Little did he know that Liu Gu ran to the overhanging rock of the deep pool and could not see his wife. I saw movement and waves in the water. I thought my wife had committed suicide by jumping into the water. I couldn't help but panic. My feet slipped and I really fell into the deep pool. He drank water gurglingly, and in a blink of an eye, he sank and drowned.

Mrs. Huang saw no movement, thinking that her husband could not find her and had gone home, so she walked back nervously. Suddenly, I saw a person drowning in the deep pool. He floated up for a while and sank again. He took a closer look and it was his husband Liu Gu. She was so frightened that she hurriedly yelled:"Help! Help - someone is drowning - help, please come."……"

The cry for help was louder than the last. Liu Xulu happened to finish his work in the fields and passed by the deep pool on his way home. When he heard his neighbor Huang calling for help, he ran quickly.

When Liu Xulu came to him, he realized that Liu Gu was drowning. He was sinking in the deep pool and rising up from time to time. Liu Xulu learned to swim in a deep pool since he was a child and was proficient in water skills. He was thinking about Liu Gu, who had had hatred for many years, but he didn't care. He felt that saving people was important. Without much hesitation, he jumped into the water and fished Liu Gu out.

Liu Gu had expired and was already a zombie, lying on the sand. Liu Xulu stretched out his hand and placed it on Liu Gu's lips to check his breath. He was no longer breathing and was helpless. Liu Gu's wife Huang shouted to heaven and earth, cried and shouted, kowtowed, fell to the ground, and shook her husband, but it was of no avail.

At this time, I heard the sound of fishing drums, and the lyrics sang:

How to calculate the source of all lives, wonders and bad luck will be clear.

Many people in the world will drown to death, and ghost fans will surely enter the palace of the king of hell.

The secrets of folk secrets have been passed down from ancient times to the present.

The master of the house passed away quickly when he cried three times, and his husband who cried a thousand times hoped for his soul to return.

After a pause, the singing came closer:

Mao Chen Si Wu is afraid of Xun Palace, Gan Jia Kan Gui Zao Chen Mountain.

Zichou Maoyin Gen Palace is inauspicious, and the water flowing in Ha Palace is disabled.

Dreaming about crying brings joy; dreaming about playing the flute brings good fortune.

Dreaming about white flowers means death, dreaming about blood will bring good luck to the sky.

When Liu Xulu saw Zhang Guolao riding his donkey backwards, he bowed his head and bowed. When Mrs. Huang saw him kneeling down to worship, she also knelt down and cried:"Sir, please save my master... As soon as he leaves, our family will not be able to live anymore... Please help me, sir."……"As he spoke, he cried until he died again.

Guo Lao got down on the donkey, raised his palm, and said:"Please stand up, you don't have to kneel down. He is drowning in deep water. I don't need my magic, my little donkey will save him." Liu Xulu was shocked, Huang Shi asked suspiciously:"The donkey is an animal, how can it save my master? Isn't that enough if the man dies? He also uses the donkey to torture my husband."!?"

Zhang Guo laughed a few times and said:"Hahaha - you don't know! This old donkey is extraordinary. It is a beast, but it understands people's ways. It can also listen to people's words. As long as you ask it, say If you tell the reason and complain, it will sympathize with the woman. How difficult is it to save your husband from drowning?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Huang still didn't believe it and asked doubtfully:"How can you see it? How can you see it?" Guo Lao said:"Say it twice, it's as light as water. If you don't believe it, I'll pull you down!" After saying that, he got on the donkey and left. Liu Xulu hurriedly stepped forward, held Guo Lao with both hands, and said:"Old Master, Master Tao, please don't leave! It's better to save Liu Gu. For the sake of his wife, three children, Qian Qian Please save Liu Gu. I will kneel down to you as a farmer."

Zhang Guolao was caught and refused to let go, so he turned around and said:"Your name is Liu Xulu, I know it! The deceased Liu Gu scolded you, punished you, and hated you. You, mocking you, he is so angry with you! You should be happy that he is dead! Why do you still kneel down and beg me to save his life?!"

Liu Xulu said:"I'm a rough man, but I'd better listen to the fairy. After the love song of Shi Dao, he is open-minded, does good things to others, does not make enemies, and does many good deeds. Now, once Liu Gu dies, his family will suffer a lot. What should we do? It is better to save him so that his family will not be left helpless. I am helpless and suffer."

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