Honghuaguo smiled and said:"You great merchants! If Tianhonghui really had the"Secret Map of Hidden Gold" passed down from generation to generation, Tianhonghui would be very prosperous. But now, this guild is just keeping its doors closed to maintain its wealth."

Zhongyuan Ying King Qian Lu Yuantian said with a smile:"He who can move mountains with wisdom can make the most money in the world! Dear tycoons, there is another saying in the business world: 'Mountains of gold and silver are not as good as mountains of wisdom.' Since ancient times, there have been many heroes in shopping malls! I'm afraid they are blind but don't know the goods. Ah."

Jin Xuanfeng said solemnly:"The money-winning king is indeed proficient in the secrets of the business world. In today's Shangshan martial arts world, it is rare to see big tigers, and monkeys dominate the world!"

Tianmu Mountain Shang Linlang Zou came in and asked:"What are you talking about? What do you mean?"

Jin Xuanfeng said:"The King of Hell is easy to see, big tigers are hard to see, and little devils are hard to deal with. Don't you understand?"

The Heavenly Rat smiled contemptuously and said,"Therefore, I, the Heavenly Rat, dare not see Jinbao in broad daylight. The great people in Tianshang secretly peek at people through the cracks in the door."

Duracell said majestically:"In the business world, there are no generals who are always victorious, but there are some who defeat the world with bare hands! I want to wash my hands of the golden basin after the Dongting Chamber of Commerce. , hide in Shangshan, withdraw from the world, and hope that the superstars will give you a way."

The businessmen burst into laughter. Hong Hua Guo smiled and said:"The Golden Overlord of the Shang Dynasty, stepping on other people's money, jumps over the dragon gate. Now, we have gold and silver, so we come up with a plan of 'win big, take it when it's good'."

Jin The Overlord said:"Yes! I have plenty of gold, mountains and silver water, but it is not as good as the gold mountains and silver waters of Dongting Lake. Therefore, I have a bold and presumptuous plan to go to Dongting to discuss business."

All the businessmen were whispering to each other. The Desert Golden Eagle said with a smile:"Haha, the majestic Six Gold Overlord, if you have a plan, you can't say that you are bold and presumptuous. Just open the offer. With so many big tycoons, there will always be willing ones who take the bait."

The King of Duracell has not spoken yet, but is secretly laughing. , but his son Liujin Little Overlord took the lead and yelled:"I...my father is going to buy this Dongting Lake!"

Golden Overlord said:"Yes, my son told me what I was thinking. Come up with something. Price it, Big Dragon Head! Come up with a price."

Before Hong Huaguo said anything, Hong Orange said:"I won't sell it! No matter how much gold and silver you have, you can't buy it!"

Little Duracell said sternly:"Why?!?"

Honghuaguo said:"This is the inheritance left by our ancestors. Besides, Dongting Lake is the place where Tianhonghui lives. How can we do such a boring deal!"

Duracell said angrily:"Now, if the stars in the sky are picked off, I It can be done! Whatever I want to buy, I have to buy it!"

Little Duracell was even more powerful. He jumped up and said:"Open the market quickly, show the game quickly! The bet is quick! If Tianhonghui loses! This Dongting Lake, you have to sell it even if you don't want to! By then, it won't be up to you!"

Yu'er, who was hiding behind the screen, was so angry that his eyes were about to burst and his teeth were clenching. He tightened the hilt of the Qinglong sword and had already pulled it out two inches long. Xingzi quickly stopped him and said softly:"Stop! If you can't bear it, it will cause big problems!" Yu'er put the sword back into its sheath.

Sister Hong, the leader of Tianhonghui, clasped her fists and said:"Everyone, everyone, you have come all the way here, it is rare to get together. This Dongting Lake is famous for its delicacies and famous wine! Doesn't it suit your taste?"

Everyone praised:"It's delicious. It's delicious.!""This Dongting wine is a fairy wine!""This is the immortal dish that you can’t see at the state banquet!"

Little Duracell Venus shouted proudly:"Enough! Pack it up! Pack it up quickly! Start quickly! We can’t wait impatiently!"

Sister Longtou Hong said:"Have you eaten well? There are still twelve dishes yet to be served."Everyone was talking about it, saying:"No need.""No need to go up""Just pack it up""Let the big business owner of the host road open the business.!""Tianhonghui is the owner of Dongting Commercial Company this year. What new tricks will you come up with?"

The little bully said:"Look at your tricks! Our Jinba family is bound to win!" Sister Longtou Hong ordered the boys to clean up the restaurant and make it clean. The king said:"The reason why our business is so powerful When I get to the other side, I also come here for the banker’s ultimate conclusion. As soon as I arrived at your palace, I saw all the business giants beaming with joy. They must have made a lot of deals. And I am tired of doing these commonplace tricks, and I am just waiting for the biggest bet in the end!"

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