The Shuilian prison car escorted was robbed by the two heroes Yuanyang. But after a fierce battle, they were all broken up... most of the thirty cadres ran away, and the remaining thirteen returned to Bai Nianlang. Bai Zhizhou was furious and put all thirteen soldiers in prison. Bai Nianlang had to return the original 30,000 taels of silver to Duracell, but instead added another 10,000 taels of silver to please the little bully. In addition, the Shui family was only involved in a small theft case and held Duracell's head down, so no one would chase him and he could just muddle along. Big things are reduced to small things, small things are reduced to small things, and the level is passed.

Shui's eyes were blurry, half-blind, and she couldn't recognize clearly, so she couldn't see whether the person who was judging her in court was her loving husband. That young man has indeed become a white-eyed wolf. The water lotus he often sees in his dreams is the water lotus that was dripping, delicate, naturally beautiful, and flower-like from twenty years ago. How could he believe that an old woman who was a scholar was his first wife? My dear wife.

Bai Nianlang was promoted to the magistrate of Suzhou, and Hualiguai and Yinshuidong were even more fawning. On that day, the wind was warm and sunny, and the two girls invited Bai Zhifu to go for a ride. Bai Nianlang was first in the central hall of the mansion, watching the singing girls dancing and drinking and celebrating. Afterwards, he, Hualiguai and Yinshuidong sat on a brocade boat and went on a night tour of Taihu Lake, having fun until dawn.

While Liang Zhizhou was living in blissful paradise during the white years, his wife was homeless, hungry and cold, living as a beggar, competing with wolves and rats for food, with no clothes on her body, and struggling with the threat of death.

Although the Shui family was saved by the two heroes, Duracell couldn't give up. He sent hundreds of desperadoes to follow him, and a fierce battle was inevitable. Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, Zhu Ziqing hid the water lotus in a hole in the grass. She and Ren Da Dao fought with the gangsters until dawn, but they were outnumbered and dispersed.

In the vast wilderness, Shui Lian does not want to implicate the two heroes Ren and Zhu. She was helpless and wanted help from heaven and earth. She thought that her life was so bad, so she could only pray to God and worship Buddha. Shui ran for his life and came to Tianling Temple. He bought incense, wax, and paper with the copper coins he had saved for Yu'er. Then he burned incense, kowtowed, and made a wish:"Buddha bless...Buddha bless my son and everything will be fine..." …Bless my Yu’er to be painless and disaster-free… Lord Buddha shows mercy: Please protect my Hua Zi mother to see her son… Guarantee that my family will be reunited one day. My Hua Zi will kowtow nine more times to Lord Buddha… Lord Buddha Ah, you are a god, you will definitely appear. Old woman Huazi, please beg you, I beg you.……"

Shui Lian smashed his forehead, causing profuse bleeding. He suddenly fainted and was rescued by a senior monk in the temple. She missed her son so much that when she saw a young man, she shouted:"Yu'er... Yu'er... don't you recognize my mother?" She came closer and took a closer look, and saw that it was her Yu'er. But she still didn't give up, calling for a way to find a way. He calls out to everyone he meets, and calls out once to each one. He holds a cane in one hand, and still holds the scarred bowl that never leaves his body in the other.

It was raining heavily that day, and Shui Lian went to a ruined temple to burn incense and kowtow. This temple was a local temple in the wild. It was burning, and she was no longer cold, so she picked up a lot of straw to keep herself warm. When the weather cleared after the rain, I went outside the half-collapsed back wall to pick wild pears to eat, and they fell heavily from the trees. She endured the pain and struggled to the ruined temple, squeezing out a few tears. It was obvious that her tears were almost dry.

Shui Lian wanted to see if the wound on her forehead had scabbed, so she looked at the puddle of rainwater in front of the ruined temple as a mirror. She was shocked when she saw her own face, and said to herself:"Oh...oh... I...I have turned into a madman...into a savage...people are not like humans, ghosts are not like ghosts, my hair is disheveled...even worse than a beggar...this is not the life of a human being...not even worse than a beast...I did something wrong in my previous life... No, I was guilty in my previous life! My sins were too great... That's why I suffered this evil in this life.……"

Shui Lian suddenly saw a shadow flickering. She thought it was Yu'er, so she rushed forward and shouted:"Yu'er... Yu'er - my son."……"When I got to the temple gate, there was nothing. The black shadow seemed to be flashing, and she threw herself here and there, shouting and shouting, but her joy was all in vain. Looking up at the sky, she realized that it was an eagle flying in the sky, and the shadow of the roc fell down, but she was still shouting:"Yu'er...Yu'er"……"

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