After Guo Lao finished singing, he immediately said:"Teng Lang, don't cover it up! Do you want me to expose your background?!" The salesman refused to accept it and said sternly:"Expose it! Quickly expose it! I am alone in the Teng family, so I can leave." If you behave upright, how can you do anything shameful?" Guo Lao said sternly:"I'm afraid that my old ways will be revealed and I'll make you angry, and it will be even harder for you to hold your head up!" The salesman was particularly stubborn and said,"I'm from the Teng family. You are the only one who carries the pole, you are walking in the industry, and you are eating with the money you earn. How can you be afraid? Old man, please expose it and tell me!"

Zhang Guolao said with dignity:"Okay, that's right. Family scandals should not be made public, I told you, just tell me and listen to see if it is true or not. When you were a child, you were a butcher and sold pork. In one day, you lost all the money you earned. Does this have anything to do with your kid, does it?" Teng Jiadu suddenly felt as if he was falling apart, his face was red, his ears were red, his mouth was trembling, but he still refused to admit his mistake, his cunning head suddenly came to his senses, and he said:"No... How could you make up what happened twenty years ago?" You're trying to scare Teng!"

Guo Lao said,"Look at the face and look, there must be something going on, and there's someone there.Let’s not mention Chen Zhizhi’s old tricks for now! Let me ask you, you go around fanning people and setting fires, and spread the money from slaughtering students to build bridges, all of which are sold in pork, and you are short of jin or liang, squeezing the hard-earned money of the people. The old man was a witness, and the money was quite a lot. It was because the street gate owed him fifty heads of pork, and he later returned it to Tu Shisheng. The butcher family used this large sum of money to repair bridges and roads. You said it was baseless and came from your inner demons, and you attacked maliciously. What crime should you be punished for! ? The Teng family still refused to give up and said firmly:"Old man, you are so picky!" Moreover, Teng's words were spread by one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred. He heard them from everyone's mouths, so why am I guilty! ?"After that, he turned around and left, picked up a load of groceries, shook his rattle, and hurried away without looking back. His ears were not stuffed with cotton, and he heard the old man singing: On the first day of the new year, there is wind and diseases. , and also heavy snow brings disaster.

The weather will be clear and rainless during the winter solstice, and we will definitely sing songs of peace next year.


Time flies like an arrow, and it is already cold weather. The Teng family was unruly, mean and stingy in sales, and their business was sluggish. Few people bought his goods. The worse the business was, the higher the price he raised. Many buyers turned around and left as soon as they asked the price. This year, the salesman has left his pocket empty and has not earned a penny. His pocket is empty and he returns home disappointed.

The more no one buys his groceries, the more stale they become and the food becomes moldy. Individuals who bought it also suffered a big loss and would never buy groceries from Tenghuolang again. Among the neighbors, rumors about the Teng family being slaughtered were passed around, and people around them stopped shopping. In such a vicious cycle, the only wife of the Teng family became angry and sick at home.

On the fourth day of March 9th, it was freezing cold and snowing heavily. The Teng family didn't have a grain of food, and the pot was in ruins. The Teng family endured hunger and cold alone, braved heavy snowstorms, and walked from house to house, carrying odd groceries and shaking their rattles, hoping to sell some money to save their lives. But contrary to expectations, no one bought his goods, and he didn't receive even a small copper coin. He went to knock on other people's doors, and everyone in the family looked at him through the door gap and looked down on him. It was already in pieces. He was a manipulator, a malicious slanderer, and a backstabber. All the families refused to save him. They didn't even open the door and drove him away.

Extremely cold and hungry, the Teng family struggled alone on the snowy road, swaying and unable to hold on, and they fell into the snow ditch together with their load of groceries.

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