Hong Juzi said:"I don't think he dares not to worry about it. This is related to the life and death of the Taihu Gang! Master Gu Songzi can be said to be a generation of masters, and he is worthy of the title of Cailu Zhenren. I heard that his martial arts are never revealed. He practices What kind of kung fu is it? What kind of kung fu are you teaching?" Feng Liuzi said:"Master practices martial arts... he never lets us watch... he only teaches us some basic skills. I learned sword skills; Feng Leizi learned stick skills. ; Feng Xuezi studied sword skills, and his master's business skills... For example, the method he used this time to outwit ill-gotten wealth is really miraculous and unparalleled in the country. I think his martial arts skills that are not passed down are even more profound. If you test it, it will cover the whole world."

Hong Juzi asked suspiciously:"Well, you won't pass it on? No, that Yu'er's kung fu is strange. He has a"Martial Arts Secret Book" in his hand. I heard that it was passed down to him by Gu Songzi, right? He said:"Yes, the master also passed him a copy of"Business Law Secrets". This book is in my pocket." He took it out and handed it to her to read. She flipped through the pages and said:"The moonlight was dim and I couldn't see clearly... I wasn't interested in business law at first. But after"Dongting on Business", I became interested. This time, the ancient master's strategy method made ten profits at once. More than 10,000 taels of silver, more than 10,000 taels of gold, the ambition to grow upright, the majesty of destroying evil sects, hey, business war is no small matter!" The romantic man said:"The business laws in the business books... I fell asleep just reading them... …This time, Suzhou Huang’s feats opened my eyes. Only then did I realize that business skills are more unique than martial arts. That’s when I thought of reading"Secrets of Business Law". But after reading it, I didn’t understand how to use it. Look! You’ll forget about it after reading it. It’s hard to learn and use, it’s too profound."

Hong Juzi said:"How did you get this book from Yu’er?" Feng Liuzi said:"He is a stupid gourd! Such a top secret. He dares to take the Book of Heaven as a joke." Hong Juzi said:"This book is called a secret book, but it is indeed a Book of Heaven. If you can't understand it, it means it is extremely profound... Let me……"Feng Liuzi said:"Let you read it, yes, I can give it to you, don't tell me to let you read it." Hong Juzi collected the book and said:"It's already the third watch, and the drums are beating loudly. It's time for us to go back to bed. Let's go." Merry Man said:"Orange, next time... when will we meet?" Orange said:"Next time? Next time... next time." The two left the lakeside with their swords.


Feng Liuzi and Feng Xuezi are called by Jianghu people: Jianghu duo.

At dusk the next day, Hong Juzi went to see her eldest sister. Passing by the jujube forest, she was attracted by Feng Xuezi, who had been waiting there. Feng Xuezi was handsome, wearing a knife, and asked solemnly:"Hongjuzi, where are you going?" Hongjuezi said:"Oh, it's you...Brother Fengxue...I...I don't know where you are going, let's go." We were strolling around and came to the jujube forest." Feng Xuezi said:"Miss Hongtanger, you haven't forgotten the first time we met at the dock of Niujia Village, right?" Hongtanger smiled and said,"I haven't forgotten, how could I The most important place in my life - Niujiacun Pier." Feng Xuezi smiled and said:"Haha - we are all reminiscing about that once-in-a-lifetime acquaintance. It's so flavorful... We felt like old friends at the first sight, as if we had known each other all our lives. We... soon became close friends! Right?" She smiled and said:"Yes, that's right. It can be said that one drink relieves all worries... Let's drink and have a good time... Later……"He continued:"Later, you told me your sincere words, that you wanted to be with me in the world for a long time, live happily, and live a happy life. These were your words. In the past two years, I have been with you every day for a long time. I recited the chant once and never forgot it." Hong Juzi said:"That...that's because I was drunk.……"He said:"Drunk and enlightened... Drunk and uttered the truth. From that day on, I discovered the true love... It is rare to have an intimate person in the vast world. From that day on, I saw the sky and the earth being gray and dim... everything changed. Like a rainbow, the world in my heart has changed." She said:"It's not that serious, right?" He said:"You don't believe it? Don't you have this experience?" She said:"Yes... yes, yes." He said Smiling brightly, she said:"Hahaha... I figured you had the same feeling, and sure enough, haha." She said:"Your smile is natural, generous, and cheerful... Hahaha... funny... funny I couldn't help but laugh, I'm different from another person." He said:"Who? Different from whom?" She said:"I won't tell you anymore." He said:"I won't ask, it's not hard to force others. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about other things... My master's business method can really be said to be a thousand catties or ten thousand catties, and it suddenly stirred up the Taihu Gang. This time, the soldiers are strong, the horses are strong, the ships are big and the weapons are sharp, and the Dongting Lake is recaptured for the Tianhong Society! It's very promising!." Hong Juzi said:"It's good to be able to keep Taihu Lake. Duracell is powerful and full of tricks, so it's hard to deal with it." Feng Xuezi said:"This is wrong. If we can't take back Dongting Lake, I will be in the world. It's a waste of time! Besides, with the guidance of Master Gu Songzi, we will definitely win." Hong Juzi said:"I heard that Yu'er went to spy, and that Duracell has colluded with the officers and soldiers of Yuezhou, Suzhou, and Wuxi. Is it difficult to believe that? Fight against the enemy." Feng Xuezi said:"Are you discouraged again!? You can't vent your anger! Fight against the invading enemies, kill two and earn one; kill three and earn a pair; justice will not fail, and righteousness will not decline.!I will fight to the death with Duracell!" Red Orange giggled. He said:"What? What I said is wrong?" She said:"Yes, yes... I was testing your courage just now, and you are indeed brave and ambitious. Wonderful! Meeting so many good people is considered God's will.... We three sisters are so miserable, Tianhonghui is so miserable, and the dead brothers and sisters are so miserable... I want to cry when I think about it... cry a lot……"She shed tears...

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