Zhang Guolao rode a donkey backwards to Hangzhou, turned the donkey into a small paper donkey, put it in a towel box, and then wandered by the West Lake. Running all the way, I encountered many things and experienced many strange things. On a whim, I couldn't help but beat the fishing drum and sang:"There have been many infatuated men since ancient times, why are they so greedy?"

Prosperity and wealth bury people, but death exalts me.

Most of the family property is managed by ancestors, and it takes more than a few people to create a family business.

All states, prefectures and counties should reduce taxes so that the common people will be happy.

The year of disaster has passed, the grain is abundant, and the weather is good and the weather is good, singing and music are played.

Where does the anti-corruption Taoist come from? It's like snow falling from the clouds.

There is no ordinary person in heaven or on earth, and there is a shortage of those who are both wise and courageous.

Stay virtuous, be kind and diligent, and the flower of life will never fall.

The rich man Cang Lijing was admiring the scenery of the West Lake on the Jinlou Tower. He heard singing and playing drums coming from the window. He stretched his head and looked down and said with a smile:"Hey, a beggar can also sing and compose sentences." Then he yelled:"Hey , dirty old man! If you don't go begging for food, sing those clichés and drink Jiangnan style, can you fill your stomach?!"

Guo Lao raised his eyes and saw a rich man dressed as a rich man, making fun of himself, and replied:" Haha! Do you think that if you have gold and silver, you can have a full stomach? In fact, some wealthy people in Lin'an and Kyoto are full of male thieves and female prostitutes, and they are so hungry!" After hearing this, the wealthy Cang Lijing felt heartbroken. He said angrily:"Humph! You are so stubborn when you beg for food! I am a great businessman in the capital! Even if I beat my drum and break my heart, no one will give you something delicious! No one will pity you! The only thing is that the water from West Lake is free of charge. Just fill up your dirty stomach."

After hearing this, Guo Lao suppressed his anger. He was possessed of magical magic, and with just a little bit of it, the arrogant businessman would be possessed by a demon. He fell out of the window and became a cripple. But Guo Lao didn't want to hurt the world, so he laughed and said:"Haha, I filled my stomach with pure water from the West Lake; but you, a proud businessman, filled your stomach with dirty water! The smell is terrible, It's harmful to people." After hearing this, Master Cang Shang gasped with anger and said angrily:"How brave! Who dares to say such insulting words inside and outside Hangzhou now! I'm so angry! I shouldn't blame you. I talk to an old man like you, but you keep talking more and more."

Guo Lao laughed and said:"Hahaha, rich man! You talk arrogantly, call me a Huazi, and call me a stinky beggar when you open your mouth. You are so excited, you are seriously ill."

After hearing this, Cang Lijing became even more angry and said sternly:"Humph! You bastard! How dare you curse me for being sick! You knock on that bamboo tube, it's very unpleasant; singing those songs The tone of the words is just like picking up a rotten pineapple and reciting it as a sutra! Old man, I never thought that the great Shang King would be so angry with you! I can't bear this breath! How can I forgive you!"

After that, he shouted loudly He yelled:"Come here! Come here! Hurry!" Soon several guards and thugs ran up from downstairs. After saluting, after listening to the instructions, they each held a long stick, opened the side door, and the tiger pounced on it. Come to chase Zhang Guolao.

Guo Lao saw that there were five strong men in total, with long sticks in their hands higher than their heads. They were all dressed as warriors, and knew that they were all sons of the Lian family.

Zhang Guolao was not afraid at all, his face did not change color, his heart did not beat, and he stood firm and resolute, waiting for the five strong men to strike. Five hard blacksmith sticks, all wrist-thick and seven feet long, were used to hit him on the head to see if the white-haired head would bloom. Didn't you know that when they hit the fishing drum and played the old high, all the rough guys' hands were numb and their arms cramped with pain. Two of them were rolling on the ground, crying:"Oh, it hurts to death... it hurts so much." It hurts."

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