The stubborn master said fiercely:"Hong'er little demon! I can't capture the blue light orb on you for a while, but your daughter is on my disciple's knife edge! As long as I give an order, the little demon's head will fall to the ground."! Haha, are you convinced? If so, give the Green Light Orb to my master; if not, join the Golden Wood Fish! In this way, your daughter can stay in the human world for a few more years, and it won’t be too late to accept her!"

Hong! The son said:"I……"While hesitating, Bai Suzhen said sternly:"Hong'er, no!" Xu Shilin also shouted on the other side:"Madam, you must not! We husband and wife can't be separated in life or death." Bai Suzhen said:"Hong'er, in the past, I once Defeat Fahai! Only then can the husband and wife be reunited, and only then can the family be reunited... Today, I would rather die under the ruthless stick than help you mother and daughter escape this disaster!" After that, he stood up with his sword.

Fa Feng threw the Qiankun stick into the air and turned it into an iron chain, which caught Bai Suzhen and tied it to a big tree. Xu Shilin was so angry that he was anxious on the other side and shouted,"Mother--Mother"……"Hong'er Zhijian went to save him, but as soon as he stepped forward, the stubborn master shouted:"Stop! Take another step, Master Wei gave the order, do you really want your daughter to die immediately!"

Hong'er couldn't move even an inch, look. Not far in front of my feet, male sulfur powder was scattered all over the place. I felt dizzy, nauseous, and lost a lot of energy. She took advantage of the naughty master approaching the big tree of Bainiang, held the green light pearl in her hand, and recited the invocation. Suddenly, he regained his strength, and threw the orb with a"swish" sound. The green light bead changed in many ways, interrupting the bright knife that hijacked Han Chuang, and knocked a group of villains to the ground. Hong'er jumped up, snatched her daughter Han Chuang into her arms, collected the Green Light Orb, swung her sword, fought and retreated.

Just when they were tense, Fang Lue and Ying Diaoshui came to snipe the killer who was passing through the shadows."Chichichichi-dang-dang-dang", fighting fiercely head-on.

The stubborn master was furious and went to chase Hong'er, chanting:"Change, change, change."……"The ever-changing hammer shoots at Hong'er and Hanchuang like thousands of arrows. Hong'er had been prepared for it, and she also recited the secret. The blue-light orb transformed into ten thousand things, and collided with the flying wooden fish mallet in the air.

The stubborn master hurriedly took back the Qiankun stick, threw it into the air, and shouted:"Change". The Qiankun stick turned into a fire dragon and went straight to bite Hong'er and Han Chuang. Suddenly, a drop of Guanyin water fell from the sky, the fire dragon emitted a puff of smoke, and turned into a stick, which fell on the stone and broke into pieces. Fafeng was so angry that he became paralyzed, yelled and cursed Guanyin Water.

Hong'er had already jumped to the other side, handed the cold window to Xu Shilin, and hurriedly evacuated under the protection of more than 20 Yamen swordsmen. Xu Shilin refused to leave and shouted:"Mother--mother……"Hong'er held on, and he chased her back.

Hong'er became anxious, bit her lip, and violently drew her sword, which immediately caused several of the gangsters in custody to flee. Hong'er jumped over to the other side again, and together with Fanglue and Ying Diaoshui defeated the stubborn enemy. Hong'er said:"Quickly retreat! You protect my mother and leave! Hurry!" Erxiong refused to leave, Hong'er pushed them away and said sternly:"Brothers, I have the Azure Light Orb, you leave quickly! Hurry!" Ying Diaoshui and Fang Lue saw that Hong'er was angry, so they put away their weapons and went to escort Bai Suzhen, Xu Shilin and Han Chuang. On the road, government officials were guarding him on the left and right, rushing towards the Xu Mansion.

Hong'er was sniping at the stubborn master, but she disappeared. He suddenly raised his head and saw Fa Fengxuan standing on the top of a lonely mountain top.

The stubborn master shouted,"Golden Armor Webu! Conquer the monsters!" Webb was covered in armor, his wise eyes looked far away, and the third eye on the bridge of his nose emitted electric light, and he said sternly:"I saw it! Where can I escape!" Hong'er fought fiercely for a while. , the sky was dark and the earth was dark. Hong'er threw a green light orb and shot it, injuring Webb's third eye,"Ah!——"With a scream, he retreated in defeat.

Fafeng was so angry that his eyes were about to burst, and he shouted:"Huh, ha! Two gods! Subdue the monsters!" The two gods swung and beat Hong'er. Ge Dou."Bah bang bang", electric sparks were fired, and they flashed transparent and pale. Hong'er threw the green light orb again and shouted:"Change", one ball turned into a thousand, and the two gods Heng and Ha lost their weapons and rolled and crawled away.

Fafeng winked and gave a stern order to the hundreds of disciples watching the formation on both sides:"Light... light the fire quickly... light the sulfur formation! Realgar formation! Burn the monsters quickly!" Suddenly, fire broke out on all sides, sulfur rushed to the realgar, and Hong'er was so dizzy that she staggered around. , the blood energy is reversed, and the body cannot help itself.

The sky suddenly changed. Fafeng was sitting cross-legged on the top of a lonely mountain, with a golden wooden fish placed in front of him. The stubborn master put his palms together on his chest, closed his eyes and recited the incantation for a while. The golden wooden fish is getting bigger and bigger, and its length and width are longer than the Qiankun Rod. The mage was chanting a secret formula, and the Wan Chang hammer kept hitting the golden wooden fish. The loud sound was like thunder, which made Hong'er roll on the ground.

The mage swung up and became taller, and there were many fake Buddha shadows, and he chanted the incantation roughly:"Golden Wood Fish, Golden Wood Fish, subdue the monster now! Quickly suck the red snake monster into your mouth, and turn it into the blood and water of the master. Amitabha, the monster will have evil retribution!""

Suddenly, the Baomu fish opened its mouth like a sea lion, and a strong wind blew over the sky, blowing red. Her feet slipped, and the strong wind swept her wildly into the golden wooden fish. She couldn't struggle, and the realgar fireworks made her dizzy. She was immediately sucked into the golden wooden fish as big as a house. There was a loud rumbling sound, and the golden wooden fish's mouth became narrower than the"One Line of Sky Cliff", and it could only stretch out its arms. Hong'er rushed out with all her strength, shouting:" mother"……"The screams shook the sky and reached Xu Mansion.

The relatives in Xu's house were shocked, and Bai Suzhen exclaimed:"No, this is Hong'er's cry... She has suffered... Let's go and save her, hurry up!"

As he said this, Xu Shilin shouted and ran out. Hanwen, Hongmu, Qinqin, and Tianzhen all ran outside the hospital. Bai Suzhen said sternly:"Her Hong mother, you are sick, you can't go! Qinqin, Tianzhen, help your Hong mother back quickly. Leave ten strong men to guard here, and the rest follow me!" Hong's mother! He was helped back to the room by Tianzhen and Qinqin, and guarded the cold window. There were more than a dozen yamen swordsmen and sentries were posted on all sides. The virgin Han Chuang screamed:"Mother... I want my mother... I want my mother."……"The cry shakes the heaven and the earth...

There is a poem that sighs:

Magpies do not like the sorrow of the world, and the flowers and leaves fall and the water flows back.

Hong'er's great filial piety will never die, there will always be a storm and thunder.

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