Lu Zhihong was seriously injured by a black dog bite. The four dog teeth marks were like small sharp knives, and the bite caused a lot of bleeding. After he returned home, his leg became swollen, and the pain became worse day by day. Lu Zhihong did not dare to speak out. He killed the dog, fearing that if the Wumen people knew about it, he would make the matter bigger and be retaliated against, and the whole family would suffer a bloody disaster.

Lu Zhihong suppressed his anger silently and secretly treated the wound. Didn't he know that the dog had mad dog venom and the blood was soaked in the teeth? The poisonous blood flowed into the internal organs. Lu Zhihong had fever and swelling all over his body. He quietly invited a doctor from a distance to treat him, but he could not be cured. He died soon after.

Wu Xuanji's dog bit people to death and harmed others, and also bit his own family members and harmed his son. Wu Xuanshi's wife's surname is Pi and her name is Qin. She is middle-aged. They had an eldest daughter and a younger daughter; an eldest son and a younger son. The youngest son Wu Guigui is only eight years old, and the couple loves this son Guigui the most.

Don't you know that one day, Guigui held a chicken bone leg in his hand and was chewing it, when the yellow wolf dog came to eat it? Guigui stumbled, and the vicious dog pounced faster, bit Guigui's right wrist in one bite, and took the chicken away.

An eight-year-old boy's wrist was bitten and bleeding, and he was crying and yelling in pain. His mother Pi Shi came in a hurry. At first glance, the yellow dog took the chicken away. The younger son's wrist was bleeding. There were four upper and lower teeth marks on the bloody mouth, and blood was still coming out. He quickly took some medicinal powder and applied it on Guigui.

When Wu Xuandi returned home and found out that the yellow dog had bitten Guigui, he not only did not beat or scold the dog, but instead scolded his son:"Disobedient! Why did you take the meat bones and eat them in front of the dog? Otherwise, how could you tease him?" The yellow dog bit him!"

After hearing this, his wife, Pi Shi, was very angry and said sternly:"Humph! The evil dog bit my son, but instead of beating and scolding the yellow dog, you spoke for the dog, vented its anger for the dog, and came to reprimand your son! You are here! What kind of father is this? It’s not unfair to beat a yellow dog to death!"

After hearing this, Wu Xuandi became furious! He said sternly:"Whoever dares to beat my dog ​​to death! Anyone who beats my dog ​​to death will also die! That one The black dog must have been beaten to death by Lu Zhihong! If he beat the black dog to death, he will die too! Damn it!!"

Less than a month after Wumenzi said those words, his youngest son Guigui was already on the verge of death. This month, I took a lot of medicine. He invited a famous doctor to treat the dog bite wound repeatedly, and the wound healed. However, Guigui had a high fever, his limbs were swollen, and his whole body ached. He cried all day long, and no one could calm him down. Just over a month later, her youngest son Guigui died.

News of Wu Guigui's death spread hundreds of miles around. Everyone in the town knew that his young son was bitten by a mad dog and died of rabid disease, which was incurable. Therefore, the person who was unable to sleep because of his dog scolded Wumenzi, saying:"You dog slave! You are asking for trouble!"!""Do evil! Got retribution for evil."

The Wu family's self-raised dog bit their son, and Guigui died. The head of the family, Wu Xuanshi, still did not hate the dog and did not beat or scold the dog. He secretly blamed the younger son for seeking death and it was his fault.

His wife Pi Qin was furious and couldn't hold back her anger. She quarreled with her husband regardless of the situation. Pi said sternly:"It's so pitiful for Guigui to go away. It's so miserable! He was bitten to death by his own dog... It's all your fault." This father is causing trouble!" He shed tears.

Wu Xuan's tongue could hear it. He had also heard many people's insinuations and insults, and he held his breath and kept it in his heart. Today, he poured fuel on the fire, and even his wife also He dared to complain and said that he was the cause of the disaster. Then he became furious and said angrily:"You bitch! How dare you put the responsibility for Guigui's death on the head of the house! What nonsense! In my opinion, it's you who You are not a good mother! You are responsible for taking care of your children because you are not taking good care of them! He was bitten by a dog, contracted an incurable disease, and died unexpectedly. But you hit the target in reverse and turned on the head of the family!"

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