(7) The White Lady of Leifeng Pagoda is born.

Chapter 45: Water Battle at Jinshan Temple. Twenty years ago, there was a big water battle that"flooded Jinshan Temple".…………

Jinshan Temple, also known as"Jiangtian Zen Temple", is located on Jinshan Mountain in the northwest of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. It was first built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In the late Tang Dynasty, the eminent monk Fahai opened the mountain to obtain gold, so it was called"Jinshan Temple".

Jinshan Temple is located on the majestic mountain, and the mountain and temple are integrated into one. There are many palace buildings, which are very splendid. It has been repaired in the past dynasties, and there are many historical sites, caves, terraces, towers and pavilions.

According to legend, White Snake and Xu Xian got married and lived a very sweet life. Fa Hai tried the realgar wine trick... During the Dragon Boat Festival, Xu Xian used realgar wine to force Lady White to drink it. Suddenly, Lady White fell into a drowsy state and fell asleep in her tent. Xu Xian opened the curtain and suddenly saw Bai Suzhen on the bed turning into a giant white python, opening its bloody mouth. He was so frightened that he screamed, fell to the ground in front of the bed, and passed out.

The giant white python struggled through thousands of years of skills before returning to the human body of the white lady. Suddenly, my husband went into shock and passed out, but he was unable to receive first aid. The white lady stole Ganoderma lucidum and experienced a life and death battle. Finally, he retrieved the Ganoderma jelly grass that revived him after nine deaths, and saved his dead husband Xu Xian...

Fahai used the excuse of catching the White Snake who had turned into a white snake demon, and sowed discord among them, lobbying Xu Xian to become a monk, and hid Xu Xian in Jinshan Temple. Bai Suzhen, the white lady, came to Jinshan Temple to find her husband and started a duel with Fahai.

Sister Bai Niangzi and Xiaoqing carried their swords, took off their embroidered shoes, threw the river into a boat, and led the waves of the East China Sea to flood Jinshan Temple. They fought with Fahai and forced Fahai to release Xu Xian.

The white lady carried her long sword and cast a spell. Suddenly, huge waves and huge water rolled in. Shrimps, soldiers and crabs would help in the battle. They formed a huge group and jumped up to set off huge waves, all of which covered the Jinshan Mountain.

Fahai hurriedly turned his cassock into a long embankment and gable to block the water and waves. Suddenly, the water waves rose, but the mountain embankment also became taller and longer. The huge water waves could not enter the temple gate, and blocked the vast sea water outside the mountain embankment.

The white lady could not win, or return her husband, so she had to collect her spells, withdraw her troops with the Green Snake Girl, return to Hangzhou West Lake with her sword to practice, and wait for the opportunity.

Later, Xu Xian escaped from Jinshan Temple and returned to Hangzhou. At this time, the White Snake was pregnant with Xu Xian's son...

Fahai chased the White Snake to the West Lake in Hangzhou, opened the net, and waited for the White Snake to give birth to her son. Then he cast a spell to get rid of the white snake demon, and suppressed the White Snake Bai Suzhen on the south bank of the West Lake. Under Leifeng Pagoda…………


Li Gongfu couldn't help but watch his brother die under the wall of Leifeng Pagoda. He rushed forward and grabbed Xu Xian with two hands. His sister advised:"You must not use Chinese. You haven't recognized your son yet... The son hasn't recognized his father yet... You are willful and seeking short-sightedness! You can't die, you can't die." Xu Xian's brother-in-law, since Thinking that he had some martial arts skills, Xu Xian grabbed him, but he couldn't break free. He said sternly:"Stop! Don't move!"

Xu Xian was restrained, burst into tears, and became speechless. Li Gongfu asked:"Where is Shilin?" His wife said:"Just now, I was surrounding the tower looking for the door... I don't know where he went! Alas, Hanwen, Shilin didn't believe that Bai Suzhen in the tower was his mother, so he didn't believe that Bai Suzhen in the tower was his mother. If you don’t believe that you are his biological father, Shilin has to believe it after your brother and I laid out everything in detail, gritted our teeth, and made the decision. We brought him here to recognize his biological father... And You just want to scream to death……"

Xu Xian struggled and fell, saying:"Sister, brother, I beg you, don't let me recognize my son. My heart feels like a knife... My heart is bleeding... You have raised him for twenty years, and you are him. His mother and father... Why... Why do you want to tell the truth? Alas, I am not his father... I am sorry for my son... I am a person who does not fulfill my responsibility to my son! I... I, I, I don't deserve to be Meng Jiao'er's father."

These sincere words were heard very clearly by Xu Shilin who was hiding behind the tower. But he still didn't want to come forward and couldn't figure it out. He thought to himself:"It's so sudden, too sudden... Suddenly, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky... Suddenly, the father he had been with day and night for twenty years... was not his. My biological father... Why? Is there anyone else in this pagoda? How can a mother be in a stone-heart pagoda? Could he be my biological father... He has been ordained and is obviously a monk. How can a monk have descendants at home? I don’t believe it... I don’t believe this is true. But can my parents lie to me? This is not possible... Could it be what they said?……"Xu Shilin's body seemed to be split in two, with two hands tearing apart his body and mind. He was in agony, eyes desolate, and he lurked out of Leifeng Pagoda in a daze.

Xu Xian was distraught and gasping for tears. After a cup of tea, Fang Ruo woke up from his dream and said angrily:"Fa Hai! I'm not done with you... You've made me miserable." His sister advised him. :"Don't be angry! If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. Shilin is still waiting for you, Hanwen, go home! Haven't you already returned to secular life?"

His sister sincerely advised:"Brother, sister Our home is your home. We have been one family since we were young. We are all born from our parents and are of the same flesh and blood. Come to my house, don’t go around and have to be homeless again... All the hardships come with joy, so hurry up and go home."

Xu Xian said to the sky. With a tone of voice, he suddenly stood up and said with strong character:"No! I can't! I listened to my brother and sister's painstaking efforts to persuade me that I won't die! But I can't leave my wife... Sometimes... in the morning and at night... it's quietest in the middle of the night. In silence, I can talk to my wife. Although I can't hear clearly, no matter how sealed the walls of Leifeng Tower are, they can't seal our voices!"

Xu Xian's brother-in-law and sister secretly secretly saw that he refused to leave. Wanting to fulfill his feelings, I called him for a while, said hello, and then went to look for Xu Shilin, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

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