An elder had met Zhang Guolao and knew that he was like a god. He bowed his hands and worshiped:"Old god, it was you who saved the poor, transformed the water, and relieved the dangers of the Zhen and Zuo families!" The

Zuo family and the Zhen family no longer fight. When they saw the old man with a white beard, they were quite surprised, but some didn't believe it and said,"How can such a magical thing be possible? I don't think he looks like a god." Guo Lao said,"Speaking of upwards, my Taoist, Neither gods nor immortals! Taoism also believes in gods. Heaven and man are one, and Taoism is natural... That hurricane is the god, bringing water blessings."

Guang Ningyun stood up, bowed and bowed his hands to Zhang Guo, saying:" Sir, you are not a god, who is a god? When I think of what happened in my family, you must have performed a great magic, which is also a wonderful thing, changing fools to fight!"

Zhang Guolao laughed and said:"Haha, just realize it. People in the world Children, why do we have to fight each other like fire? We should help each other. Especially within the family, we are relatives, but we are so strong and competitive, oppressing our wives and children, why bother. It is better to live in accordance with the Tao and the law, return to simplicity and follow nature. , the world is harmonious……"

Everyone in the Zuo family of the Zhen family was very happy to see the clear water flowing into their fields. Zuo Rongtian stepped forward, bowed his hands in salute, and said:"Thank you very much, sir. Who comes to argue or even fight with his fists when he is full and has nothing to do!? They are all afraid that there will be no water for irrigation and this season will be wasted. If there is no rice, the whole family will starve."

Zhang Guo looked pious, beat the fishing drum, and sang Taoist songs:

People and the earth produce treasures, and people fight against the earth and grow grass.

The crops must grow strong without quarrels and quarrels.

There is no favoritism in the field, only hard work and skillful people.

A good wife has no dirty clothes, and a good husband escapes misfortune.

Prevent drought in rainy days, and prevent disasters in good years.

The power is endless, and the water from the well depends on people.

If you are too lazy to do anything, you will starve.

The family will be harmonious, everything will be prosperous, and people will be happy every year.

Following the nature, Zhen Yequan also came forward and said:"Brothers of the Zuo family, don't blame me for being reckless! What the old man just said is reasonable and thought-provoking, and it has inspired me as a farmer. Speaking of it, it is for the sake of water. Fighting is really for survival. There is no water to irrigate the seedlings in the fields. They will die from drying. How about drinking from the northwest wind!?"

Zuo Rongtian said:"My surname is Zhen, this is the first time I heard you call me brother. I should also call you brother. Brothers! Who wants to feel so full that they are so full that they come to fight? The weather is dry and there is little water to fill the fields and ponds. The hurricane may blow the water away."

Zhang Guolao said calmly:"No matter how difficult it is, no matter how difficult it is, Don't fight for water either! People can make water, find water, divert water, dig deep wells to draw water... Never imitate the aggressive rooster, inflict violence on each other, and bite each other until the head is bloody. People are smart, not Stupid beasts. Harmony is the most precious thing inside and outside the home, and harmony brings wealth."

Zuo Rongtian suddenly remembered and said:"Brother Zhen, what this old Taoist said is very true. He can be said to be an immortal guiding the way. Then water can be dug out of the ditch. , It’s just that our family is weak. If our two families collude with a few more families, and we all get together in groups to dig the ditch, a channel of water will come out. We won’t have to worry about drought and no water to irrigate the fields, and we won’t The two families are at odds over water and are fighting each other."

Zhen Yequan was overjoyed and said,"Wow, wonderful! If you collude with several families and dig mountains together, you will definitely be able to dig out water. I would like to follow Zuo Brothers, let’s dig up the mountain together!"

After saying that, the two fighting leaders had united their minds and knelt down to worship the old Taoist Zhang Guo. He also called hundreds of relatives and all of them knelt down to worship Guo Lao. Zhang Guo said:"Fathers, please get up quickly. I can't bear this kind of worship! Get up quickly, get up quickly."

After Zuo and Zhen got up, everyone got up and verbally thanked them, and there was a lot of discussion. Guo Lao said goodbye and left.

After that, Zhen Yequan and Zuo Rongtian lobbied for two days, and people on the street in Hupan Hutang Town responded one after another. Taking advantage of the leisure time, one person from every family went to the back mountain to look for water. Sure enough, he found a wet ditch. After digging very deep, he found that the underground spring channel was not small and there was a lot of water. They also began to dig long canals and channels to divert water for six miles to each family's field. From then on, Hutang Town no longer grieved or fought for water.

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