When all the workers saw that the master of the workshop had instructions, they listened with peace of mind and did not leave again. Master Bai Fang bowed deeply to Zhang Guolao and said,"Elder, what is your surname?" Guo Lao said,"My surname is Zhang Guo. I can't be called a great man. I'm just an old master."

Master Bai Fang was surprised when he heard this and said :"Ah, ah, Zhang Guolao is the elder in Zhongtiao Mountain. You are riding a donkey backwards. You have acted from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. You are an old immortal, a real old immortal." Guolao only waved his hand and said:" I am a human being. Let’s not talk about gods or immortals. Let’s get back to the subject. Where did we talk just now? Well, when it comes to the wonderful part, it means that the small characters on the clay are put into the cellar to be burned, and when they are burned into hard characters, they come out of the cellar. After that, Bi Sheng poured water on it and exposed it to the hot sun. After repeated tossing and twisting several times, it was still as hard as before and not deformed at all." The team leader asked urgently:"Sir, how did you make the printing after you operated the printing plate?" Guo Lao said:"Printing plate? The smart and determined Bi Sheng tried repeatedly and painstakingly. He arranged the movable type one by one on an iron plate filled with rosin, wax and paper ash, baked the rosin and wax with fire, and then Flatten the characters, then move the fire to cool, and the movable type is condensed into a typeface."

Master Baifang asked urgently:"How to print ink?" Zhang Guolao stroked his beard and smiled and said:"Then Bi Sheng is a master of printing, so this It was easy for him. He applied a layer of ink on the typesetting board, covered it with a piece of white paper, and then gently brushed the paper over with a brush. When he opened it, he saw that all the words were printed. , and clear and neat, just like the last ink calligraphy, straight and beautiful. Bi Sheng immediately said to himself: It's done! It's done! The hard work has not been in vain."

Printer Yu Tianshi said:"Wow, it turns out that our bookstore This wonderful method of sealing was passed down by Bi Sheng. Without the wonderful method passed down by Senior Bi, we would never be able to create the clear, beautiful and high-quality printed books we have today."

Female worker Shi Ronghua asked:"Bi Sheng passed away long ago. He passed away. He was from the Qingli era of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty. Although he passed away, he is still alive in our world. His heroic spirit and talent have brought great blessings to our bookstore and printing shop. All our printing today is Bi Sheng The procedure passed down. With movable type printing plates, our bookstore and printing shop can prosper."

Zhang Guolao said:"Today, the discussion is too long, which is delaying the bookstore industry. It's time for me to leave." After that, Just leave. The master of Baifang came forward and said:"Today's discussion was valuable! We have to promote the book printing industry, so why not delay it. Thank you, immortal, for your guidance." All the printers had already saluted, and after saying goodbye, they went to work in the printing workshop.


Another evening, Zhang Guolao rode his donkey backwards and passed by Yinfang Town. He beat the fishing drum and sang a Taoist song: printing thousands of pieces of paper, hard work for a hundred days.

Doing business without paying attention is like chewing the roots of a tree.

If you don't learn, you won't have skills. I advise you to respect people.

Arrogance leads to shallowness, arrogance leads to ignorance.

You must be diligent in learning and never give up halfway.

The stupid bird always flies first, diligent study makes you smarter.

People must have great ambitions, and more importantly, they must have a sincere heart.

Diligence is always the key to success, and everything is ruined by playfulness.

There is a high ambition in the chest, and there is no height that cannot be reached.

Iron shoulders can carry hardships, and even Mount Tai can be moved.

On Yinfang Street, many people heard Zhang Guolao singing and chased him. The employees in the printing shop of Bisheng Book Store near the lake were closing after dinner, and they rushed to surround Guo Lao. At this time, many people had doubts and sorrows in their hearts and asked Zhang Guo to explain their fortune.

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