Bai Nianlang celebrates his birthday on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, which can be said to be full of flowers and full moon. The prefect of Huanghuangyi came to bless him. Bai Nianlang is already thirty-eight years old. At the same table at the banquet are Yao Qianshu, the proprietress of Yao Qianshu, Flower Monster, Silver Water Cave, Golden Whirlwind, and Heavenly Rat from"Ye Hua Lou" who came to give gifts. Huang Zhifu boasted:"Seven people feasting together is like seven stars gathering in the moon." Huang Zhifu said with a smile:"Nian Lang, I heard that you have a beautiful wife, but she can't find it. I might as well order an emissary to go there. How about posting notices in the city to find relatives for my little brother?" Bai Nianlang said,"Oh, it's a futile task! I won't bother you, sir. The servant has been looking for his wife for many years. Since we were separated from Dongye Temple, I I have been asking around, but there is no news after searching everywhere." Yao Qianshu laughed and said:"Baiguan people, these years, natural and man-made disasters have happened one after another. In the past three years alone, no less than 3,000 people have drowned in floods. People...can't say that your wife was killed, otherwise, how could there be no news." Yinshuidong made matters worse, saying:"What the empress said is true, that's 100% true. That time when we visited Dongting Lake, Xiao You have already explained what you said, can't Mr. Bai Guan be moved?" The flower monster was only waiting for Mr. Bai Nianlang's message, and she was filled with mysteries as she had been thirsty for a long time. Bai Nianlang said:"Well, my wife is missing and I don't know whether she is alive or dead. How can I be tempted?"……"

Jin Xuanfeng walked straight back and forth, saying:"Thanks to Mr. Huang, Brother Bai has been promoted step by step, reaching the top of the clouds. In a few years, it is impossible to say that he will still be the prime minister. Bald man follows the moon! We brothers, who are not famous, will also take advantage of it." There was a burst of people. Da Nuonuo cheered:"Yes, yes, yes";"May you rise high, rise high, rise high";"When a white official is promoted, we have a bright future. Tianshu said coldly:"Everyone, you are all good at calligraphy, music, poetry and painting." But I, the Heavenly Squirrel, am too stupid and don’t know a few Chinese characters. I can only wander between the wind, fire, gods and thunder. I am at the mercy of heaven and earth, and I am willing to be the loser! Bai Nianlang said:"Brother Tianshu is too modest. God has eyes. You have special kung fu that has been passed down for generations, and it is profound and profound. No one knows about it. No one knows about it.""Everyone was in awe again.

Magistrate Huang Yiyi said:"One person can count against the weak, but many can count against the strong. Since I got Bai Nianlang, I feel like a fish in water. I have more sweet dreams and fewer nightmares. I have luck every day and blessings every month. Nowadays, I am quite old and feel that officialdom is boring. In a few years, petty officials will also give way. I think Bai Nianlang can take over.……"The crowd sang praises again, and Bai Nianlang said with a smile,"Your Majesty, that's a compliment. I'm too humble. Thank you for commending this incompetent person. Life and death are determined by fate. Wealth and honor are in the sky, especially in Master Huang's." Lifting him up with one hand. Mr. Huang's words weighed ten thousand kilograms. The little scholar swore: For Mr. Huang, I dare to fight with fire and dare to climb the mountain of swords!" Upon hearing this, Huang Jinyi raised his thumb and praised:"You are brave enough! Life is hard! No matter how short you are, I will cultivate you into a pillar of talent!" The crowd praised you again, and the cheers continued uninterrupted.

Magistrate Huang said:"In the capital of Lin'an, on the east bank of the West Lake, there is a big case, which originated from Suzhou. Let's set off at dawn tomorrow morning! I will personally decide the case, and there must be no mistakes!" Bai Nianlang cupped his hands and said:"I obey your order, and the young manager will go ahead in advance. Take care of it and make sure Lord is satisfied." Huang Jinyi nodded and smiled. Everyone persuades us to drink, clink glasses and drink until dusk.

The magistrate Huang Jinyi is accustomed to being double-dealing. He is doing one thing openly and another secretly. Apparently he was going to West Lake to investigate a case, but in fact he was pretending to be a public servant, colluding with Beijing officials, giving bribes and giving gifts; in addition, the real thing was to travel around and enjoy the paradise of West Lake.

Bai Nianlang had already prepared the flower dragon boat. This beautifully painted passenger boat was called"the best boat in the world" in the south of the Yangtze River. The flower dragon boat travels from Taihu Lake to Hangzhou, all by water. The flower-embroidered boat had not left the ferry on the shore. Bai Nianlang was very busy, socializing up and down. It was a big guard of honor. He carried hundreds of millions of gold coins to a big sedan, and invited people to board the big boat and sit in the beautiful middle warehouse.

Suddenly, a sergeant shouted:"Someone has fallen into the water... Save him quickly! Save him quickly?" Bai Nianlang waved his hand and said:"Go and save the man who fell into the water!" Five or six people were waiting for him. Fishing around with poles, a middle-aged woman was brought ashore with several long poles.

While he was busy rescuing her, Bai Nianlang opened his eyes and took a closer look, thinking quickly:"A very familiar face... looks like... seems to have been seen somewhere... very familiar... weird, who is she?""Bai Nianlang was in a state of confusion, but he couldn't remember that the drowned woman was none other than Shui Lian.

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