Lu Gusi said:"I also heard what the three outsiders said. It is said that Yu Guanglu went to the casino that day and won 20,000 yuan. He hired a car and hurried home all night. Halfway through, the car crossed the Dahe Bridge. The bridge was in disrepair for a long time, and the rotten wooden boards broke. Cars and people fell off the bridge. Yu Guanglu drowned."

Diao Zhiyan asked urgently:"Wow, but where are the 20,000 yuan?" Lu Gusi said:"Hey , just after the water rose, the river was very big and the waves were very high. The carriages and horses were washed away and disappeared. The big bag of 20,000 silver coins and copper coins were washed into the flood waves, and the flowers were scattered, mixed with the mud and sand. We are together, but we are gone!"

The owner of this movable type printing shop, whose surname is Bai and whose given name is Dingzuo, is a capable middle-aged scholar, with some talents and learning, and is extremely smart. All the above discussions were heard by him. At this time, Master Bai Fang walked over with his head held high and his chest high, saying:"Everyone is talking about wonderful things, not harsh, and we are talking about upwards. Sure enough, 'birds die for food, and people die for money'! Why bother! Money and materials are things outside the body, and they cannot be born. If you bring it, you will not take it away. Bai will just treat it as passing smoke." Hong Songning, the leader of the printing team, cupped his hands and said:"Master, you have a broad mind, which is rare in the world. I admire you." Long worker Yu Tianshi smiled and said:"Exactly, the master of the shop opened a movable type printing workshop, and he succeeded Bi Sheng in his great achievements, which can be praised and cried."

Master Bai smiled slightly and said humbly:"It's not even close to succeeding Master Bi in his great achievements! That Bi Sheng is a strange person in the world. I'm still far behind."

Just as he said this, Zhang Guolao came over with light steps and said to himself:"There are wonderful achievements in the world, and wonderful achievements are hidden in the world. To tell who will manifest the spirit, the secret is to divine this hexagram." After that, he sang and played:

There are many white clouds in the sky at the autumnal equinox, and it’s good to sing joyfully everywhere.

I am most afraid of thunder and lightning at this time. How is the price of rice in winter?

The master of Baifang stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute, saying:"Sir, elder, can you make a divination for this sealing workshop?" Guo Lao said:"I have made many divination for the sealing workshop and paper workshop. There is no need to make any more predictions. They are all the same. The upper hexagram: Good luck and good fortune, auspicious clouds cover the sky, everything goes well." Everyone gathered around to listen, and everyone smiled happily and talked proudly.

Hong Songning, the leader of the printing team, said:"Congratulations to the owner of the workshop. Congratulations to the owner of the workshop. What the elder said is inspiring. This is all the blessing of the master." Long-term worker Yu Tianshi said:"Since Bi Sheng invented movable type and typesetting, the efficiency of our printing workshop has improved a lot. Ten times, it saves effort, people, and a lot of money."

Guo Lao said:"As the leader of the first workshop said, 'That Bi Sheng is a strange person in the world.' In the past, carving and printing a set of books in the bookshop required everyone to work hard day and night. It's exhausting work. Moreover, if you accidentally engrave a word wrongly, the page will be charged, all the previous efforts will be wasted, and it will be a huge waste. The printer will have to start from scratch, and many printing shops will no longer be able to continue."

Master Baifang said:"The boss understands the printing industry so well, he is extraordinary." Guo Lao said:"I am an old man, how can I be an extraordinary person? Then Bi Sheng is extraordinary enough. He invented movable type seal and solved the world's great problems. It is passed down to future generations, passed down to China and abroad, and praised by everyone at home and abroad. Only then can he be called a god."

Master Baifang said:"To turn a dead plate into a living version, every word comes to life, and the entire carved plate is alive. This is a great blessing that is unparalleled in the world. Bi Sheng is so smart, he can be said to be a wizard among wizards, a man of gods. Dear printers, we are just following the instructions, are we afraid of this industry?!"

All the printers said in unison:"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Jiang Qinqin said :"Although my little girl is young, she is not afraid of difficulties on her way to success. I just mentioned that many people have died. We are lucky enough to be able to live in dignity. How can we be afraid of difficulties?"

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