(5) Revenge

There is a bridge across the water in Xiangfan. Next to the small bridge and the flowing water is Shuiqiao Village. There are about 200 households in this village, which is close to the city. This Zhuangzi is not a trivial matter. There are several wealthy families who often give alms to the poor and are deeply respected. The rich are so rich that their leftover food is better than the watery soup that poor people eat. There is a huge disparity between the rich and the poor. Some of the farmers go to the city to do business, some farm, some work, there are all kinds of things, and they have everything.

But he said that in Shuiqiao Village, Ren Wei had a house and opened a hotel in the city. He was rich and domineering. He also hired several servants, all of whom were stout thugs. They each called themselves"Lian Jia Zi" to protect the boss. He said it was to protect the hotel business, but in fact, Fang Renwei wanted to give his son a prestige. Since then, many people who can't twist their thighs with their arms call Fang Renwei"Master Wei."

Besides, there is a small businessman in the water sedan chair: Hong Xiangguang. On this day, I was rushing towards the city with a load of fruit and miscellaneous food, when I met several tall horses riding towards me. Hawker Hong hurriedly dodged and rushed to the roadside, but he was too late. The five horses charged forward, and the first tall bay-red horse raised its head and roared, its front hooves soared in the air, and stepped down. Impartially, he was stepping on Hong Xiangguang; his hind hoof flew up and kicked him again. A load of mixed fruits fell to the ground and rolled all over the road.

The rider could only be heard yelling:"You dog slave! The horse was frightened! I'll trample you to death, you reptile!" Hong Xiangguang fell on the roadside, clutching the injured area in pain, struggled to raise his head, and took a look. Only then did they realize that it was Fang Ren Wei who was riding a tall horse, leading four guards, all carrying waist knives, and galloping away looking out of the city.

A kind person helped Hong Xiangguang and leaned against the wall, asking questions. The neighbors on the farm saw him and helped him pick up the fruits on the ground into a basket. The horses' hoofs broke them and fell into the smelly ditch, destroying half of them. Many passers-by gathered around and talked a lot:

"It's bad luck for you! Meet a Xiangyang tyrant!"

"Go to the Yamen and sue him! How can we trample and hurt in vain!"

"The arm can't twist the thigh. The official and Mr. Wei have been having an affair for a long time, so he can't fight him!"

"Fang Renwei bullied people too much. His horse hurt people and ran away without even looking at them."

"Can't tell! The horse got on and called him a dog, a slave, and a reptile. The injured man must have frightened the horse!"

Hong Xiangguang's wife Qiu received the news and immediately called several relatives to carry her husband back to the poor house. The news was that he was trampled by Fang Renwei on horseback. She was angry and cried with sadness. One son and one daughter, the elder She was five years old and the youngest was three years old. When they saw their mother crying, they all came forward to hug their parents and cried together. It was so miserable. The reason why Mrs. Qiu was crying was not only because of the horse trampling incident that happened today. It turned out that the Hong family We have long had a grudge against the Fang family. We are from the same village, and we never look up when we see each other. Fang Renwei and Hong Xiangguang never say hello. They are hostile when they meet, and they hate each other to death. It's a long story, but a long story is short. From then on. Starting from my grandfather's generation, the two families fought for the territorial boundary. In the end, both sides suffered losses, and no one took advantage. They became enemies from then on. In my father's generation, the fathers of both families went to the city to sell grain in order to fight for it. There was endless quarreling over business.

This was passed on to the next generation, namely Fang Renwei and Hong Xiangguang. Their parents had grudges, and this generation was even worse. When a horse trampled them, how could Hong Xiangguang bear such anger? , feeling quite ashamed and humiliated, and knowing that he could not defeat the Fang family, he always planted the seeds of revenge.

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