The magician caused a major flood that had not been seen in many years, causing many tenants' houses to collapse. Pots, pots, bowls, wood and bamboo furniture were all drained. The crops in the fields were also covered with sand, leaving thousands of people homeless..

Hong'er bleeds too much and doesn't care about herself. She is loyal and loyal, helping those in need, saving lives, helping others, and appeasing the people. As a minister of the capital, Xu Shilin also ordered officials and officials in various jurisdictions to donate money, food and clothing to provide disaster relief.

A disciple of the crooked Taoist priest Qiu Zhongjiu spreads rumors and stirs up trouble, secretly provoking and threatening:"Hong'er is a goblin! It's all the result of her blue-light evil bead. The blue-light bead is a devil bead, an evil bead, an evil bead." , Disaster the transformation of the Green Demon Star in the sky, it is a disaster pearl and a crime pearl that specially come to harm the people." This goes on.

However, when Hong'er did good things for the people in Qiantang Village and made money for the tenant farmers, they all used the Qingguang Orb to transform into it. Legend has it that Hong'er once used green light beads to turn medicine into medicine to save lives and injuries; used orbs to turn bowls, basins, cans, hoes, dustpans, etc.; also used green light orbs to turn grain into vegetables, and also turned money into fields... all of which were paid for. Poor people. This is just a rumor, who knows if it is true or false? But it is true that there were more than a thousand people in the villages around Qiantang Village who did not listen to the rumors of Qiu Zhongjiu's disciples and vented their anger on Hong'er.

Legend has it that there was a lonely old woman who never left her home during the flood. Hong'er persuaded her to leave the flood, but the old woman would rather die than leave. Hong'er knelt down and kowtowed ten times and accepted her as her godmother. She was willing to be her goddaughter. This moved the old woman, and she left home in tears. As soon as I left, the torrent immediately washed the old house into a vast ocean.

Therefore, there is a folk song that goes:"Hong'er is good, Hong'er is good, and it is rare to find it in the world. With Hong'er, you can eat well and sleep peacefully."……"

Hong's mother felt that disasters were coming one after another, but she couldn't find a way out, so she went to Lingyin Temple alone to burn incense and make a wish. Hong'er couldn't find her mother and thought she was lost. She was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat and searched everywhere, only to find out that her mother had gone along the path towards Lingyin Temple.

Hong'er chased to the main hall of Lingyin Temple, looked in through the window, and saw her mother kowtowing, burning incense, making wishes, and bowing...

Hong'er hurriedly stepped into the hall and helped her mother up. Suddenly, the stubborn teacher's fearful and threatening voice came out:"Hong'er little demon, you have caused your mother a lot of suffering and brought endless disasters to your mother! You must die quickly, otherwise, your mother will never even think about it." Free!"

Hong'er was shocked when she heard this. She looked around, but there was no sign of the stubborn demon. Hong Niang was so angry that she trembled and said:"Hong'er is my filial daughter... Without her, there would be no way for me to survive... Who are you? Could it be that Lord Buddha has spoken? Lord Buddha... I heard some greedy words... Lord Buddha I can’t believe it at all... Please protect my mother and daughter from any disaster."

The stubborn master Fa Feng hid behind the Buddha and said sternly:"Hong'er little demon, you can't escape my master's control today! Give it to me! Master, take it!" With this roar, countless sword-wielding men rushed in from the front and rear gates, all killers in green, and they all rushed forward. At the moment of crisis, the sharp voice of the old monk Wu Jie suddenly came:"Stop!" The swordsman in Tsing Yi refused to listen and started to fight. However, he was attacked by the monk Wu Jie with his palms. They all fell to the ground and screamed"Ah!", threw away the sword, rolled and crawled out to escape, shouting:"Lord Buddha, please spare my life... Lord Buddha, please don't kill me.……"

The eminent monk Wu Jie has long been promoted to the abbot of Lingyin Temple. He is the monk who tells this story at the beginning of the story. He ordered:"Come here!" More than twenty monks crowded in from the front and back doors, each holding a long stick in their hands, guarding the left and right. Hong'er hurriedly cupped her fists and saluted, saying,"Thank you, Abbot, for saving my mother."

The abbot waved his hand and said,"No need to be polite." Then he pointed to the side of the Buddha and said sternly:"Father, please come out quickly! Don't do it! The devil is pretending to be a Buddha!"

​​The stubborn master jumped out, flew to the side of the hall, and said angrily:"Wu Jie! You can't tell the difference between good and evil, and you don't know the difference between men and monsters. You actually colluded with the little red snake demon and broke the rules of heaven! Doing things for the demon! Account! I will go to heaven to sue you!"

Abbot Wujie clasped his hands together and bowed, saying:"Amitabha. Dharma enshrinement. Hong'er was originally a red insect guarding the road in the Queen Mother's Bamboo Garden. Later, she was carried to the human world. First, she was a spiritual fetus. Floating on the surface of Tianmu River, she later entered Hong's mother's body and was born as an adult. Master Guanyin released her to the human world with the original intention of saving people from suffering. Hong'er obeys the Bodhisattva's destiny and has the five qualities of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness and propriety, and does good deeds. He is a role model for helping the poor and those in danger, how can he be regarded as a monster and be killed without mercy?!"

The abbot, wearing a ring, said sternly:"Fa Feng is a fake master, you are pretending to be a master of Jinshan Temple, using the glorious reputation of Jinshan Temple, He went to various monasteries in the south of the Yangtze River, distorted Buddhism, and misrepresented Buddhist principles! He traveled far and wide to deceive people! What crime should he deserve?!"

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