How can he die even if he becomes an immortal? Legend has it that Zhang Guolao was a servant of Emperor Yao and lived several thousand years in the early Tang Dynasty. Zhang Guolao left Tang Xuanzong, fearing that he would get entangled with him again, so he had no choice but to pretend to die. This founder who is good at"Tao Qing" rap visited the people, taught the world, helped the poor and rescued the people, supported justice, upheld justice for heaven, performed good deeds and eliminated evil, prayed for the people, upheld justice, appeased the people, was generous and generous, upright and upright, saved lives and healed the wounded, turned conflicts into jade and silk, and turned corruption into For magic.

Legend has it that Zhang Guolao appeared on many fairy mountains during the Northern Song Dynasty. During the gathering of immortals in the Northern Song Dynasty, at the invitation of Tieguai Li, he was included in the Eight Immortals in Stalagmite Mountain.…………Zhang Guolao rode his donkey backwards, beat the fishing drum, and sang with great interest:

A fairy's talk is worth ten years of reading.

The myth spreads all over the world, and a moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

There is no road to the mountain of books, but diligent people are willing to climb it.

The beauty of birds lies in their feathers, and the beauty of humans lies in their virtues.

People should have great ambitions and not think about becoming a high official.

The three armies may lose their commander, but the common man will not lose his ambition.

A tree cannot grow straight without cultivation, and a man cannot grow without cultivation.

The sword is sharpened on the stone, and the man is refined in suffering.

True gold is not afraid of refinement, true theory is not afraid of debate.

If you don’t fight the harsh winter, your garden will be filled with spring.

You should think first and think twice before you act.

Only by suffering a lot of hardships can you live like the people who came before you.

There are things that are obvious but not seen, and things that are clever are not heard.

Everything will be established if it is forewarned, and it will fail if it is not forewarned.

You should see through the world and avoid being a villain.

When a deacon does his job correctly, it will be like a god.

Guo Laozheng sang happily, and Yu Gonglei, a passerby, was fascinated by it. This is Tiaoyan Town. Yu Zhe listened to it and wrote down the lyrics with a pen. He read it over and over again and found it very satisfying. Yu people bowed their heads and muttered something.

This Yu Gonglei, in his thirties, is a virtuous man. In the towns and villages, they call him Yu Meide, and also call him"Ten Virtues". They also say that he has a hundred virtues and a hundred virtues.

One year there was a severe famine, and during the lean season, there were several houses in the town where both adults and children fell hungry. The Yu family had some accumulation, but the price of food soared and they were about to run out of money. But regardless of his own safety, Yu Meide squeezed out some food and sent it to the homes of the hungry. The families, old and young, all kowtowed and thanked him.

There was a man called Li Xu in Wuli Village who was seriously ill and bedridden. The pillar of the family cannot be moved, what should we do? Seeing that the family was about to beg, his wife Liu was unwilling to bring her children and girls to beg for food, so she came to ask Yu Meide for help. He didn't say anything, but after hearing this, he generously gave some money and asked Liu to seek medical treatment. Mrs. Liu was extremely grateful and bowed her head in thanks. After returning home, he asked the doctor to treat him. Soon, Li Xu was cured of his serious illness. He went out to work and earned a lot of copper coins and silver. He went to repay Yu Meide double the amount, but he would not accept it. Anyway, I will only accept the original money.

People from Tiaoyan Town have to cross the East River to enter the city. There is a bridge on the river. It is very old. It was built in the early years of the Tang Dynasty. It has been hundreds of years since the Song Dynasty. It rained for days and there was a huge flood, and the stone bridge collapsed.

Yu Meide watched helplessly as a river flowed with people standing on the bank, unable to cross. Some looked miserable, some had children who couldn't get through it, couldn't go home, and cried loudly, which was so heart-wrenching.

Yu Meide decided to sell his land and use most of his family property to build a stone bridge. Although this bridge was originally only seven feet long and nine feet wide, it still cost a lot of money. Rumor spread that Yu Gonglei sold his land to raise funds to build the bridge, and the people wanted it. Some wealthy households also donated money, and soon enough money was collected to build the bridge, and construction began.

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