(12) Bi Sheng's Printing Technology

Chapter 71: A tongue-tied man is killed quickly.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a Yinfang Town on the shores of Taihu Lake. It got its name because there is a large printing shop in the market town. This movable type printing workshop was named"Bisheng Printing Workshop".

On this day, Zhang Guolao rode his donkey backwards and passed through Yinfang Town with a man who was eloquent and talkative. The talker was about thirty years old and kept talking. He always got tired of hearing it and couldn't stop him directly. Suddenly, I saw an old crow on a big ash tree in front of me, also croaking and screaming. Everyone in the market was so annoyed that their ears were numb and their eyes were pounding.………………

Zhang Guolao said:"Country people who are on the road all like to be quiet. It is not easy to go out for a trip, and I carefully calculate my income and expenditure, fearing that I will miss important things. But this old crow can't stop croaking and screaming, making the people who come there uneasy!""

After hearing this, the talker looked unhappy. He thought that Guo Lao was making insinuations, pointed at the mulberry tree and cursed the locust tree, and said angrily:"White Beard! You are trying to compare me! He calls it what he calls it, and I call it mine. What's the matter? What's the relationship?!"

Just as he said this, there was a whoosh, and an arrow hit the old crow. The crow screamed with a long cry:"Croak!"——", then with a"squirt" sound, he threw it hard and hit the stone ground.

Guo Lao got off the donkey's back and looked up with the tongue-in-cheek man. He saw a two-foot-long arrow passing through the old crow's beak, piercing the back of his head, and splattering blood all over the ground. Guo Lao said:"The left half of the word misfortune refers to the person wearing the clothes; the right half refers to the upper part of the mouth and the lower part of the mouth. Together they are the word 'misfortune'! That means misfortune comes from the mouth."

The tongue man felt that it was not beautiful, and did not realize that it was wrong. Seeing an ominous sign, he said:"The word"misfortune" means that the side of the clothes is on the left. People wear clothes, and it does not refer to birds! How can people and birds be pulled together?!?"Guo Lao saw that he was full of disgust with himself, so he walked to the market with his sleeves rolled up.

When the talker met a few acquaintances, he boasted, flattered others, pointed fingers, and boasted:"My clever tongue can produce gold! How much do you know about heaven? How can you compare with me! No comparison." I don’t know, I was shocked when I compared it! A few days ago, there was a learned man who was asked many questions by me. He was speechless and unable to answer the questions.……"Just as he was talking about this, three horses in the market broke off their ropes and ran wild, rushing towards the crowd of onlookers. When everyone saw it, they dispersed in shock and ran away. The talker didn't care, and continued to talk in a high-pitched voice:"Horses are afraid of people, but people are afraid of horses! I glared at it, thinking that the horse beast would not dare to hit me even a hair!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the three tall horses saw him. A path opened in the middle of the crowd, and there was only one person standing in the middle. The wind blew through him, running rampantly and knocking the tongue-tied man down. Twelve iron hooves, no one knew which hoof it was, stepped on the tongue man's temple, killing him instantly and causing blood to flow all over the ground.

Seeing the bloodshed, the original onlookers rushed back to watch and talk about this………………

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