White Snake yelled:"Quick, save Hong'er first!"

Fanglue and Yingdiaoshui turned around violently, drew their swords and charged at the stubborn master. The sky talisman on the huge golden wooden fish was seen fluttering, and the two heroes were pushed back several feet.

Xu Mengjiao was helpless and shouted:"What to do? The sky talisman is pressing down on Hong'er! Can't we save him?"

Bai Suzhen said:"There is a way: blood splashes on the sky talisman!"

Xu Mengjiao said:"I would rather die on the golden wooden fish, Blood splattered on the sky talisman! Save Hong'er." As he said that, he was about to rush to the top of the mountain, but Xu Xian grabbed his hind legs and shouted:"My son, there is nothing you can do... The Xu family's doorpost cannot fall down.!"

The white lady said:"Son, don't do stupid things! Look at my mother's trick!" After saying that, she bit her finger, rushed to the sky talisman, waved her hand and sprinkled it. The blood fell from the sky talisman and turned into a pile. Ashes.

The stubborn master was so shocked that he couldn't stop chanting the incantation with his palms clasped together. With this thought, Jin Muyu closed its mouth, completely sealing Hong'er inside, making her unable to breathe. The golden wooden fish suddenly changed from the size of a house to as small as a box, turning and rolling constantly. Hong'er was in it, rolling up and down, feeling like the sky was falling apart, the walls were cracking, her head and feet were falling, and the world was spinning. She called her mother, but she didn't respond; when she called her daughter, the sound kept coming...

When everyone saw it, they were shocked. Tianzhen handed Hanchuang to Hong's mother. She and Qinqin grabbed their swords and went to charge the Dharma minister, but they were both beaten to the ground. Knock down.

The stubborn master sneered:"Hey... you are too young, do you want to die!"

The abbot burst into tears and sighed sadly:"Alas, there is a scum in Buddhism that is harmful to the world! He is wreaking havoc and showing off his cruelty and madness!" He put his palms together to perform the formula, and wisps of cold light emitted from his eyes, which suddenly turned into streams of roaring electric wind, and then transformed into strands of golden light, which shot towards the Demonic Master, causing him to be half paralyzed. In an instant, the evil curse he recited stopped working, and the golden wooden fish stopped spinning and returned to its original shape. Wu Jie sighed again:"Oh, it's a pity, it's a pity, I can't break the magic wooden fish with my magic power!" The stubborn master wanted to take the golden wooden fish and run away, but he couldn't pull it back, and he couldn't even take the mallet back. I can't lift it anymore.

Fang Lue shouted:"Charge! Let's rush forward! Smash the golden wooden fish open! Save Hong'er!" Everyone was about to rush forward, but the abbot waved his hand to stop him:"Stop! Don't touch the golden wooden fish! You use your sword to chop the wooden fish. , it’s like killing Hong’er, she will die inside!" Everyone was confused, confused for a while, and felt helpless.

White Snake picked up Tianzhen and Qinqin who were lying on the ground and said,"Escort your mother Hong and Hanchuang to the cliff! Hurry, go!" Hong's mother kept calling Hong'er. Hanchuang kept calling for mother, but the sound gradually faded away.

The abbot and the stubborn master both sat cross-legged on the ground, clasping their hands facing each other, chanting incantations in their mouths, and the two sides were less than ten steps away. Between them, sometimes the air was like flying wind and lightning; sometimes it was like rocks colliding; sometimes it was like giant ice cracking; sometimes the ground was shaking... but the golden wooden fish was suspended in mid-air. Fanglue and Yingdiao Shui are three feet across the sky, but they are too far away. Bai Suzhen, Xu Hanwen and Xu Mengjiao were even more helpless.

Bai Suzhen said sternly:"Come on! Let's give the abbot a helping hand!"

She, Fang and Ying Xiong, rushed forward with their swords and stabbed the magician fiercely, but were knocked back by the flying Qiankun Rod. A group of miscellaneous disciples of the stubborn master came to help with swords and sticks, but were driven back by Fang Lue and Ying Diaoshui.

From the other side of the cliff, Hong's mother's mournful cry came from the cold window, gradually getting louder and then weaker.

White Snake was anxious, fearing that Hong'er's life would be in danger, but she didn't dare to interrupt. I saw the abbot and Fa Feng attacking each other with their palms, their force was like electricity, they were vibrating with strong sounds, whizzing and whizzing. They were all breathing heavily, gritting their teeth, and it was quite laborious. They were so powerful that no one could gain the upper hand.

Hong'er was in the Golden Wood Fish, suffering secretly but not saying a word. In the darkness, there was not a trace of light, the paint on all sides was as ink, and you couldn't see your fingers. She touched here and there, breathing hard, only breathing heavily, thinking hard about her mother, her husband, her daughter, her relatives, her knights... recalling the time in the West Lake world with Mr. Xu Mengjiao Scene by scene...

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