During the Song Dynasty, gambling was widespread, and gambling houses were gathering places for the three religions and nine streams. However, gambling was called"elegant play" by some literati, and idlers and idlers often went in and out. In Gusu City, there is a Goulan in the Wa City, where the performers are better than the previous ones."Shizifang" has a total of 6,636 tile houses, which can be said to be the largest gambling house in Jiangnan. Next to the main gambling hall, there are many kinds of gambling, including gambling on balls, gambling on chess, gambling on dice, gambling on coins, gambling on horse racing, gambling on cockfights, etc... There are also wine shops, teahouses, huts, stalls, etc... There are hundreds of gamblers gathered in various tiles of the big gambling hall. In the largest gambling room, the table size is between 44 and 16 tables. On the front of the main room is a large gold plaque with the words"One Bet Is Fast" written on it. It was indeed so fast that Bai Nianlang was dazzled and saw the winner putting money into his pocket. The surname of the winner of this big win was Qian Hai, and Qian Hai was also named. Qian Hai made a fortune on the gambling table. Half of the year was the same, he could not lose more than 30,000 taels of silver in four months, and he would win about 100,000 taels of silver in two months. Qian Hai, who made his fortune through gambling, is actually Li Pingping.Because he became a big gambler and won a lot of money, he was nicknamed Qian Hai in the casino. As the name suggests, it was he who won a lot of money.

Bai Nianlang went to the gambling table and lost all his one hundred taels of silver. The next day, I came to the"Cross Hall" again and won 400 taels of silver from two hundred taels. After three days in the gambling house, I lost all my four hundred taels of silver, but I refused to admit defeat. On the fourth day, he brought another 200 taels of silver, and he won 500 taels of silver. He was very happy:"Hey, it's not a loss. I invested 500 taels of silver and got it all back. So be careful, only these 500 taels are earned." The fortune of two taels of silver will be ruined if you lose. Seeing that my wife will be in confinement in half a year, I must be cautious, I can only win, not lose!" He also said cruelly:"Qian Hai is also an ordinary person, who can make mistakes. Big fortune, family wealth of millions... Hey, I, Mr. Bai Nianlang, am much smarter than him! Mr. Bai Nianlang will definitely become a sea of ​​money bigger than the sea of ​​money." Things went against expectations. On this day, the gambling table in the sky had five hundred All two silver coins were lost to Qian Hai.

Bai Nianlang had lost all his capital and had plundered all his belongings. Now he felt angry, anxious, angry and agitated. He hung his head in the grass outside the main hall of the casino and said dejectedly:"It's over, madam, once she knows the home of five hundred taels of silver, I tortured Chu to death, she...she will...will not forgive me..." Bai Nianlang did not dare to go home and slept in the grass next to the gambling hall all night. Shui Lian didn't find him either. She fell down in the middle of the night. Fortunately, she didn't break her pregnancy.

The next day, he pestered Qian Hai to borrow money. After some persuasion, Qian Hai lent him two hundred taels of silver and asked him to go to Sanwazi in the side room and said,"Beat those 'small fish and shrimps' and don't touch these big gambling kings!""Bai Nianyan was indeed smart and won back another five hundred silver coins, but it took him a month. Betting on gambling, he became more and more courageous. Bai Nianyan returned 200 taels of silver to Qian Hai, and won 3,000 taels of silver in three months. Unexpectedly, the next day, he lost everything to Qian Hai in the big gambling hall.

In order to realize his dream of making a fortune and establishing a large business, Bai Nianlang had to ask his grandfather and grandma to kneel down and worship Qian Hai to borrow money, and Qian Hai lent him another three hundred taels of silver. This time Bai Nianlang was already in awe of Qian Hai, who was as tall as a god in his mind. Bai Nianyan took a closer look at Qian Hai, the big gambling king, and saw that he was born with wealth and had a broad face, phoenix eyes facing the sun, a pale complexion, and a few beautiful mustaches that made him more shrewd. Wearing a brown silk robe and a pair of gorgeous boots. The hair on top of the head is tall and majestic. Qian Hai was born in Shandong and was recognized as the gambling king by the gamblers of Cross Hall.

Bai Nianlang secretly cultivated a dream:"I, Bai Nianlang, am not stupider than the gambling king. If he can become the gambling king of Suzhou, I will become the gambling god surpassing Qian Hai!" The beautiful dream came true, but things turned out to be unexpected. on the contrary. Mr. Bai was very courageous, and he also had some skills this time. He wanted to make a move, and he succeeded. He bet 300 taels of silver and won 3000 taels of silver a month later. At that moment, he saw a bet and thought he could win 30,000 taels of silver, so he challenged the big businessman Jin Xuanfeng, but lost everything again, and Jin Xuanfeng took the blame.

Bai Nianlang was so angry that he was dizzy. When he was in despair, the two brothel girls Hualiguai and Yinshuidong who were traveling with Jin Xuanfeng fell in love with Mr. Bai. These two beautiful women, with their heads covered with pearls and emeralds, their bodies covered with silk, and the fragrance of pink on their faces, woke up the young man who had passed out on the lawn. Each of the two women took out a banknote of twenty taels of silver and gave it to the lost soul. Mr. Bai. The two brothel girls were affectionate and affectionate, saying that the young master was affectionate. They took off the red chrysanthemums on his head and threw them away. Each of them took a yellow flower from their own head and inserted it on his left and right temples. This is why in the Song Dynasty, arranging flowers on people's heads became a common practice, regardless of men, women, old or young. Bai Nianlang's heart was touched, as if he had accidentally gained two patrons. Win or lose, as time goes by, Bai Nianlang also has some money in his hands. From then on, Bai Nianlang became good friends with Hualiguai and Yinshuidong. He indulged in the entertainment and entertainment, squandering money like water, just like beating a drum, and he got deeper and deeper. Bai Nianlang can no longer live without the strange flowers and the Silver Water Cave, but he still dares not sleep in the same bed. Others come and go, which has become a daily routine.

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