《There was another commotion in"Yehua Tower". Huang Jinyi snored loudly while sleeping, but Bai Nianlang woke up with a start. Bai Nianlang and Huali Guai came out to ask questions, and the men who came down to answer them one by one. Mrs. Yao was afraid of alerting Magistrate Huang, so she hurriedly stepped forward to socialize with him. After a short time, a table of sumptuous dishes was set up, and Magistrate Bai and Huali Guai were specially invited. The one on the left kept saying,"Thank you for rescuing the official," and the one on the right,"Thank you for your sister's kindness." Yao Qianshu put two After some compliments, he went.

Then why does Shui always come to this"Yehua Tower" to find food and drink? It's true, Yehua Tower is full of dignitaries and rich handsome men from the casino. It is a place where young men often come and go. Therefore, there is a lot of leftover food, and no pigs, chickens or poultry are fed inside or outside Xiangxiang Courtyard, so no one wants the leftover food. Only here, the Shui clan begged for food and returned with a full meal. Elsewhere, she often has empty hands and a growling hunger.

Mrs. Shui was afraid that Mrs. Yao would stare at her, so while hiding in the dark to pick up the dumplings and steamed buns thrown on the ground, she couldn't help but think of Ren Da Dao and Zhu Zi Qing. Thinking,"I almost starved to death... It was Ren and Zhuyuanyangxia who introduced me to work as a handyman... Alas, I'm not doing as expected... Maybe it's because I have a miserable life and am destined not to have the blessings of this job... Ren, Zhuyuanyangxia has been kind to me... and I am not far from death... and I can't find my son, and I can't repay them... I shouldn't bother them anymore."

Today, in this wine shop, fortunately, there is no Wild dogs. When Shui thought about the scene of fighting for bones with the dog, she couldn't help but shed tears. In the dim light of the candlelight, take a lookThe scars from the bite on the hand are even more sad and self-depressing.

Shui Lian saw that the official was very familiar with the lady. They had given her delicious fish and steamed buns on the boat by the lake. I saw their half-packed steamed buns all over the floor a few times, as well as large bone and meat slices, white strips of meat three fingers wide... My mouth was watering, but I didn't dare to go after seeing that Captain Yao hadn't left. Finally, after Yao Qianshu left, she crawled under the high table to pick up the best leftover food. The Hualiguai suddenly recognized her and said,"Old lady... I've seen you before... Come, take these two plates!" She handed them over, and Shui Shi bowed and said,"Thank you, my benefactor... you are a good person. God has rewarded you well." Mr. Shui poured two plates of large meat dishes into his pocket, and a bad smell from his body rushed to the table. Bai Nianyan fanned himself with his hand, covered his nose, and said,"It smells good. Stinky! Go away! Why is it you again! Oh! You stink to death! You are so insatiable! You got a benefit once, why do you keep pestering our official family! Oh! I don’t dare to give you any benefits again! Give it to me again! Good thing, I'm afraid you'll end up in our yamen! Go away! Stay away! Don't pester me again! Get out!" Upon hearing this, Mr. Shui left in a hurry. He accidentally stumbled, got up, and hurried away again. open. Magistrate Bai's words came from behind:"It's so disgusting... I feel like vomiting when I see it... Oh! It's so disappointing! Out of sight, out of mind!""


But he said that the person who sneaked into Yehua Tower and eavesdropped in secret flew away like a black bat. Many officers and soldiers of Suzhou Prefecture held open fire and held sticks, and chased until dawn, but there was no trace of them. The masked green-robed Batman was none other than Feng Liuzi, the eldest disciple of Gu Songzi. Under the order of Gu Songzi, this romantic man went to Yueyang to explore the reality of Duracell, and then went to Taihu Lake to meet Gang Leader Li Yufei, Yu'er, Sister Hong, the leader of the Tianhong Society, and others. Only then did he know that Dongting had been seized by Duracell. I also learned that the Taihu Gang was so poor that they stopped building fortifications, making weapons, recruiting people, buying horses, and building warships, and they had no money.

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