The poem says:

The phoenix draws the shore of the West, and the lake is like a mirror that can hold the sky.

Nanping Evening Bell is three thousand miles away, and tens of thousands of people worship Jade Emperor Mountain.

Xu Shilin staggered beside the West Lake, wanting to cry but without tears. Hong'er's clear eyes had already checked his face, and she knew that he was hurt in his heart, but her deep love forced her to ask:"My dear friend, you have so much bitterness in your heart that it's hard to express it. It's best to pour out the bitter water, and you'll be happy." Xu Shilin was not frivolous. He was suffering from indescribable melancholy. After her persuasion, he no longer restrained himself. He got rid of his worries and said straightforwardly:"Xian sister, I missed you so much the past two days, but I was afraid of entering your home." , so I waited outside. Suddenly I heard my aunt scolding me, saying that 'like father, like son', saying that our family is your family's enemy and we should never be friends... Sigh!" Hong'er said:"If you enter the hospital, Come here, my mother won't scold you." Xu Shilin stood up straight and said,"Oh! When I go into the yard... I'm afraid that my aunt will not only scold me, but also beat me with a stick when I leave the house!" Hong'er had a strong self-control, but she couldn't laugh or cry at the moment, and said resentfully:"Shilang, the previous generation had ups and downs, resentments and resentments, but they will ease one day. You must not mind." Xu Shilin nodded reluctantly. Agree, but there is still pain in my heart.

Hong's mother actually didn't allow Hong'er to go out, fearing that she would go find her enemy Xu family again. Hong'er made it clear how helpful Uncle Xu's family was, but was scolded by her mother. Hong'er had no choice but to be filial to her mother and did not dare to see Xu Shilin again. Half a month passed like half a year. Hong'er went to Xu Shilin on the pretext of giving her mother a chance to find a medicine introduction, but Mr. Xu refused to come out and hid it in the big medicine box of Baohe Hall. Hong'er lurked outside Baohe Hall many times but failed to find Xu Shilin.

Another month passed, and for Hong'er, it felt like a year had passed since she hadn't seen Xu Shilin. She took the opportunity to get medicine again and came to see Xu Shilin, only to hear Xu and his son arguing. Hong'er hid under the window and eavesdropped, and Xu Xian burst out and said:"Son! Our Xu family can't become the family of snakes and pythons! Besides, your mother has finally straightened up and is a serious human being. Our family can no longer Snakes are passed down to descendants! I am worthy of Hong'er's mother. I have cured her illness. But her husband drowned when the water flooded Jinshan Temple... Can this...... can this hatred be resolved? Not forever! The old woman of the Hong family hates our Xu family and wants to make trouble and ask us to pay for her husband's life. Besides, Hong'er is a snake demon, and this matter is spread widely under Tianmu Mountain. Do you also want to experience being scared to death by the snake demon? Is there any twists and turns? Hong'er is a demon, transformed from a red snake. Everyone in Tianmuxi Village doesn't know it. My son, don't let her steal your heart! The number one scholar in the scientific examination is higher than the sky. Bigger than the earth! How can you do two things at once! Being entangled by a red snake spirit!"

Father and son are insoluble in water and fire, and they are in the same room. Xu Shilin was angry and just buried the pain in his heart. When Hong'er heard these greedy rumors spread, her heart was as sharp as a knife, and she almost fainted under the window, but was discovered by Bai Suzhen. She dragged Hong'er to a quiet place and tried to persuade her, but Hong'er was still miserable and left without saying goodbye.

Bai Suzhen rushed into the house and said sternly:"Father and son can't tolerate it. The roommates are scolding each other, which is the ruin of the family! I pinched and pinched, and calculated again and again. This year, it is the eagle's claw star divination, which will cause a lot of trouble. I'm afraid There will be a bloody disaster." Xu Shilin held his head and remained silent. Xu Xian said:"My son is disobedient and makes his own decisions. It is difficult to invigorate the church and will definitely damage the hall!" The White Lady said:"His father has made trouble in the world and made trouble out of nothing. It is not appropriate to believe it!" Xu Xian said stubbornly:"Madam, that red My mother, she hated the flood that year when the Jinshan Temple was flooded. She took her revenge on you and me. That’s not all. That Hong’er is a venomous snake, a little goblin turned into a red snake....Everyone on both sides of the Qiantang River, as far as Shanghe Tianmuxi Village, says so." The white lady's eyebrows were filled with doubts, and she said melancholy:"Is it possible that what happened twenty years ago... so many people still remember Chen? Have you met?" Xu Shilin said confusedly:"Mother, Hong'er's mother...forget it, it's better not to talk about it; the more we talk about it, the more right and wrong become inextricable."

Xu Xian said angrily:" My son! You are not allowed to interact with Hong'er again! Our Xu family is a scholarly family. We read the books of Confucius and Mencius, and follow the ways of Confucius and Mencius! Be a gentleman and never get involved in the right and wrong of the devil world!" Bai Suzhen saw her son convulsing all over, secretly He sobbed and lay on the table crying, feeling even more painful in his heart, and said:"Dad, don't believe the rumors in the world! Hong'er is a girl from a good family, how can she be a red snake fairy? She is spreading rumors to cause trouble again! Xu

Hanwen was palpitating and said sternly:"I won't hide it. The rumors are indeed true. Madam, there is a legend in the world that Hong'er's red snake tail is several feet long and is hidden in her clothes... Oh, that's right. , I have an idea, right and wrong are clear at a glance." Madam Bai was so angry that she fanned her lungs, sneezed, and said in a daze:"What's the orifice of Mao, please tell me quickly!" Xu Xiandao:"Madam, you don't believe it, Good! When the weather is hot, Hong'er will go to the water to take a bath. After the rain, the water in Qiantang will swell and become muddy, so she will come to the West Lake to take a bath. You can see it clearly with a glance from behind."

Sure enough, the day after the heavy rain is hot, Hong'er went to the West Lake to take a bath, no one else around. Bai Suzhen hid in the bushes, picking at the grass and peeking. Seeing Hong'er's naked body, white and red, extremely dazzling. She has a willow-shaped waist and no red snake tail. She thought to herself:"She is an innocent girl with a healthy body. She has a love affair with my son, and she has obviously made a secret love." I should fulfill all my duties throughout my life!" Then he left quietly and quickly.

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