The poem says:

Put filial piety first in everything, and your vision is boundless.

Observing virtue is the most important thing, and you are as steady as Mount Tai.

Act according to this principle and establish your body and mind in harmony with heaven.

The righteousness of great filial piety to the earth will ensure that the whole family will be safe throughout life.

As the saying goes, one mother gives birth to nine daughters, and there are ten different mothers. Hong'er has been born and grown up, and her filial piety is truly rare. Hong's mother has become sick and needs Hong'er to take care of her inside and out. Hong'er was practicing martial arts, studying, and doing farm work, but she was too busy. As her mother's illness worsened, Hong'er voluntarily dropped out of school and returned to her hometown to take care of her mother.

Hong'er carries water, chops firewood, cooks, farms... and does everything. Hong's mother was most seriously ill during the cold weather of March 9. Seeing that her mother could no longer get off the ground, Hong'er carried Hong's mother on her back to the toilet. Sometimes, Hong Niang poops and urinates on the bed. Hong'er doesn't mind whether she's dirty or tired, so she washes her with cold water several times a day. Just after washing, the sheets and bedding were soiled with feces and urine; Hong'er was washed, dried and sewn, and Hong'er regarded Hong'er as her life and treasure from the bottom of her heart.

But the weather is too cold and humid, and the sheets and mattresses often cannot be replaced after washing. Hong'er only carries it on her back every once in a whileHer mother was washing her hands in a pot. Since then, Hong'er has become her mother's"perennial crutch." These words are the words spoken by Hong's mother.

Braving the freezing weather, Hong'er went to collect medicine for Hong's mother. Xu Shilin knew Hong'er's difficulties and regretted her leaving the school, but he also understood it very well. Mr. Xu often came to Qiantangzhuang after school, and together with Hong'er served Hong Niang, doing household chores such as chopping firewood, boiling water, cooking medicine...

In spring, the Thunder Gate opened and it suddenly started pouring. Thunder and lightning struck, and a giant centipede nearly a foot long escaped from the rain and lightning, got into the hut, and climbed onto Hong Niang's bed. Hong'er was about to bite Hong Niang. When she heard the centipede's trampling noise, Hong'er turned over and stared,"Ah!——"Didn't dare to scream. While the big shiny golden centipede was hurriedly passing through her mother's hand, Hong'er quickly stretched out her hands, grabbed the big centipede, rushed out the door, and threw it down the slope into the forest. Hong Niang woke up early and saw it, and she was so shocked that she suddenly turned pale. After Hong'er came back to the house and came to the door, Se Se still couldn't hold back her heartbeat and said:"My son, you are so brave...hand...your hand is afraid that it will be... A centipede has bitten me. Come here and let me take a look." Hong'er stretched out her hand to her mother and said,"Mom, it's okay, it's nothing." Hong's mother turned it over carefully, touched her hand, and said distressedly:" Oops! Such a big centipede... I'm afraid my mother's hand will be bitten, she's a sick person... If you have something wrong with me, my mother and I will have no life to live." Hong'er kissed her mother and exhaled warmly. She said:"Mom, my daughter is fine. I have been playing with those bugs since I was a child. I am used to playing with them. How could they bite me?"

Hong Niang raised her thumbs and praised:"She is my mother's darling... Without you, Mom can't live anymore. Look at you, you are working in the fields, doing miscellaneous things around the house, and collecting medicine for your mother... There are blood blisters on your hands, and there are thick scabs... Oh, it was your mother who caused it My son can't go to school and has missed his studies... Mr. Xu is a good person, but mother... I think our family is poor and I'm afraid I won't be able to reach high places."

Hong'er blushed and said shyly:"Mother, daughter Don't worry about anything. Mom, take care of yourself and take your breath away. I'll cook black-bone chicken stewed with angelica and astragalus for you. Come on, mom, eat it while it's hot." She brought a bowl of steaming black-bone chicken soup, Hong's mother felt happy and relished in her heart.

Hong's mother murmured:"Oh, it's a shame I didn't give you back."

Hong'er said:"Why did you abandon your daughter?"

Hong's mother said:"Oh! In Tianmuxi Village where we live, everyone up and down He said that you are a red snake child transformed into a human being, a demon fetus... you are going to bring disaster to the village."

Hong'er said euphemistically and uprightly:"Mother, people, birds, plants and trees in the world are all good and bad, beneficial and harmful. Snakes are no exception! So what about snake fetuses? Bai Suzhen was pressed under the Leifeng Pagoda for almost twenty years. She had a bad reputation, but she did a lot of good deeds by the West Lake. Although she was possessed by a white snake, she was kind to others. , give money to the poor, do good and eliminate evil, practice Pan Dao, uphold justice, and save living beings……"

Hong's mother cut off her words and said sharply:"No! Wrong! What about saving living beings!? Hong'er, how did your father die? Didn't mother tell you that it was Bai Suzhen's white snake monster that caused the flood? , the water overflowed the Jinshan Temple, and there was a big flood in the south of the Yangtze River, so your father drowned, and even you and I almost died at the hands of her Bai Suzhen!"

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