the world. The rule is one against one, three games to decide! A group of masters surround me, how can I be a hero? What a big joke, hahaha……"

Yue Lucheng, the leader of Huashan Mountain, said angrily:"One against one, that's fine! I'll settle the score with you old thief!" After saying that, he raised his sword, but Duracell held up his Life-Destroying Palm and hit it five feet away. Fortunately, he had internal strength. Strong, no damage to internal organs. Duracell said arrogantly:"Old man Huashan has all his hands dead. He has no one under his disciples, so what else can he do? Your leader Yue was defeated by my son. You are really overestimating your capabilities!" The eminent monk Zhiyuan said:"Duracell, if you have the Tao, I will help you. If you are unjust and have few helpers, you must not be arrogant and never compromise the moral principles of the world. Namo Amitabha, that is so good, so good!" Duracell said sternly:"Old monk, your martial arts is the best here. As long as I defeat you, I will be a legitimate martial artist. Holy Master! Watch the move!" After saying that, he was full of confidence in his strength and channeled his true energy. His palms were like thunder and lightning, and he attacked the old monk Zhiyuan fiercely. The old monk Zhiyuan was forced to take action. He was very accomplished in martial arts. He could dodge forward and retreat as if walking on thin ice. His steps were light, his attack and defense were steady, and his movements were slippery, causing all Duracell's Life-Destroying Palms to fly away.

Zhiyuan from the Songshan Shaolin Temple spun around and jumped onto the high cliff, saying,"No more fun! It's not interesting to play with your Duracell. I came to Piaomiao Peak just to question Duracell about something." Duracell said sternly:" Your old monk can't beat me. I want to take a breath and let you breathe. Ask me one thing. If you have something to say, say it quickly!" Zhiyuan said sonorously:"Three years ago, how many people did you kill in order to seize Dongting Lake? A life?" Duracell said in embarrassment:"It's okay. I bought Dongting Lake with money. It's a fair deal. What's wrong with it?" Sister Hong, the leader, turned around, jumped to the top of the rock, and said angrily:"Duracell , how dare you lie in public! Dongting Lake is the inheritance left by my ancestors. It belongs to tens of thousands of people in Dongting, and Tianhonghui is the backbone and agent of these tens of thousands of people. And you dominate Dongting. , killed twenty-seven people from the Tianhong Society in succession, wreaked havoc, seized women of the people, acted violently, acted violently, committed evil, and lost all conscience! You old thief owes the Dongting Tianhong Society twenty-seven lives, and you still say you don’t have it. Thing! Big devil, the blood debt must be paid with blood! This time you killed Taihu Gang leader Li Yufei again, we want you old thief to add another life, a total of twenty-eight lives as compensation! If not, we will kill you Duracell I vow not to give up!" Hong Juzi yelled:"If you don't kill Duracell, you will be ashamed of your ancestors!" Xingzi shouted:"Duracell, you will not die a good death!" The disciples of the Taihu Gang raised their weapons and started roaring. Shouting slogans:"Kill Duracell and avenge Gang Leader Li."!"

"Duracell deserves death!"

"Duracell and his son deserved their death!"

"Duracell and his son should die ten thousand times!"

"Revenge for Gang Leader Li!"

"Revenge for the Dongting Tianhong Society!"

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