When the Eagle Eagle King saw the old gamblers laughing and complimenting him, he rolled his eyes and said sternly:"My dear! Did you know that my grandfather's two handsome generals are called Cricket Kings? In the cricket arena, I can earn one hundred thousand taels." The money is too much! Want your life? It’s not cost-effective, there is only one way!"

Hong’er saw the sinister look in Eagle Eagle King’s eyes, like a wolf and a tiger. She gritted her teeth and blurted out:"What can I do?!" King Eagle Eagle's jaw trembled and he said sternly:"I can only pay you a hundred thousand taels of silver for this girl! Return to my grandfather! Humph! You are not worth more than ten thousand taels." Money!"

When Hong'er heard this, she felt furious in her heart. She blamed herself for causing such a big disaster. She was worried and confused, thinking:"Oops... I've met a ghost! What will my mother do if something happens to me? Mr. Xu... where are you? Ah... Oh my God, how can I escape?"

In a hurry, Hong'er was escorted by Eagle Eagle King's minions to the fine house in the backyard of Eagle King's Mansion. The door was locked, and Hong'er overturned the delicacies presented by the Eagle Eagle King to the ground. The Eagle Eagle King sent his maid Ya Po to bring gold bracelets, gold necklaces, and gemstone rings, but Hong'er threw them all into the yard. The Eagle Eagle King was helpless and hinted to his subordinates to strictly guard him! I want to wait until Hong'er calms down before taking another step towards Hong'er.

Hong'er's sarcastic words were of no avail. Xu Shilin couldn't find Hong'er, and was dejected. Suddenly he found out the details from three passers-by, and hurriedly chased the important person to Prince Diao's Mansion, but was driven away by the guards' thugs.

Although Hong'er was imprisoned in Jingzhai, this boudoir was different. The windows were like bars in a prison. Hong'er suddenly fainted, and her body bones were in sharp pain. She struggled to cheer up and pushed up the window frame, but it was like an iron bar, with no traces. Hong'er tried her best to escape. She was thinking about her mother and Mr. Xu.

Hong'er secretly complained:"They say I am a red snake spirit... If only I were a red snake spirit, I could escape from this window frame.……"One thought caused thousands of waves, and Hong'er had a sudden inspiration. He stretched out his fingers to measure the frame, then measured his own waist, and let out a gasp. She suddenly heard the sound of clappers at the third watch, and the high-pitched tune of the watcher gradually faded away. Hong'er exerted all her strength and climbed into the window frame. Her waist was as thin as a willow and she exerted all her strength. As expected, half of her body was lifted out. She looked at the thugs who were guarding the hospital. There was no movement, only the sound of thunderous snoring. She secretly rejoiced in her heart:"I'm dead in sleep! Get out as hard as you can! Quick!" Hong'er's arms were so wide that she couldn't get out. She was anxious and tried her best to shrink down. Although she got out of the window, her bones cracked and the pain was unbearable. Hong'er endured the pain and became mute, then climbed the willow tree on the back wall. Climbing over the high wall of Prince Diao's Mansion, I suddenly saw a shadowy figure, it was Xu Shilin. The two of them called out with tears in their eyes. For a moment, they stammered and whispered, and Mr. Xu helped Hong'er and ran away.

At the fourth watch, the Eagle King woke up suddenly as he cursed and cursed in his dream. Full of evil thoughts and dirty thoughts in her head, she had the evil intention of raping Hong'er crazily. He rushed to the backyard to check on the house, rushed to unlock the door and entered, but Hong'er was nowhere to be seen. After a burst of anger, he cursed the minions and used his eagle claw skills to catch Hu San and Mao Wa, the nursing staff, on the spot. He also ordered the rest of his men, saying:"Hurry up and chase her! A beauty that you can't buy with a hundred thousand taels of silver! Get her back to the old man! No one can be found... Hu San and Mao Wa are just like you!"

A group of people showed their teeth and claws. The Luo men armed themselves with weapons and marched out in three directions, carrying lanterns and torches, and chased them until the light of day. On the bank of the Kanzi River, fourteen miles away from Qiantang Village, Hong'er and Xu Shilin were about to be overtaken. Suddenly, the long knives, big sticks, and white swords and hairpins of Diao Wangfu were thrust out at the same time. Look at Hong'er Xu Shilin's nowhere to escape,"Puff puff puff——", the sky was full of lime, and it hit the eyes of the minions, causing them to scream and howl.

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