Yu Zhengnan's fishing boat sank in the sea. When he escaped from the sunken boat, he left a tool behind. Among them, there is a sharp small axe, so that it is easy to chop down trees and build rafts.

Yu Sheng was in his prime years, brave and strong. In half a day, he built a raft that was one foot wide and seven steps long. He invited Guo Lao, and the two got on the raft, drifting in the waves, and moved to the left and west of the Sinan magnetic needle.

How can Yu Zhengnan explore the depth of the sea with a bamboo pole in his hand? The raft was bouncing on the crest of the waves, as if it was about to be swallowed up by the waves. It seemed that it had lost its direction and it was difficult to paddle to the home shore.

Zhang Guolao held a fishing drum bamboo board in his hand, chanted a formula in his mouth, and paddled in the waves. The raft sprouted wings and flew on the top of the waves, like an arrow from the string, flying towards the shore of his hometown.

After reaching the shore stone, Yu Sheng bowed his head and said:"True saint, I am so lucky to meet the great immortal in my three lifetimes."

Guo Lao said:"There is no need to talk about saints, the most valuable thing is to do more. Go and do what you plan to do. Let's see you some other day." After saying that, he said goodbye and left.


Under the guidance of Zhang Guolao, Yu Zhengnan worked hard to trial-produce Sinan.

On this day, Guo Lao brought a refined guide that looked like a fish. Yu Sheng asked:"Master, this device is shaped like a fish with a needle in the middle. What kind of strange thing is it?" Guo Lao said:"This is a guide fish. I did not invent it. Many capable people in the Song Dynasty already had it. Look, this is Carve the shape of a fish out of wood, hollow out the abdomen, put a magnet in it, seal the cavity tightly with wax, insert a needle into the fish's mouth, and it becomes a guide fish. There are also many talented people who can create guide turtles with their ingenuity. The same is true for the Dharma."

Guo Lao ordered Yu Sheng to bring a large basin of water and put the guide fish in the basin. The belly of the guide fish is empty and sealed with wax, so it floats on the water surface and will not sink. Affected by the geomagnetic field, the fish head pointer points to the south and the fish tail points to the north. It is lighter, more sensitive, more accurate and easier to carry than Sinan.

Yu Zhengnan said:"How wonderful! I must create many guide fishes and guide turtles in my late life. Besides, I was born in a fisherman's family and did carpentry work. I can carve fish and turtles out of wood. It's no problem. Steel needles can To buy it, there should be everything available in the market. But where can I find the magnet?"

Guo Lao smiled slightly and said:"Making guide fish and guide turtles is not as easy as you think. It is a very laborious business. In 82 AD, Wang Chong of the Eastern Han Dynasty also studied Sinan. According to the interaction between the magnetic spoon and the ground's magnetic field, the handle of the long spoon could point out the direction. Wang Chong also recorded the making of Sinan. During the Three Kingdoms period, there was Ma Jun who was developing a guide. In the car, I have tried my best. I see that you are passionate and act for justice, and I am willing to try my best to help you. Wooden objects must be carefully crafted, and as for magnets, they can be replaced by magnets. If there are any difficulties, I will do my best later. I'll talk about it later."

Yu Zhengnan was very happy after hearing this and said:"Wansheng will be made according to the model created by the predecessors, and Mr. Domeng will show the way."

Guo Lao said:"I did not create this guide fish! It's just a A gift from an expert friend. I can leave it to you as a model so that you can make it more detailed and more beautiful." Then he said goodbye and left.

Not far away, Zhang Guolao took out the paper donkey from his sleeve, sprayed it with water from the gourd, chanted a mantra, and blew on it, and the paper donkey turned into a real donkey. Guo Lao rode his gray donkey backwards, beat the fishing drum, and sang:"

Strength is not too strong, it all depends on planning."

A person's karma can be wrong for a moment, and karma can be wrong for a lifetime.

Prevent sunny days from rainy days, and prevent disasters in good years.

Craftsmen do a good job all year round.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

This art is passed down from master, and this medicine has its secret recipe.

Rare things are valuable, but plentiful things are cheap.

If you don't learn, you won't have skills, and you will create difficulties for yourself everywhere.

A single tree cannot make a forest, but a collective effort can make a forest.

Determinations must last long and can be fulfilled by observing filial piety.

Fame and wealth are as light as a feather, but integrity is as important as a mountain.

If you want to succeed in your career, study hard and practice hard.

Heaven is not boastful and exalted, and earth is not proud beyond measure.

A family heirloom of loyalty will help others for a hundred years.

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