On this day, the doctor was going to see a doctor, and it rained heavily again, and it was not sunny for several days. Hong'er couldn't wait any longer, so she carried her mother on her back, held an umbrella, and went to see a doctor. The doctor was none other than Xu Xian, but no one knew him. Xu Xian's reputation was ruined and he just kept his name anonymous. We all held umbrellas and met at Sanliwan, where we finally got treatment. Hong'er paid Xu Xian, but Xu Xian refused to take it and sighed:"A girl in her teens can actually carry an adult weighing hundreds of kilograms on her back. It's really impressive. I admire you. You are like this." Honor your mother, the old doctor won't accept your money even if you die."

One day, Hong'er was playing with a two-foot-long snake in the yard. Her mother was surprised when she saw that the snake didn't bite her. She said sharply:"Hong'er! It turns out that I often encounter snakes when I go in and out. It's all because of you! From now on, you are no longer allowed to play with snakes and insects!" Hong'er said with a smile:"That's easy, mother. , don't be angry. I'll just let them go, don't worry." Hong's mother felt strange after hearing this, and asked doubtfully:"Little girl, can the snakes go away if they tell them to go away?" Hong'er sang a rhyme and said:"Funny, Tease, tease the insects, the insects will not bite my hands. If not, they will fly away.——"She sang it several times, making her mother laugh out loud. It's strange, since Hong'er sang the jingle for two days, Hong didn't see a snake again during the day and night.

That night, a strong wind blew, and the strong wind swept away a bunch of grass on the house. Seeing that water had entered the thatched house, Hong'er went up to the house to add more straw and tie it up so that the house would not leak. But her mother's clothes were soaked, so Hong'er lit a fire to dry them and put them on. Hong felt happy in her heart and said,"Oh, I'm glad I didn't throw you away. I didn't expect that a little girl can do better than a son. Without you, my mother would have froze to death in this heavy rain." Hong. The child smiled and said,"Mom, don't praise me. Adding a word"praise" to the word"praise" means the word"collapse". If you praise me, I will collapse." Hong Mu said,"You didn't go to school, how can you know any words? Yes, all the weirdos are out." Hong'er said with a smile:"Mom, I...I just heard from hearsay...I'm learning Chinese calligraphy."

In the poor family's shabby house, there were only eighty-seven copper coins, all of which were carried on Hong'er's back. He sells firewood, sells vegetables, digs medicinal materials and sells them for money, and earns small profits. Some medicines cannot be found in the mountains and can only be bought from pharmacies. When Hong'er was thirteen years old, she had dug medicinal materials from Tianmu Mountain and sold them, earning sixty-eight taels of silver. She always carried the medicinal materials to Baohe Hall, and it was Xu Xian who received the medicinal materials. Dr. Xu put the three golden characters"Bao Hezhen" on the wall of"Baohe Hall" to commemorate his deep relationship with Bai Suzhen.

It's exactly this: beauty, snake and scorpion follow the wind of heaven, and Xu Bai's fate is outstanding.

Don't be an ungrateful person, a detached know-it-all.

How can we remember the grotesque and nonsensical Fahai mantra and the absurd laws in our hearts?

The world admires Bai Suzhen for sacrificing her life to be her husband.

Hong'er went to Tianmu Mountain to dig up medicinal materials, and the ones she picked included: Millet Spatholobus, Bupleurum, frosted mulberry leaves, hawthorn, Schisandra chinensis, kudzu root, hairy holly, verbena, and bitter wood... Once

, Hong'er was walking in the scenery and water shadows. I was taking medicine on the shining skyscraper cliff, but accidentally fell from the cliff. Fortunately, I grabbed the tip of the thorn branch next to the kudzu branch and didn't fall into the abyss of a hundred feet. It happened to fall on a field, and the strange fragrance all over the ground hit her nose. Hong'er took a look and exclaimed:"Ah, it seems... it seems to be honeysuckle... Could it be honeysuckle... medicinal material... If so, it is also You can sell it for money." Hong'er rubbed her legs and feet for a while, and the pain was no longer there. Then he pulled it together with both hands and pulled out a small pile of herbs. So he used thin green rattan bars and tied them into a bundle as thick as a barrel. He limped on his back and climbed the thick rattan bars to the cliff. He was hungry and thirsty but not afraid. He climbed up the rock with all his strength and was exhausted. blow. I picked some wild pears, ate them and drank the water from the stream. I gained strength. I carried the herbs on my back and returned home.

Seeing that Hong'er's leg was injured, Hong's mother sadly applied medicated powder to her, and her tears fell on Hong'er's arm. Hong'er asked:"Mom, this herb is honeysuckle, right?" Hongmu wiped her tears and said:"It doesn't matter what kind of medicine it is, it's not precious even if it's Ganoderma lucidum... What's precious is my son's legs. The injury is like this. My daughter, you are treating my mother's illness. You are only thirteen years old and you are doing the rough work of a young man. You have suffered such a serious injury and you have not said a word...My mother feels very sad." Hong'er said with a playful smile:" Hehe, I'm never tired." Hong Mu said,"You are made of water, not made of iron!" Hong'er said with a smile,"Marshal Zhao of Nantianmen is here in person. I am a disciple of Mother Lishan." Hong's mother didn't believe it, so she sneered, brought the food to Hong'er, and said:"Eat quickly, it's been dark since morning, and it's already dawn... I just thought something happened to you, and sure enough, I fell down." Right?" Hong'er said while eating:"It doesn't matter, mother...it doesn't matter how hungry or thirsty I am. As long as I earn some money, buy some good medicine, and eradicate my mother's disease, my daughter will wake up smiling from her dreams. La." When Hong Mu heard this, she felt very happy. Mother and daughter ate rough rice and wild vegetables, which were both sweet and delicious.

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