Sure enough, Hong's anger was in vain, and the disease was brought out. The stomach trouble recurred, he couldn't eat well, and he was as thin as firewood. Hong'er asked Dr. Xu Hanwen to treat her mother, but Hong just said,"Doctor Yu, I can't help you... You came all the way to treat me. You are my savior." She meant Dr. Xu. He mistakenly thought that he was Doctor Yu, but he didn't know that Xu Hanwen's first wife was Bai Suzhen, the reformer who flooded Jinshan Temple back then.

Xu Xian's name is Hanwen. Since Bai Suzhen was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda, he has been a monk in the temple and traveled around the world from time to time. But he felt distressed and could not survive on the northwest wind, so he later returned to"Baohe Hall". Hong'er followed doctor Xu's instructions and collected jujubes to replenish her mother's blood. When her fingers were pricked by jujube thorns, she sprinkled some soil on them and the bleeding stopped. Hong wanted to eat mulberries, so Hong'er went to pick ripe purple-black mulberries for her mother to eat. The sweet and sour mulberries made Hong feel very comfortable. When eating noodles, Hong Mu thought the noodles were too wide and her throat burned. Hong'er rolled out a large bowl of thin noodles for her mother and served it as pickled cabbage noodles. Hong'er ate it deliciously.

Hong's is anemic again. Hong'er used chickens at home and wild animals from the mountains to replenish her mother's blood. Unable to make up for it, she cut her wrist with a knife, poured her own blood into the broth, boiled it, and fed it to her mother's body. Hong felt strange and asked sadly:"Hong'er, my mother noticed that this broth is red... why is it red... and it has a bit of fishy smell, what's going on?" Hong'er looked happy. , smiled and said:"Mom, this is a newly cultivated red cabbage that grows wild... Mom, look at it, the leaves are green and dark red, and the leaves are as big as mulberry leaves. They are not cabbage, nor like radish leaves. Once they are boiled, they will The water that comes out is naturally beautiful. You can replenish your blood by eating and drinking. What's the point of worrying if it smells a little fishy? As soon as my mother's anemia is replenished, she will be strong. Come on, mother... come and drink the red cabbage soup." She raised her hands. When she brought the dish she cooked to her mother, she almost raised her eyebrows. Didn't you know that there was blood from Hong'er's body in the soup?

It was raining heavily, and water droplets splashed in the wind from the west window and fell on Hong's bed. Hong'er's bed is under the east window, so it's still dry. Hong'er then helped her mother to her bed and said,"Mom, your bed is wet. The room is small and the bed is not wide. Mom, change it. You sleep in my bed. I'm not afraid of getting wet. I'll sleep in yours." Let's wet the bed." Her mother refused, so Hong'er helped her mother to sleep on her own bed.

Hong'er also"sold herself to save her mother" once. It was late winter that year, and all the money spent on treating my mother's illness was spent. Hong'er saw that her mother was seriously ill and had no money for treatment. In addition, it is snowy and frosty in the depths of winter, and there are no herbs to help exchange money. Hong'er tried her best, but had to make a pattern with straw and stick it in her head to show that she was selling herself to save her mother's life. But no one offered money to buy her. After years of floods and droughts, and some people still said she was a"little red snake demon" behind her back, no one dared to spend money to buy her. Hong, whose back was already a little rickety, had no idea that Hong'er would sell herself to save her mother.

Xu Xian became a monk at Jinshan Temple. After many years, he felt boring, boring and empty. My mind is still worried and it is difficult to open up. The monk wandered on the way to Yu Yu, but he felt that it was warmer than being in the temple to heal patients among the people, get some praise, and be respected and loved.

Xu Xian often went to Leifeng Pagoda to miss his old love, and he would say his heartfelt words across the wall. After all, it is better to practice medicine among the people. The hard work can bring happiness to the heart and eyes, and it feels better than being a monk. Xu Hanwen was a reserved and reserved person who was accustomed to being a doctor. He practiced medicine on the road and often looked at the poor people with great concern. That day, I was walking in a hurry and ignored the familiar girl kneeling on the roadside. He was not interested in the bustling city with endless traffic. I walked over and looked back. This time I looked back and was shocked:" it Hong'er? Miss Hong'er……"

It's just that: if we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, if we are not destined to meet each other, it is difficult to hold hands.

The aura of heaven and earth, the essence of sun and moon, the Leifeng Pagoda suppresses the injustice of White Lady.

Seeing the divine light of luck in the West Lake, he sold himself to save his mother and met Xu Xian.

Hong'er has a pattern of grass on her head, how much does a filial piety cost?

Xu Xian turned around quickly and returned, frowning and saying:"Hong'er... what's wrong with Hong'er? A piece of selling straw wrapped around your head? Are you selling yourself?" He threw away the small circle of straw. Hong'er cried:"Helpless... Uncle Xu... helpless... my mother is about to die... I want to sell myself... buy some Ganoderma lucidum grass... ginseng... buy some life-saving herbs to save my mother." Xu Xianyi He pulled her up and asked firmly:"How many taels of silver do you want?" Hong'er said:"A hundred taels of silver... to buy Ganoderma lucidum grass... to buy ginseng... is that enough?" Xu Xian chuckled and said:"Haha......Silly girl! Gold is valuable, but medicine is priceless... I can give you a hundred taels of silver by selling medicinal materials, but it won't save your mother!" Hong'er wiped her tears and said," mother didn't. Are you saved?" Xu Xiandao:"Saving your mother doesn't mean having a lot of money. You don't need to buy Ganoderma lucidum grass or ginseng medicine! This kind of big tonic can't save your mother, it will have the opposite effect. As the saying goes: Ginseng kills people. , rhubarb failed to save people……"Hong'er cried and said,"Uncle Xu, what should I do? I'm so anxious."

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