The third daughter drove back again and ran for thirty miles. When she passed the skyscraper cliff, she suddenly heard the song she heard last time again. Master Deng said:"It's him again, he must be the Immortal Guo Lao who wants to see you! Let's get off the horse quickly and search in three directions. Don't miss the opportunity again!" After that, the three of them got off the car, divided into three paths, and went separately. search.

Master Deng heard the sound of fishing drums being played on bamboo boards and the lyrics being sung enthusiastically, so he listened attentively. The lyrics are getting closer and closer, and the singing voice is loud and clear:

Be serious about everything, and everything will come true if you are serious.

Be persistent when times are difficult and be cautious when times are going well.

It is better to know half of ten things than to know one well.

Haste makes waste, and one should be patient.

Plum blossoms are refined in the bitter cold, and swords are sharpened.

When looking at the present, it is better to see the past. Without the past, the present cannot be achieved.

If you don't argue, it won't be right, and if you don't say it, it won't work.

Things are lacking and wisdom is unclear.

A poor family looks down on their children, and a country in chaos shows its loyal ministers.

There are straight trees in the mountains, but there are few straight people in the world.

That's exactly what it is:

Studying the sea and exploring the sea is hard, and there are wonders in hidden places.

It is better to listen to the words of Jin Shi than to hear all kinds of general words.

Deng Shiying heard that he was entering school and hurriedly searched for it. When he went to the east, the singing sound went to the west; when he went to the west, the singing sound seemed to be in the north. She rushed to the north fork of the road and met her three daughters, all looking curious. I only hear the song but don't see the person. Is it really a fairy singing in the sky?

Deng Shiying was not depressed, but full of confidence, and said:"At that time, I shouted to the Taoist Master, but I was afraid of disturbing the singing. Now I have stopped singing, and I can shout. If I don't call the Taoist Master, how will he know that we are looking for him.""The two followed their daughter and nodded, then shouted loudly together:"Mr. Guo, come quickly! I have something urgent to ask of you! Mr. Taoist! Show yourself quickly.……"

There were cries in the mountains, one sound louder than the other, but Zhang Guo was not seen. The third daughter had no choice but to drive back.

He invited Zhang Guolao twice, but both times he was in vain. Deng Shiying, the owner of the shop, is not discouraged, discouraged or discouraged. She was determined to find him, even if she had to run away eight times out of ten. The paper mill was not busy for the past two days, and everything was arranged. Deng Shiying also ordered two female workers, Tang Chengjin and Shan Qinqing, to make some preparations for a long trip and leave early tomorrow.

The next day, at noon, Deng Shiying led Tang and Shan's second daughter to the"Beiyue Temple". The owner of the shop asked them to send a carriage and feed the horses, and he went alone to see Zhang Guolao. The first two times were not smooth, but there was success amidst the difficulties. This time it was easy. Guo Lao went out to greet him personally. It turned out that the doorman had reported the news a long time ago, and Zhang Guolao also predicted that he would come again in the near future, so he didn't go out for a few days, as expected.

After entering the main room of the ashram, Deng Shiying paid homage to Guo Lao. Tang Chengjin and Shan Qinqing also came to pay homage to Guo Lao. After the ceremony, Guo Lao stroked his beard and said with a smile:"Haha, why do you need to perform such a prostrations? I heard the Taoist priest tell me a long time ago that I will take it easy." Master Deng said

:"Master, the founder, I have come to disturb you many times. I am really sorry. , please forgive me." Guo Lao said:"You're welcome. I heard from the Taoist priest that you are here to invite me to come down the mountain and go to the paper mill to see Feng Shui, measure bad luck and seek good news. I am over a hundred years old, and rotten wood cannot be carved, so why bother? There is a big move."

Deng Shiying saluted again and said:"Sir, you are too modest. We are all ignorant people, mediocre girls, and we can't figure out the twists and turns and dangerous road ahead. Master Wanwang will go there to give you guidance in the field and give guidance on the spot.. My daughter is a member of the printing class and is short-sighted. My father also told my daughter before his death: I must come to pay homage to Mr. Fruit."

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