Just as he said this, the Teng family said sternly:"Good people don't live long! In fact, that despicable butcher is just doing embroidery. He wants to please the people of Nanyang and buy his pork. He makes a lot of money for himself, but in short Jin Shaoliang is squeezing the people's hard-earned money from it. He also went to build bridges and roads to add gold to his own notorious reputation!" The two women heard the salesman's words and were very disgusted. The two of them exchanged glances, put down the accessories they were holding, turned around and left without buying anything. The Teng family hurriedly called back, but failed to summon him to turn around. Then he was unhappy and unhappy, so he left with a rattle.

These did not escape Zhang Guolao's eyes and ears, he saw and heard them all clearly. Unexpectedly, Taoist sentiments began to sing...

Tu Shisheng was a kind man and did many good deeds. He was well-known to every household within hundreds of miles. Everyone said that the pork he sold was fresh, well-scaled and cheap. Go early and go to his pork rack. Pork buyers are queuing up and business is booming.

The more Tu Shisheng got richer, the more he did good deeds, the more prestige he gained in the eyes of his neighbors, and the more people praised him. The more jealous and resentful the Teng family became, the more they spread rumors and caused trouble. They wished that Tu Shisheng, his family, and his family would be destroyed, and they would be completely defeated, and they would be willing to go out and beg for food.

Once, Tu Shisheng heard that the Liu family on Qian Street couldn't open the pot. He was busy at the meat shelf and couldn't leave, so he told his wife An who came to deliver the food: When he gets back, send ten kilograms of rice to the Liu family on Qian Street. An's improper delivery of rice was seen by the Teng family alone. He sent grain several times in a row, but was secretly followed by the Teng family alone.

After that, the Teng family thought that Tu Shisheng's wife was secretly hooking up with the eldest son of the Liu family and met in private. Carrying the butcher on his back, his heart was flying, and he was doing the business between men and women. He would talk to everyone he met, and tell everyone he met, the rumors that arose during the massacre. It was passed around, and many people thought it was true, and it reached the ears of Tu Shisheng's parents.

How could the old couple of the Tu family sit idly by and do nothing? They were afraid that the good reputation of the Tu family would be ruined by their daughter-in-law, so they accused their son of being lax and forced Tu Shisheng to divorce his wife An. The son didn't dare not believe it, and he couldn't believe it completely. The two elders and one son of the family confronted An. The daughter-in-law was wronged, so she cried and told the truth. Looking at the appearance and checking the color, the two elders became suspicious. From the reply, we found out that the Teng family alone was following behind. Tuye Fan and his wife Shi went to question the messengers, and they heard from the mouths of several mothers-in-law:"The Teng family alone went around lobbying, and said that he saw it with his own eyes." The two elders went to the former neighbor Liu's house to inquire, and then they learned that Liu My son has not been home for half a year, and there is no news about his life in a distant place.

Tu Yefan took his wife home and after explaining it to his son, they all knew that it was the Teng family alone who was behind the scenes. Butcher Fan was so angry that he picked up the butcher's knife and was about to kill Teng Jiadu, but his wife Shi Shi hugged his leg. The family persuaded each other to endure the situation. They all apologized to An and blamed themselves. The family was reunited without being torn apart or making a big fuss with the Teng family.

It is said that the traveling immortal Zhang Guolao, who already knew about these two families, rode his donkey backwards and sang:

Noisy is obscene, kindness is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

The whole family unites as one, and the world is reunited.

The leader is friendly, and the companions have no enemies.

It takes time to see people's hearts, but don't listen to them.

It is advisable to be harmonious with each other, and let others do the good things.

Face difficulties and work bravely to help the poor.

Responsible for others first, blame yourself first, and fight without resentment.

People are the treasure of the world, and righteousness is the treasure on the table.

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