During the day, Hong'er worked on crops, fed poultry, and went to the mountains to collect herbs. She was agile and not frivolous. Her big clear eyes seemed to be completely different from other girls, and her eyes seemed to be able to speak. She worked very lightly, like a thirteen-year-old girl with a hundred kilograms of stuff on her back, just like a young man. I saw that when she was doing various kinds of work in the field, her hands were moving like wind, as if she could lift a thousand pounds with the tip of her eyebrows. While digging the ground, Red Mother said:"Oh, my mother sweats very easily while digging, but you, a woman, are like lifting a thousand pounds, and in a blink of an eye, half an acre of land is almost finished. Oh, don't be exhausted. This family depends entirely on you to support me. In your thirties, you have become sick. If you get sick again due to fatigue, the family will collapse." Hong'er smiled, wiped her mother's face with a sweat towel, and said,"Mom, don't you mean your daughter Is it four taels that can lift a thousand catties? Oh! How can a child get tuberculosis with four taels of strength?" After a few words, Hong Mu was speechless, and she just said:"Hey, your little mouth can talk, mother always I can't tell you... I'm convinced, I'm convinced."

At night, Hong'er pretended to sleep in a daze, but she was really reading the copybook behind her mother's back. When Hong Mu spied on her, she didn't turn off the oil lamp, and she couldn't sleep because she was tossing and turning. Hong'er saw that her mother couldn't sleep because of the light, so she had to blow out the lamp. When her mother fell asleep, she secretly put on her clothes, kicked off her shoes, opened the door, bolted it, and closed it quietly without making any sound.

Hong'er borrowed the moonlight and read the copybook under the moonlight. She marked out all the words on the copybook, but she didn't know what the big and small words meant. But she was full of interest, holding the small book tightly and reading hard, using thin sticks to draw lines on the land, writing enthusiastically, but she was so anxious that she didn't know what the lines meant. Seeing that the moon had set and the sky was dark, Hong'er collected the copybook and quietly opened the door to fall asleep.

In the early morning, Hong'er neatly tidied up the messy yard inside and outside, and everything was in order. Hong'er got up and was very happy. She laughed and said:"Hey, hey, we are the ones who work! Hong'er, what's the use of reading the words in the book?" Hong'er said:"Mother, I can read the words. Oh... did you see it?" Hongmu said with a smile:"When a fly flies over, there is also a shadow. Look at the calligraphy book, mother, don't you know?" Hong'er said:"Mom, I have a strong desire to win. I sold it that day I bought the golden earring herbal medicine, and on the way back... I... I'm in a private school, oh, it's called"Wansong Academy". It's so interesting to listen to people reading... I... I also want to read books." Hong Mu Said:"Hong'er, those boys who can enter the school! They are all from rich families, there is no reason for a girl to enter the school. In a daughter's family, her life is to guard the house and turn the tables. What's the use of learning those glib accents?"Hong'er said firmly:"No! Mother, I have to go to school!" Hong's mother said sternly:"I've never heard of it! Women can enter school?!" Hong'er's heart twitched and shrank, like a wound. I drank the salt and felt secretly sad for a while.

Although Hong's mother did not allow Hong'er to study in school, Hong'er did not resent her mother because of this. In addition to doing farm work and housework, when I go out, I always sneak into the school and listen to the sound of reading in the distance. Hong'er knew and understood her mother. Her mother had many illnesses and the expenses were too high. If she used the money she saved to go to school, it would not be enough. Second, if her mother became seriously ill and had no money for treatment, it would be terrible.

Hong'er didn't work during the day, so she could only read copybooks by moonlight at night. In winter, she spent half her time writing in the snow and reading. She bought a few more poems, books, and scriptures, but she still had no choice but to mark out the words without knowing what they meant. Hong'er knew that the calligraphy was profound and mysterious, and that it was completely different from the work in the same place. But Hong'er secretly made up her mind:"As a woman, can't I pretend to be a man and go to school? Zhu Yingtai is a woman, and she can dress up as a young master and go to Wansong Academy, so I can give it a try! So! To change... you need to observe some men, watch their walking postures and movements, imitate them, and dress up as men! Hey, hey! By the way, a good idea, try it boldly! Go to school, so as not to become a The sesame cakes in the mirror."

Hong'er was afraid of disturbing her mother, and Hong's mother couldn't sleep when she saw the light. Hong'er stole the moonlight in the middle of the night just like before. But there is moonlight in the middle of the month, but at other times, dark clouds cover the sky, blocking the moon, and it is still dark. Hong'er lit candles and read outside the thatched house. The wind is strong at night and the lamps are often blown out. Hong'er thought of another way to catch some fireflies and put them in a bottle. This way, she would be able to borrow light every night without worrying about the light falling out.

The poem says:

In the Jin Dynasty, Che Yin was tireless in his studies, and fireflies used them as lamps to read books.

Sun Kang was smart and his family was poor, but Bai Xue was illuminating and could read thousands of volumes.

In ancient times, women were banned in schools, but Britain and Taiwan chose to break this barrier.

Collecting firewood for farming, collecting herbs diligently, and climbing the mountain of books with fireflies reflected in the snow.

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