The poem says:

The tenant farmers pray for rain in the Huanglong Cave, kowtow and bow to each other as tribute.

I shed a thousand tears all the way, my eyes filled with desire and sorrow.

The poor people went to Huanglong Cave to pray for rain and beat gongs and drums. They all shouted and prayed, but they prayed for three days and three nights, but it was all in vain.

It is said that when there was a drought that year, the imperial court in the capital of Lin'an (Hangzhou) was busy dealing with the foreign enemies from the north who invaded the Central Plains, and ignored the disaster. In an area with a population of 130,000, more than 300 people have died. There are a lot of opinions among the suffering people, and there are many people who advocate worshiping the Taoist priest and taking revenge on the Nine. The Taoist priest Qiu said to the kneeling refugees,"I am already old. When Wang Daoling prayed for rain in Wang Daoling, it was my way of casting magic. The people benefited, but they credited Wang Taoist for his deeds. He finally got his retribution. Deported."

The naked refugees kowtowed, burned incense, and knelt down for three days and nights. Qiu Dao Changfang went out again and said hypocritically:"Don't kowtow! Even though I am angry and have tears in my nose, I don't care. Forget about the past! Seeing that all living beings are suffering in the world and corpses are everywhere, Lao Dao wishes The spirit will appear again, and I will pray for rain for you." Beggars, poor farmers, and refugees everywhere continued to worship and act according to Qiu Zhongjiu's instructions.

Outside Huanglong Cave, Qiu Zhongjiu was praying for rain, wearing a Taoist hat, Taoist robe and Taoist boots, blowing his beard and staring, while swinging his Taoist sword in the air. Use spells frequently! When the sword is moved, it looks like a round ball, all of which are blades of light and arcs, moving up and down, left and right, while mumbling words. The county master Jia Li also came in a hurry and came in a sedan to pay homage. Suddenly, a strip of silk floated from the mountain, just like floating from the heavenly palace. The refugees were surprised and took it in their hands. They couldn't understand why and sighed inexplicably.

Taoist priest Qiu took it in his hand and said sternly:"Well, oh, this is the decree of heaven! This is the sacred area under the jurisdiction of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Ah, the decree of heaven has shown: I want ten boys' hearts and ten girls' hearts. Everyone recommends it. According to God's will, there will be heavy rain." The county magistrate was shocked, and the residents complained endlessly.

Hundreds of poor people are hungry and can only eat bark and grass roots. I just don't want to recommend living boys and girls to pay tribute with their hearts. Everyone was bustling and rushing towards the temple, shouting loudly:"Master, Master, help me, my God, people are dying from drought! It hasn't rained for three years in a row, there is no harvest, and my family has starved to death." Oh. Heaven, Jade Emperor, Dragon King, please let it rain quickly. May heaven and earth show your spirit! Guanyin Bodhisattva, who saves the suffering, save the poor.……"

Master Fa Feng clasped his hands and came out, flicked his robe, and said respectfully:"Amitabha, all donors. This place is filled with evil spirits, and the rain token does not work. It is all due to the sins of a little demon. This demon is a snake red demon, because Monsters are causing mischief, and one day they will burn down Lingyin Temple, Jinshan Temple and other temples. The gods have predicted that the fire will burn down the Nantianmen. Luoshui Town has dried up, all because of the little red snake monster. I dream about it at night. Master Fa Hai was flying proudly in space, and his spirit in the sky also shouted:"There are demons and there are demons! The red demon is doing evil!""

All the refugees lamented in unison. Qiu Zhongjiu hurried over and said respectfully:"Great Master, the magistrate of the county. Master... On the day when Huanglong Cave prayed for rain, a strip of silk suddenly floated down from the heaven. Look." He handed over the strip of yellow silk cloth, with seven columns and eight characters twisted on it. The county magistrate looked at the stars like a cow... a bright It's just clear, I can't understand it at all. The fake mage looked at it and said solemnly:"This is God's decree! However, killing is absolutely forbidden."

Taoist Qiu said:"Master, if you don't kill, if it doesn't rain, more people will die. It will be a big disaster. Difficulties, where do they come from?" Fa Feng said sternly:"I just told you that they are all sins committed by a red snake demon named Hong'er. Also, the reason why the little demon Hong'er can cause serious troubles is because of his sins. Hong. In order to raise the red snake goblin, she went to the Jade Emperor Temple to steal snacks and fruits from the tribute table... and fed the goblin, which offended the Jade Emperor. It must have been the Jade Emperor who ordered the Dragon King of the East China Sea: no rain for three years."

Jia said. The county magistrate said:"Oh, that's not bad! You are so unbridled! How dare you offend the Jade Emperor, it's over." Taoist priest Qiu said:"Oh! Therefore, it is natural for heaven to ask for the hearts of ten boys and ten girls." Master Feng closed his eyes and pinched a large string of Buddhist beads hanging on his chest without saying a word. Magistrate Jia said:"We have no choice but to do it as a last resort, and it is not unreasonable. With fewer deaths, we can save more refugees, why not do it! I will go back to my hometown right now and do as I am told!" After that, he left..

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