(3) Men dressed as women to celebrate deep love

Chapter 16 Wansong Academy

Xu Shilin and Hong'er fell in love by the West Lake and they fell in love. After a few days of dating, we gradually became familiar with each other, and became inseparable. One is sympathetic to the beauty, and the other is secretly in love. Master Xu knew that Hong'er wanted to go to a private school, and he was even more enthusiastic about becoming a classmate, so he devised a plan that coincided with the plan:"dress up as a man and dress up as a woman"! Since then, Hong'er has been pretending to be a young master, walking, behaving and talking. Imitation of Xu Shilin's appearance. Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind, and the east wind is"money". The door of Tianxia School is open, please don’t come in if you have no intention or money! Two years later, Hong'er worked hard selling medicinal materials and accumulated less than a hundred taels of silver. Xu Shilin was a Hong'er, and it was difficult to ask his father for help. He knew that his father would never allow him to associate with women. His father strictly taught:"A woman will seduce a man's heart and soul, and he will fail in the examination... He must never associate with a girl's family.!"

Since Bai Suzhen was oppressed in Leifeng Pagoda, Xu Hanwen became desperate and crazy, and later became a monk in Jinshan Temple. Xu Shilin grew up from a baby at Xu Hanwen's sister's house. He only regards Xu Xian's brother-in-law as his biological father and Xu Xian's sister as his biological mother. He has no idea that his biological mother is Bai Suzhen and his biological father is Xu Xian, let alone the legend of the White Snake and the White Snake.…………

Xu Hanwen's brother-in-law, Li Gongfu, worked as a yamen errand for the chief arrester, and his family had a lot of money. Xu Shilin found various excuses to ask for money and accumulated a lot. After saving up money with Hong'er, he attacked Hong'er and went to a private school. Hong'er learned so quickly because she studied hard on her own since she was a child. With the help of moonlight, tomb fires, and Xu Shilin's tutoring every day, Hong'er was gradually able to recite poems and compose sentences, and her writing style improved greatly.…………


Time flies like an arrow, two years have passed. Hong'er is already an eighteen-year-old girl, and her beauty is even more beautiful. However, she wears serious men's clothes and goes to school at"Wansong Academy" by the West Lake. The school imitates the ancient Zhu Yingtai, who dresses as a woman. Men's. Only Xu Shilin knew in his heart that she looked like a boy but was actually a girl. His love for her is as deep as the sea, and he is worthy of his heart and his love... Just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who studied in this college... they left their eternal masterpieces by the West Lake...

The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and it is a day off from school. Xu Shilin took Hong'er to the West Lake for sightseeing. The two fell in love with the scenery, became inspired by poetry, and were filled with endless emotions.

While Shi Lin was chatting, he wrote a poem:"Sister Hong'er, there is a gold and jade monument in front of the tomb, and the scolding behind the tomb will never stop. In the coming year, the sky will fall wildly, and the gold and jade will break into pieces and be crushed into mud." Hong'er listened. After that, he applauded secretly and said with a smile:"Shilang, if you die, you will be a human being and not a ghost. How can you regret life and death? My heart is broken and my love for Xiaoxiang is desolate. I will return home on the same day as Zheng Ma."

Shi Lin said:"Hong'er sister, the grave is so sad. People die early, and the second sadness is that people have grown old without doing anything. The third sadness is that the years are empty, and the fourth sadness is that the underworld has come." Hong'er sang the poem and said:"Brother Lang, the fragrance of the winter jasmine flowers has dispersed, I hope you, Shi Lang Generous and strong. The cuckoo can't stop crying, but the sky changes and turns red and remains unchanged!"

Mr. Xu meaningfully said:"Hongmei, the mountains and rivers are infinitely delayed, looking back to know the fate of the two. Why not seek immortality in life, it is rare. The scenery competes for the glory of the sun." Hong'er said with a sweet smile:"Brother Lang, I send you a message that my heart is connected to you, and my dream of sleeping in the Red Mansion is still intact. I have an ambition to look at the official forest in the mirror, and I am not afraid of the cold when it is frozen three feet."

Xu Lang sighed, Said:"Sister Hong'er, look, the mountains and rivers have gone through the cold winter and become emerald green, as if they were new every year. How can life be compared?" Hong'er said:"Yes, things in the world are like waves blown by the wind. When a strong wind blows, The past has subsided. The world is like the moon in winter and spring, the ice has melted and the flowers are blooming." Shi Lin said:"The world is like mountains and water, and the mountains and rivers are in harmony. The world is like heaven and earth, but in fact heaven and earth are one family." Hong'er said:"Brother Lang, the world always wants to have a backer, and the mountain will end. The world always wants to have heavenly blessings, and when the blessings are over, it will become a scholar. The world always wants to be resurrected, and living is like a puppet. The world always wants God to bless you. The immortal has passed away."

Xu Shilin said:"Sister Hong, we have seen too many people in the world: they leave the bed at dawn and meet again at dusk; they worship Buddha in the temple, but when they come back they are still abnormal."

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