The next day, Sheng Yinbai went to beg for food in a panic and was met with a heavy rain. He hadn't even asked for food yet, so he was so weak from hunger that he felt paralyzed, swaying, and his legs could no longer support him. The sky was ruthless, the thunderstorm was even more severe, the rivers and ditches were swollen and flooded, and when the dirt road slipped, they slipped into the wide ditch and lost consciousness.

By chance, Chuan Bubu met an ugly girl who was hardworking. She bought two packs of traditional Chinese medicine for her mother, and rushed home in a heavy rain to cure her mother's illness. When I got here, I saw a man in the ditch, blocked by a large row of rocks in the torrent. This laboring girl was kind-hearted and willing to help people. She refused to give in, so she went down to the ditch, jumped on the big rocks, and dragged the unconscious Mr. Sheng to the side of the road.

Lao Qin Qin recognized Sheng Yin Bai and knew that he was a famous playboy who was hated by everyone. His father died in prison, and both his father and son were notorious both inside and outside Zhongtiao Mountain. But she didn't hesitate, she carried Mr. Sheng on her back with compassion, and returned to the medicine shop to seek medical treatment.

The doctor's surname was Chi Minglin, and he was a little famous. When he saw that it was Mr. Sheng, his face immediately became angry. Dr. Qinqin put the unconscious Mr. Sheng on the bench. After briefly narrating what happened, he begged Dr. Chi:"Great doctor, don't be angry. Please save Mr. Sheng." Dr. Chi said angrily:"You This ugly girl! What are you doing to save such a playboy? It would be better to save him than to save a dog! It would be better if he dies! If such a person dies, it would be better to die than a dog.!!"

The ugly girl said:"People can change, good can become evil, crooked can become righteous. Those who take the evil path can also become good after suffering! After all, he is a human, not similar to a dog." He put his hands on his mouth to check, and said:"He still has breath. Please save him, Mr. Chi. I am willing to pay the doctor the cost." After that, he rushed out..

The ugly girl went to buy a bowl of porridge and fed the hungry Sheng Yinbai spoonful at a time, slowly feeding it into his mouth. Dr. Chi was kicked by Mr. Sheng's bay-red horse. The hatred that Sheng's white horse had hurt him came to his eyes, and he said angrily:"Is this bitch worth saving? He is worse than a stinking piece of shit within a few hundred miles around here." It stinks even more than the tiles in the toilet. It's smellier and harder than the tiles in the toilet. When his family was prosperous, he was such a arrogant playboy who bullied others and used his power to bully others. That's why he got today's bad retribution! He can't even find heat even if he eats shit. Yeah! He was kicked out when he was begging for food! He was in company with dogs. Saving him was not saving a vicious person with a wolf-hearted and dog-like lungs.!!"

Lao Qinqin looked at Mr. Sheng and opened his eyelids. He seemed to have heard the venomous words scolding him and closed his eyes again in anger. When the ugly girl saw that the doctor insisted on holding a grudge and refused to help or treat him, she took action herself and turned Mr. Sheng's mouth to the ground. She lightly beat his back with her jade hand and spit out a pool of muddy water. Then, Mr. Sheng screamed and could move.

He had no choice but to seek help from the doctor, so he went to the neighbor to borrow a pallet truck. He put Mr. Sheng on his back and laid him flat on the long car board. He hung the two packages of medicine for his mother on the handlebars, pushed them into the car, and looked at the road home. After walking not far, we encountered a group of people. Some of them looked at Sheng Yinbai on the car with sideways eyebrows and cursed in their mouths. There were a lot of discussions, and they were all rejoicing in the misfortune, cursing Mr. Sheng for not having a good death. After hearing this, the ugly girl was very determined and would not give up on being humane and would never give up on saving Mr. Sheng.

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